Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Iā€™m really pleased with the way this came together.

The latches hold the two halves together without leaks. Going to remove one set of the latches of course.

Bottom is cut out to be tall enough to have a qt Mason jar go in and out without touching the tote

Iā€™m just waiting for the controller for the fan now, itā€™s pushing too much air :sweat_smile:. Other possible additions later are led light strips, and UVC sterilization light. The best part is, the whole thing still comes apart and can be stored as one large tote with everything safely inside it.

Iā€™m trying to be patient and test this setup first, before cracking open one of the cultured plates I got sent. I have one clean agar plate, at least it was the only one not contaminated the last time I checked it. Iā€™m going to let the hood run for a bit, then leave the plate open inside it for 5 mins. But it would take another week to let it incubate, while I really want to get this project started!


That looks really interesting, nicely done! Iā€™m extremely curious about whether that plate will stay clean.

But I shouldnā€™t have read it this late at night, because now my mind is churning with ideas and I need to sleep, lol :sob:


The day got away from me and I didnā€™t get around to testing/using it at all. I know I should test it before doing some work, but I want to get this batch going. I need to take pieces from a cultured plate to make a new agar culture, LC, and scrape some of the mycelium into water so I can inject it into a grain bag I bought.


Well I went for it and just did the mycelium transfer. Weā€™ll see if the plates got contaminated. (I did not end up using that hole puncher, it was going to be for a 90sec rice bag, but I decided to just start with the big grain bag)

I scraped the surface of the agar with the scalpel and got some shavings if agar and mycelium, roughly 1/4 of the plates worth. I did that so thereā€™s not chunks of agar i had to break up for the syringe and to leave some blank agar behind to get recolonized. I put one good sized piece on the blank agar plate I had left. Then I poured some apple juice out of the bottle, and added 10ml of it to a shot glass with the mycelium sample. I broke up the pieces by repeatedly sucking it up and squirting it out until it could be done smoothly. I put 4ml of it into the juice bottle and the remaining 6ml was used to inoculate a 3lb grain bag. I heated the scalpel and cut/melted a hole into the cap for the juice bottle and put a piece of micropore paper tape over it for gas exchange.
When it was all done, I collapsed the flow hood for storage.

Oh, I kept the piece of plastic that I cut out of the lid for the hepa filter, I put it back on over the filter to protect it.




Almost ready to fruit that one, the yellow bits youā€™re seeing are enzymes from the mycelium trying to break down the media, so no problems there


Thanks man.
It was on the road to compostā€¦


Does that happen in a agar plate too?

I found my answer, yes this happens on agar too.
@Pannonian It can also be a product that the fungi produces as an immune response or defense against other microbes. Theyā€™re studying the compounds that fungi produce in response to specific pathogens and how itā€™s specific to that pathogen.
Skip to 5:15 for what Iā€™m talking about


This is genius
If you have success I will be copying/stealing this idea.

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As of 24hrs after working with the agar they donā€™t show contamination, but still have a little bit to go be for itā€™s sure. Also, I posted this on shroomery, did not get good response from the experienced members there :sweat_smile:. To them, itā€™s either laminar flow or nothing. I can see the concern, but I think properly cleaning then purging it for a while (letting it run) before using it will work fine. But still going through the first test run. Iā€™ll do a proper test once I get more blank agar plates.


Lol I bet. That crowd is very knowledgeable but a Lil snobby. Iā€™m not hating I love the resource. Iā€™ve done a few successful uncle bens tek but we donā€™t talk about that. :laughing:

Thatā€™s great news.


I bought the grain bags for my first go, but honesty the uncle Ben tek may be the way I go until I get a PC. It is much more cost effective, readily available, and it works. $20 for a 3lb injectable bag of grain locally, or 6 bags of 90sec rice for 7.50, no brainer. cubes grow perfectly fine on brown rice, so why bother with anything else?!? Iā€™m going to put some globs of silicone on by rice bags (dollar tree organic for $1.25!) so they will be the essentially the same as the injectable bags. I have some breathing filter patches on their way, I may use those instead of just micropore tape, but donā€™t see a reason to other than to make it look more ā€œlegitā€ :rofl:.
Once I get a PC, I have tons of brown rice I can use as my family owns a Chinese restaurant :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: yes, I know I can do the broke boi tek and just steam sterilize. Iā€™m actually wondering why not brown rice straight from a rice cooker, Iā€™ve seen thatā€™s how they make the substrate for cordyceps. However, cordyceps are usually done with a very high inoculation ratio to have a very fast and aggressive colonizations. They pour the LC bottle right into the cooled rice, then usually let it sit in the flow hood for a while to let it air dry a bit.


I think i figured what is problem
I usually use casing layer, but this time i decide to do it without casing. When surface was allmost colonised(perfect time for casing and avoiding problems with exces water) i noticed that there is alot of big water droplets on surface. I start to fan to induce pinning.
I think that yellow spots are reaction on water.
If it was contam I think that there would be changed area around spots, or spots will get biger with timeā€¦
Now there is normal knots and primordia on surfaceā€¦

Here is some recent grows
Third flush

Some random pics

Some super sofisticated equipment.


Thatā€™s what Sir Ian Fleming discoveredā€¦ that the penicillium mold produced a serum that kept bacteria at bayā€¦ he then understood that the liquid was a form of antibiotic.


The serum produced by penicillium used by Sir Fleming



The 3lb grain bag I bought finally went South on me, and its contents are now living in a planter in the back yard. In the time that it took to colonize about three golf balls worth of volume, Iā€™ve had three generations of Uncle Benā€™s fully colonize (first inoculation with the same syringe plus two g2g generations).

Next generation is gonna be a different brand though, because I kinda hate how wet the Benā€™s brand is.


Yea Iā€™ve heard how UB is a bit wet, Dollar treeā€™s organic brown rice is what Iā€™m going to be trying. Iā€™m about to prep a few rice bags with globs of silicone to use as injection ports, just because.
Coincidentally I had stumbled upon and bout the dollar tree rice the same day, just before he posted this video. Also, Iā€™m currently sitting outside dollar tree about to go in to get more as I was reading and posting here.


I saw some of those at the dollar tree recently too :thinking: and I have a fresh tube a silicone. Might give it a try.


Iā€™d like to report, 48hr at 72-76F and so far not seeing anything growing on the agar except the mycelium I transferred. Canā€™t really get a pic though condensation and plastic wrap.

I didnā€™t do any of the Ben bags yet, but theyā€™ve got enough moisture that I think Iā€™ll also add the filter disks to those ahead of time as well


Been a week and I have a bit of growth in my two UB bagsā€¦ I wanted to try it out and see if it could be a half way decent alternative to pf cakes or small scale bulk grows


You can still save it!! Just cover it with the medium you use normally to produce in tubsā€¦ it is possible to get more flushes in the wild.

There are growers that do this once the initial medium is spent and then just chuck the remains in to compost piles and cover with the favourite medium of the actual grown fungus.