Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Totally saving this print :laughing:


That’s fabulous, lol. I would too :laughing:


I have great expectations with this one :innocent:

It seems that a full circle around the cross is the path I am on
But who knows 

As Heraclitus said - “The way up and the way down are one and the same.”


Holy shit that’s an awesome print!

1 Like

Has anyone seen something like this?

I tried a few jars of “blenderless inoculation”, and the more colonized it gets, the more it’s pulling the chunks of agar that were against the glass into the interior of the rice.

There’s literally a gap where the agar used to be, and it’s swallowing the pieces.

Hard to capture in pictures, I should do a video :thinking:

It’s very freaking strange to watch it progress.


It may lose moisture, dry out and lose volume
I’m guessing
When shaking the jar, the agar cracked, the mycelium entered the cracks, sucked out the moisture. and digested it. Drying creates new cracks and the process continues 

2nd flush MS. I remove liner while dunking

6 days after introducing fresh air still no signs of fruiting. No knots
 White dots are reflection on water droplets

And one question.
Which gourmet mushrooms can be relatively easily cultivated and are good for drying and long term storage?


Pleurotus (Oyster mushrooms) are a good start


As Skyf said, oyster mushrooms are easy but they’re not great eating after being dried and reconstituted. Most of the edible mushrooms are pretty easy to grow, but I can’t think of any that are good to eat dried and rehydrated except for maybe shitake or porcini.

However, if you just want the health benefits of mushrooms, growing many of the edible + medicinal varieties such as lion’s mane, reishi, enoki, maitaki retain their medicinal compounds for years after drying as long as they’re stored in a cold, dry, dark place. And those you can make dual extractions (DE) from to extract the most medicinal compounds. A dual extraction makes the medicinal compounds much more accessible to our bodies than eating the mushrooms themselves.

The recipe for a dual extraction is:

  1. 1lb dried mushrooms finely ground / powdered and soaked in 2L of vodka for 30 days (shaken regularly).
  2. After 30 days, strain it, squeezing and reserving the vodka. I use a nut milk bag for this step and strain into a big kitchen bowl.
  3. Put the wet mushroom muck in a crock pot with 2.5L of water and steep on the “warm” setting (not over 160F) for 8-12hrs before straining it, reserving the water.
  4. Combine the water & the vodka in equal parts to make the DE tincture.
  5. Store in a cool or cold, dark spot.
  6. Use 5-10ml per day for health benefits.

If you get the amounts of vodka extract and water extract equal, your end product will be about 20 proof, which is enough to stay sterile for a few years under good conditions.



Don’t forget about turkeytail! Along with cordyceps im already growing, I’ll be starting lions mane and turkey tail next. Looks like I should get a bag of wood pellets :yum:


A water damaged copy of “Alice in wonderland” which grew fungi


 is awesome!



Second flush, right?


Yep yep

Need to pick some more bags up


Fresh ones are more potent, during the drying process the unstable psilocin is broken down. Psilocybin gets broken down into psilocin in your body. So the effects of a fresh mushroom are going to be stronger and it’ll usually come on faster.

Just got home to see this đŸ„č😂
Second flush


Thank you
I’ll try this method when I grow some medicinal mushrooms

Of the gourmet mushrooms that may be suitable for drying, for now I have singled out shitake and pioppino (Black poplar mushroom).
As for the genus Pleurotus, maybe Eryngii could be interesting


Nice nipples @Seamonkey84


That’s what I thought too :joy:.

That batch had My biggest one yet.


So this is my second monotube build. 30 gallon “wally world” same blue top smaller tubs for substrate coco coir/ med grade vermic. I use pint wide mouth with rye flour/fine vermic with filter discs and I punch two holes and fill one with high temp gasket sealer making a self healing injection site. I then crumble those up with my substate that I sterilize in Tupperware container and pillow case. multiple strains in our tents so why not cub’s the left is 1 pint of B+ and to the right is 1 1/2 pints of Mazatapec my personal fav so far. I didn’t get my B+ tray colonized to my liking because my Mazatapecs were already growing cubs those are what I picked off 2 days ago when I soaked and starting fruiting. I got two trays of Penis Envy on deck with 2 pints each tray. I cut 2 inch holes with sticky filters but secured them with micro tape as well as double tape at my hose entry. Humidifier set to run on med for 2 mins every hour. This should be interesting if this kinda shit gets ya going it does me


Thanks for catching that! I don’t include turkey tail because it’s not exactly an edible “gourmet” mushroom. :wink: And, while I have grown it at home, it grows plentifully everywhere around the world so you’re better off just going into your local forest to collect it from some rotting logs. It’s pretty easily identified.
