Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

no from agar; clone

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Do you see hyphal knots on the rest? Little white dots in the mycellium?

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Yes I do. One large blob fruit; and then not pins but 1-3 inch fruits


I’m guessing the rest is about to start pinning. Just keep an eye on the big ones and pick them when ripe. You don’t have to clear a block all at once. I usually harvest over a 24-48 hour period as they ripen.

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I have video saved of a mouse that I’m pretty sure dug up and ate some contaminated grain last year. Wish I could directly load it here. He just sat there in the middle of everything looking around, taking 2 steps and looking all around again. I watched him for like 20 minutes, he didn’t even seem to recognize that I was there.


That’s one funny looking mouse


Lol, this isn’t my video silly, I was just referencing my own experience after I stumbled onto this


My wolf has eaten like 10,000mg of THC edibles and was blasted for 48 hours lmao
Cased the cakes, glad I did not pick because they have quadrupled in size! Have lost 3 bins to contam unfortunately /: think it was high moisture in my cakes


Tent built, next week spawning tubs.


Nice! I just set up my rack/light want to post a pic soon.Is that a gorilla tent?


Some cheap-o from Amazon, it was like $89 for a 4x4, 4" exhaust fan to pull in fresh air, set 1 minute per hour. Humidifier set to 90% and 8w led bulb set for 12/12. I’m going to use the 3’ long, 6" deep tubs for underbed storage as my fruiting tubs. Every 4 weeks pull everything and wipe down with microban.


The bottom of my NL5 x Afghan pot is pinning. :upside_down_face:

It’s Elm Oyster. There’s no psychedelic mycorrhizal variety that I know of… but I’m sure they exist. Imagine, mycelium that helps your weed grow AND gives you psychoactive shrooms. :sunglasses:

Edit: It may exist as P. Cyanescens. See my next post below.


If anyone is interested in buying these at a very reasonable price. DM me
Im too busy to use them right now.


Thats dope, hopefully have something more controlled soon. Humidity is high here so I save on that, setting up my light soon. If your fruits end up taller than your bin, what will you use as lid? Or no lid bc tent is the bin essentially. Post below is insinuating that psychedelic mushroom mycelium is not beneficial for marijuana growth?


P. Cubensis:

“A scavenger of phosphorus and nitrogen”

Excerpt From: Paul Stamets. “Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World.”

This suggests it would be competing with the plant.

However, I forgot about P. Cyanescens:

“Its affection for growing around and benefiting neighboring plants fascinates me. Although this mushroom can grow in barren wood chips, more frequently P. cyanescens and allies grow in environments between wood chips and grasslands. As “edge runners,” these fungi project fans of exquisitely forming and divergent rhizomorphs, and rich soil appears in the wake of its mycelial waves. This group of species can be a powerful ally to your environment, and to the ecology of your mind.”

Excerpt From: Paul Stamets. “Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World.”

Cyanescens is available here:

Gonna order a kit when I have some spare money and add it to a couple of my other pots.


No lids after the consolidate and totally colonize the tubs. Then a casing layer is added and they will be allowed to fruit into the environment controlled tent.

I know they like some nitrogen and calcium, I’m not surprised by that at all. I hqvent had any fruits ever pop up when reusing substrate into my pots. And I generally don’t see much mycellium after harvest ( the pots I have added tampanesis into I’ve seen a bit of mycellium, but again, no fruits.).

I’m curious about the closer relatives of ps cyans, like azures and allenii. Or ones like bisporas and semilanceata that grows in grasslands and fields.


Have you ever used pure wormcastings as sole substrate?

I suspect when mixing it with some mycelium it would be a feast for mycorrhizal types since wormcastings are able to retain a lot of water for a long time and it’s full of life.

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I do a small % into my substrate mix for a nitrogen boost. Makes fruits just a little larger overall


So found my first pin in my weed plants after just barely a week after planting. The substrate was super dry and spent and I only used 30%.
Also noticed bunch of mold growing on the substrate within the soil /: what should I do?


The mold is fine. Pick it if you want or let it grow IMO