Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

The info I got was citing the patent that was approved for someone. They say even when they do everything the same, itā€™s 40% success rate. But I wouldnā€™t mind trying anyway, plus get some spawn to seed outdoor locations. If I canā€™t find a local variety, I might try landscape morels since they are known to pop up in lawns and wood mulch, which leads me to believe theyā€™re are the least picky of substrate conditions. All the videos I see of morel cultivation also show grass growing in their trays and outdoor beds

@Spunk this is prob the most informative write up Iā€™ve read so far. Cultivation of Morel Mushrooms

Doing more reading now lol


Not exactly impressive, but Iā€™m not unhappy with this so far. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever tried growing these, so Iā€™m just happy it hasnā€™t completely messed the bed yet, lol.

Iā€™m super anxious now for my other spawn to finish colonizing so I can do a proper tub.


Damn these things grow fast!


Holy crap yea they do! :laughing: I just did the break and shake on my 3lb bag, there was at least 1/3 of the bag already colonized in the center. Of course I forgot to take a pic right before, but nearly the entire bottom of the bag was colonized.


Nice! Man I wish my 3lb bag of millet had done that! Kinda jealous, not gonna lie.

Looks like as of this morning Iā€™ve got ten bags of UB rice fully colonized now, so Iā€™ll be spawning that to bulk this weekend. Iā€™m stoked!

In other news, I crumbled my spent oyster mushroom blocks into a planter on the back deck a while back, and just now noticed thisā€¦

I honestly didnā€™t expect anything to come of it, I just figured it would be good fertilizer, so thatā€™s kind of hilarious to me :laughing:


Iā€™m going to try exactly that, oysters in a bed or plant container outside. If I did that inside itā€™s likely a time bomb for fungus gnats


I always had good luck with putting spent and bad fruiting blocks outside. Iā€™d cover them with cardboard to keep the moisture in.


Iā€™m definitely going to be putting them outside from now on. Got plenty of cardboard, too.


Iā€™m seriously thinking of giving this a try, now that I know that I like oyster mushrooms:


Lions mane can be grown the same way, Iā€™m just waiting for my culture of it to take off, not sure itā€™s liking the Apple juice :crazy_face:, but itā€™s growing. Iā€™m going to get a piece of golden oyster from Whole Foods in a couple days when I have time. Not sure what else is in that variety pack but maybe something else fun.

Oh, I got excited when I saw this, then saw the store has been sold out of paper cat liter for a while :crazy_face:


Hahaha they do donā€™t they!! Hehehe

This comes to mind


Lionā€™s mane is a bit slow compared to other types of mushroom.


But entirely worth it based on tasteā€¦ Like chicken of the woodsā€¦ You have not lived, and Ill swear to it lol until you have sliced this mushroom up and breaded and fried it or just sauteed in butterā€¦ Taste and consistency right down to the pull apart breast meat, of chickenā€¦

Iā€™m just getting geared up for morel season hereā€¦ Favorite mushroom of all time for me


I canā€™t eat chicken of the woodsā€¦ unfortunatelyā€¦ itā€™s very tasty.but it makes my head spin and gives me vertigoā€¦

Yeah morels are goodā€¦ but I prefer boletus edulis, pinicola etc ā€¦
or pleurothus erengyā€¦ or tricholoma portentosus


Very good and also nice for drying and keeping for laterā€¦

Interesting that you say that about chicken of the woodsā€¦ Chanterelles give me a weird vertigo/body lightness and stumblesā€¦ One of the only mush Iā€™ve found that I canā€™t eat, but I want to cuz theyā€™re so delicious lol


Yeah chanterelles are nice tooā€¦ you ever tried making jam? Very niceā€¦


I have not, but plan on being out this year and collecting different species for drying to make teas and capsulesā€¦ ran across more than a few good turkey tail logs and stumps looking for turkey hunting spots the other day that I can revisitā€¦

Chaga is actually somewhat plentiful near me and itā€™s not hard to run into some different species with some great properties here either which is good.

Trying to back into the herbal side of things in most aspects of my life.

What Iā€™m more worried about right now though is my UB bag I have secretly going cuz I donā€™t wanna talk about how Iā€™m trying reddit tricks to save time lol


Well, I missed that narrow window and they started dropping spores, soā€¦

Not much of a haul for this tiny aluminum tray, but Iā€™m still pretty happy. Itā€™s about 50g wet minus the four biggest caps Iā€™m trying to print.

Gonna start prepping my sub for a proper tub run today. Iā€™m freaking psyched.


Mehā€¦ They stop producing psilocybin when the veil breaksā€¦ doesnā€™t mean open caps are any less potent, just a bit messier lol

As for prints if youā€™re transferring to agar and working it out, slight environmental contam from the print is bound to happenā€¦ just cut away from it lol

But either way, agar or msā€¦ If it works it works.


Some of them didnā€™t even look like they had veils this morning, lol. Iā€™m very surprised how fast they did that. I was mostly just saying I thought I had more time to be lazy. :wink:

Gonna be continuing with the grain to grain transfers until it stops working for me, but wanted to try and take a spore print for potential future use.