Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Going to let it all ride, specifically why I only planted about 10% of the seeds lol Going to try mixing the soil/sub a little better on the next run. I kind of lasagana’d it

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One Petri dish of agar, to four half gallon mason jars. Now we wait!


Cased the blue magnolia classic and the tidal wave last night.

Then spawned monster ape and lined up ape to spawn in 2ish days.

Also added in a heatlamp it was a little chill at 64°F, my thermostat wasn’t working, so ill have to switch it out for another one.

10-14 days it should have fruits. Sitting at a perfect 85% humidity and 2 minutes every hour it exhausts and pulls in fresh air.


All colonized yet? That much agar should get it done quickly


No it’s barely even moving. I used a 1/4 of the dish for each half gallon. This one has been slow since I bought the ms syringe a year or so ago. I’ll get a pic!

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Ready for a shake IMO.

Ive been waiting for 1/3 colonized. Do you think it’s ready though? I’ll shake it up, maybe that’ll jump start it.

Yeah, does it have a filter port on top for GE?

I find a little higher GE helps them to colonize on my bags

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I have an RTV port and a hole stuffed with poly fil. I made a bunch of RTV lids before I was smart enough to learn agar. Now they’re useless. I tried LC but never got it to take hold real strong.

I’ll give em a shake!

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What a difference 24 hours makes…

Thats the monster ape that was just spawned. This is my vegan organic substrate mix.


And another 24. Apparently they like vegan organic!


good ol Roger Rabbit


So glad I did it right


I used to live in Holland and we could buy shrooms from the smart shops, there was a spell in England too till about 2005 ish you could buy legally here as long as we’re not dried. They stopped everything in Holland except truffles while ago


My friend used to run fish tanks with air exchange and harvest 1000grams . Can’t remember dry or wet but he was killing it! He is one of these dudes though that doesn’t answer phone, you show up at his door though and shit bro how u doing lol. I now live 100’s of miles away and hopefully haven’t lost contact I’ll find out next time I’m in that area lol. His mother was getting old and he may have been forced to move time will tell lol

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This may not be the place to ask, or this may be frowned upon but I’m new to shrooms and have been wanting to get my hands on some spore syringes since I understand those are noob friendly… From the bottom to the top of my heart I would greatly appreciate it someone could lend a helping hand… i have seed to trade if need be.

I want to grow some for myself but more importantly my loved ones because they’ve expressed interest and if the mental health benefits are true about shrooms then we could all use some… I think just about everyone could use some.


That must have been fascinating to witness!

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I have some spores but there old. I’m ditching them for new stock as I don’t make my own substrate and buying new sterile substrate is expensive. So if anyone makes brf cakes with pressure cooker I will gift if they think they can make it work? Have yosterie pheno of equadourian and some koh sumai and a 2.5 Cambodians syringe that can send if someone can make use?


I’ve replaced with some b+ x penis envy and some creepers hopefully keepers creepers one of my favourite strains

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