Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Sweet! Iā€™m very much looking forward to that :wink:


Iā€™ll need to harvest a couple from my tub tomorrow. Got some APEs on the go.


Shitā€¦ Lol :joy::joy::joy::joy:


@Howard.Crane just didnā€™t have the right conditionsā€¦ I did however find something interestingā€¦ and unheard of until then.

Those are boletus pins/ primordia on an agar plateā€¦ that is boletus mycelium


Ectomycorrhizal mycelium (and pins!) on agarā€¦ Thatā€™s a trip. Iā€™m not knowledgeable in that area, but isnā€™t that pretty unusual? I thought they were obligate symbiotes?


Howard what strain are you running and did you sterilize your coco? I got to this point and everything stalled, so I am watching and learning :grin:.

Edit: I re-read your post where you said pasteurized coco. What temp and how long?


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I used 4.5ml of boiling water per gram of coco in a 5gal igloo cooler, and it was still over 170F three hours later. It was a little over field capacity, so I had to squeeze some water out, but it was pretty close.

I basically followed this - BOD's Bucket TEK for Coir substrate (an adaptation of the elementary coir tek by Damion5050) - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board

It seems to have worked well as far as I can tell.

Iā€™m running Golden Teacher from a spore syringe I got from Sporeworks. This was the most aggressive of the containers I inoculated, fwiw.


I will give it a read, thanks!


For whatever itā€™s worthā€¦

Despite everyone on Shroomery being dead set against automation, idgaf and built an automated tub out of parts that I already had lying around from my automated bud curing chamber.

Because Iā€™m just doing this little tray for shits and grins while I wait for enough spawn to run a full tub, I put the tray in there.

Thereā€™s currently no fresh air exchange while I wait for it to finish colonizing, but thereā€™s plenty of gas exchange, and Iā€™m keeping the humidity around 90% give or take.

Seems to be working well enough for me so farā€¦

Hereā€™s what that looks like:

I figured the little tray could serve as an experiment and learning experience to see how I should do a real run.


Peace All. @Howard.Crane would U mind divulging the price of these GT and how long ago U get them? I have been looking for them but only have used one source for my spores soā€¦ I trust my line of questioning is not too invasive. Be well. Stay safe. :fist:t5:

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I got the spore syringe from Sporeworks for less than $20USD.


Exactlyā€¦ It was a real surprise!! But I never did anything else with it, i didnt have the right conditions

Soon after they just died


Thatā€™s a dandy little setup you got going there. I find a lot of people on the Shroomery to be a little stuck up. A lot of the stuff they tell you NOT to do works just fine with growing your own mush. Many of the users there are very anal when it comes to working in a sterile environment and want to spend a pile of money on equipment you donā€™t or wonā€™t need. I do all my work in my kitchen with no issues. I also sterilize my substrate in a pressure cooker which is apparently a big no no to them but I havenā€™t had a single issue with trich doing so and I was losing tub upon tub trying to pasteurize the substrate because they said sterilization kills other important bacteria needed. A lot of them also donā€™t like the youtubers who provide fantastic information in a simple form. I learned most everything from YouTube and asking a few questions on a better forum.


I think youā€™ve got it. Are you leaving the lid on or off? I always left the lid on until itā€™s fully colonized, then start air flow.


The lid is fully on. Itā€™s essentially acting as a very humid still air box right now, lol. From the looks of things this morning, full colonization is going to be reached pretty soon, imo.


Harvested a couple this morning and got this other tub getting ready to fruit.


If stored in a dry place and if you keep them in glass slants that overlap each other, like a bookā€¦ they should be viable for many yearsā€¦ decades or more.


Question for you guys - Looking for a spores to grow in a northern forest environment

Any recommendations ?

Where to get them ?


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Anyone interesting in buying this print? Things are super tight and I donā€™t have the money to get a frame or anything. With shipping I paid over $160 for it. Printed on matte paper. Iā€™m looking for $60 for it. Shipping within Canada only and will cost about $30. Private message me if interested.