Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Makes more sense now, so in theory the fresh foxfarm soil I am usings nutrients are not active yet? And they will become active slowly once plant/water/environment is introduced?


Yeah, put a bunch of mycco things in there and they will release whats in it faster, soilbalance pro and mammoth p are great. Super expensive, but great. Fish sh!t is good, but it smells horrid.


Great info but straying from the topic a bit.

Any organic composting threads involving old cakes and substrates around this site? :wink: :wink: Nudge nudge excellent thread idea


Try out this one.

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Lol no Iā€™m literally saying that the conversation has moved from mushrooms to composting into soils for growing weed.

Thatā€™s for a different thread

This is the fungus growing and such topicā€¦ Having said that, the above convo does fall on a line lol

But as I stated above would be a great new thread idea :slightly_smiling_face:


Apparently is in need of cannabis seed donations. They say they may have to close if they dont get any soon and have limited their requests to 1 each now.

Same thing happened with fsre back in the day. They never made it. I dont want to see them close.

I want to start a thread, but I dont know how to do so.
After talking to them for awhile they gave me an address to ship ANY donations to.

If anyone was interested please PM me or help me start a thread. I can ask if I can give out their address, but apparently they dont give it out. Which kinda made no sense to me, but he said they only collect Bitcoin now. He used to take cash, but apparently the post cought wind of it and he never received any money that was sent after that. So anyway he had to get a different one and switched to Electronic payments.
I was thithinkiif someone helped me start a thread, I could collect donations and then send a big package of donations to them. It would be less likly a big box gets stollen. But he says any envelopes shipped have been taken.

I am already setting aside about 40 prints I have that Ill never use. Im also getting a few beans soon that I purchased that I can ship out.

If anyone wants to help please let me know.
I hope this website is around for many more years to come.
Stay Happy
:v: :smiley: :latin_cross: :heart:


Shoot me a pm. I can put together a big print pack in a couple weeks.


Iā€™m a terrible person. Iā€™ve long since forgot they existed.

Good looking out @HappyTrees23s


No your not :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I only went back because I found a pack of beans they sent me and wanted to check out the info. Then the notice poped up and I contacted them to ask what was going on. He explained some stuff and I said I would send what I could, but they have no clue Im trying to get a whole bunch of stuff together for them. I hope to get a lot cause I really want to help them out.
I never knew fsre was struggling till I tried to find them years later only to find they shut down :disappointed_relieved: that site was where I got my first spore print ever. I sent a few bucks for an Orissa India print and that started me on a very long road to where I am today.


A post was merged into an existing topic: What do stoners eat? :fork_and_knife:

Check it out! Iā€™m not crazy!


As I type thereā€™s elm oyster mushrooms (hypsizygus ulmarius) cooking in the kitchen, I started growing them mainly for their mycorrhizal properties, I mix a bit of substrate with my weed soil. Iā€™ve had mushrooms popping up in my pots but I could only harvest one of them as the insects devoured the rest before they could mature.

I started with ordering spawn bags, then I pasteurised woodchips I got for free from a friend whoā€™s a woodworker and mixed them with the spawn to double the amount. It worked wonderfully, itā€™s a very tough strain, not very prone to contamination. Now Iā€™m harvesting three tubs, once they stop giving mushrooms I will do the same, new batch of pasteurised woodchips, break up the mycelium and mix again and see what happens, it should grow again. If it works then thereā€™s no need to ever fuck around with spores. I donā€™t understand why people throw away their old substrate, itā€™s still alive, you just need to give it more food! You can expand exponentially, doubling your harvest every time.

Also after harvesting your mushrooms, turn them upside down and give them a sunbath, it increases the vitamin D content, which is good against cancer and depression, etc.

It all started with this book, blew me the fuck away.
I meanā€¦ oyster mushroom mycelium not only breaks down diesel and used engine oil, it can be trained to have it as sole food source and it will THRIVE and pop mushrooms. Shrooms are fucking amazing.


Holy shit, is that a mini laminar flow hood kit for free from Ford? lol

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You could almost use it like one. I just meant using a box fan and a 20x20 filter to clean your air.


Have definitely considered that, specially while making the bins!
Had a quick question for you, I opened some bins for the first time after colonizing and had a bunch of pins and small fruits. Whats the best route to take if its flowering early?


You can pickthem, recase that area and hope that the rest sunchs up. It usually means that area colonized first


Dont have a casing layer handy was thinking of just using verm; think thats ok? If not I can continue using the parchment paper which seems to do something

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Grab a bag of jiffy seed starting mix. Its perfect as casing. Just get it lightly damp, put it in a covered microwave safe container and nuke it for 5 minutes. Stir. Put the lid on lightly. Then 5 more minutes. Now you have sterile casing mix


perfect in microwave as we speak; pick all the fruits/pins regardless if they look like they may grow more?


Yeah, thats the early comers. Its from multi spore, right?

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