Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Thatā€™s sort of what I didā€¦ I stuck it in a fabric pot mixed with coir and worm castings, and then put a thin layer on top as well (after the pic was taken) and let it get rained on.

I guess I could try a little harder, but Iā€™m anticipating having more sour spawn in the near future to work with, just given the law of averages if nothing else.



Oh cool, thatā€™s the same brand I just got. Iā€™ll be curious to see how well that works for you.


3 days after transferring some mycelium to a new agar player and not showing any signs of contamination. So far the flow hood seems to be working, just need to run a proper test and leave a blank plate open for a min and see what happens.


heck yes, great thread! cant believe i just nowfound it!

iā€™ve neer considered silicone for an injection port for UB, im gonna have to give that a try on my next go!


Looking at the way injectable bags are made, I think I should also put a piece of tape over the silicone. Probably a good idea anyway in case it doesnā€™t stick well to the plastic if/when you break and shake the rice.

@CornbreadJunior off topic, but I giggle every time I see your name, it reminds me of an infamous post on my ice fishing forum by a guy who went by cornbread
Perch roe, a cautionary tale - by Cornbread


holy shit thats funnyā€¦ im ttly impressed he kept going.
oddly though i really seriously want to try perch roe nowā€¦


That was a funny ass post on that fishing forum. When I see his name this is what comes to mind


I have an account on the shroomery but havenā€™t logged in for years since I downloaded all the TEKs and dialed in my process :sweat_smile: I use a similar filter to yours, I think it was suggested in a text on the shroomery lol, and it has worked fine for me as long as I let the fan run for 10 minutes before using the glove boxā€¦I also spray the inside with alcohol and let the air flow dry that before I begin. Nowadays I usually just use a flame to create a convection current like we did in many Microbiology classes I attended because its very difficult working in a mini flow box :raised_hands: Once you have livr mycelium (not with spores of course) you can add peroxide to your LC or Agar to keep contaminants at bay. I also add peroxide to my perlite base which I put my smaller pucks on and in my humidifier for my bulk teks and found that it keeps contamination down and helps initiate pinning.


New pic from last night, 30 hours of growth. Condensation and glare in the way of course. Itā€™ll be a little bit before I see anything from the grain bag since I injected it all towards the center of a 3lb bag.

@herojuana.tom thanks for that tip on the peroxide. I only just read that I can use peroxide or even alcohol to clean a sample before putting it to agar. Good to know for when I try my hand at taking samples from mushrooms I find in the wild (I want to get a culture of a local morel)


I realize Iā€™m getting ā€œstrainaholicā€ with thisā€¦
Yesterday I received my Cordyceps Militaris LC, and today I got the sinensis culture :joy:. Neither are the ā€œfunnyā€ fungus types, but packed with medicinal and health benefits. My lions mane culture is slowly growing, itā€™s more of a thicker strands off the tissue sample,
Also, if anyone is thinking about growing gourmet or medicinal mushrooms, Out-Grow has a huge selection! The Cordyceps Sinensis LC syringe I got is ā€œpackedā€ with mycelium. The Militaris culture I got from another source has no where near as much fluff in it. I know itā€™ll still do the trick, and may even continue to grow in the syringe, but itā€™s a big difference!

Also, not sure if that agar plate I transferred to got contaminated, or if I knocked some cells loose when I dropped the plate and it landed on one edge :confounded:. Either way I see a few white specks starting to grow along one side. Just going to keep watching it and see what develops. Iā€™ll try to get a pic later.


Well, going to keep watching to see what it does, but not exactly looking good with my first transfer.

I put my positive pressure box to the real test last night. I got a stack of fresh agar plates that needed to be individually wrapped. So I sprayed down the box, then let it run for 10-15 mins before working in it. I left one agar plate open while I put parafilm on 4 plates, taking my time so there was a good few minutes of exposure. Then I wrapped that plate and labeled it. But since I was at it, I also transferred two LC syringe (two different cordyceps) to agar and to expand in apple juice.


always glad to share what I know! I also use premiumspores.comā€¦ I have never once had any issues in approx 20 years. They ship from Canada or US depending on where you are located :v:


you should be able to isolate some clean growth, I would transfer some clean sectors to some fresh plates before this plate is completely overrun with infection.


I still have the original plate that was fully colonized, not sure if I want to keep working with this vs getting another piece from the original. Also want to see if my flow box actually works. I may have already wasted other agar plates since I didnā€™t wait for confirmation before I started the culture. Will have to see.


cool, coolā€¦ just a suggestionā€¦ this plate might be great for testing and refining your transfer technique without risking contamination of your original plate. You can experiment, for example with peroxide as a method to clean this plate up, without losing or harming the original. It should only take 3 days of incubation to know if your plates are contaminatedā€¦ you will see contams growing on the plate by the three day mark


Iā€™ve had a really shit day physically, just freaking awful, butā€¦

Iā€™m seeing a lot of knots forming today and just saw this, so at least I got that going for me, which is nice :wink:

UPDATE - Seeing a dozen pins this morning and tons of knots, looks like itā€™s on the way. Iā€™m stoked! :mushroom:


The plate I did the transfer to is definitely contaminated and not just bits of the mycelium that got knocked loose.

I hope that my LC and grain bag isnt also going to be junk. But the grain bag is definitely colonizing

@herojuana.tom Well I found a crack in the lid of the original plate, not sure how that happened. Iā€™m going to have to try and get a clean transfer one way or another. Going to use one tote as a SAB for now, or try and use the top tote that has the fan and filter as a mini Flow hood by itself. Just have to turn it sideways and turn it down till itā€™s not blowing out a lighter. I have the test plate to keep an eye on still, gonna see how poorly this ā€œblow boxā€ works.


Oh no, sorry to hear about that crack. Your persistence will pay off, though, it is our struggles that help us learn and progress! All is not lost, but the latest pic shows the contam appears to be sporulating now so that dish may be toast soon. I would say it can still be savedā€¦ Take a slice of the least contaminated looking section of your mycelium and dip it in peroxide for a few seconds and then transfer that slice to another dish. If that dish shows any contamination, transfer another slice to a new plate again. Do that until you have a clean plate. If you had collected a contaminated strain that, for instance, you had found at an outdoors location ā€“ that would be the process you would use to clean it up and isolate a clean culture


Oh I know, Iā€™ve read/heard it can be 3-5 transfers sometimes, and itā€™s almost always contaminated when taking samples from the wild. I plan on doing some foraging/scavenger hunting for certain mushrooms, local morels would be like gold (uncommon to rare here in Maine).


Do you have some links with tested and proven method for morel cultivation? Itā€™s a quite problematic to complete cyclus.

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