Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

oh right, the gourmet part lol. I plan on foraging for it too, but I find my time spent out in the woods or on the water to be less and less these days. I just ordered turkey tail LC so I can grow some anyway.

I really need to try and get a better pic, but the cordyceps bin is finally pinning!


ordered a couple syringes for my next grow. Was looking at my stock the other day to grind some up for the next couple month’s microdosing and I’m getting low.



Best looking cap/print I’ve had in a good minute


It starts


I was expecting more. Looks like you have some pretty big water drops on the surface. To get pinning you need that evaporation, so if you’re not already using one, get a fine mist sprayer from amazon. You want those fine dew drops across the surface, not rain drops


Had a couple of jars from my blenderless liquid inoculant experiment that were “close enough”

So I spawned them to a couple of shoeboxes

The agar cultures that I used to inoculate the rice were clones of my first flush, so I’m very curious to see how these are gonna do. It’s my first attempt at growing from a clone.

I’ve also got a few more bags of instant rice going, all colonized from agar cultures. They all seem to be progressing quickly.


Im not sure where is problem. Substrate moisture was on low side, there was not great condensation on tray sides and lid. Entire lid is 24 h slightli lifted. Maybe o.5 cm. I fan constantly
It seams to me that substrate produce those droplets.
But im not unsatisfied. It s MS, and new mushrums constantly apears.


Just crack the lid open so it’s not latched, or put it on the tote upside down. I don’t bother fanning or spraying. All I did for my shoebox was unlatch the lid to start more air flow for fruiting and put on the dub tub when they reached the lid.


@Seamonkey84 yeah I never do any fanning. Just keep a nice amount of FAE and mist the surface when I can’t see any droplets on the surface.

@Pannonian now that it’s fruiting just chill on the water. Too much humidity and you’re gonna get fuzzy feet on all your shrooms. After you harvest soak the cake for a couple hours, drain, and put right back into fruiting but go lighter on the spays. Especially the first few days after the soak.


After my last flush, I tossed the sub into a bin out back. I wasn’t really expecting anything, especially since it broke into pieces when I did it, but I’ve got a few pins lol.

Probably the only ones I’ll get, but it’s still cool :laughing:

This is the biggest one so far.


damn spores anyone? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


A new challenger appears!


Trying something besides cubes eh :crazy_face:.
Why does it look like that syringe is filled with vermiculite??


Yeah, I’m really taken with the idea of having an outdoor bed of wood loving mushrooms, and the local climate is good for them so I figured why not?

I’ve been reading about them for months, and finally got the courage to give them a try.

It’s a really dark syringe, much darker than what I got before. The vermiculite look is probably just lighting and the fact that a lot of spores were stuck to the side of the syringe, lol :laughing:


I gave up on my Petspioneer humidifier. It kept clogging so I cleaned 3 times a row and gave up for three days until I could go buy some distilled water. This tub with only 4- 2 inch holes with filter discs only needs misting once a day lift the lid maybe an inch and squirt squirt condo all day. f**k that petspoineer.


I misted only once with fine spray. Few days surface was ideal, little humidity on tray… And then it starts with bigger droplets suddenly.
Dont know

I never tryed tub with holes. Maybe i ll should try
This is how i regulate humidity

Second flush. Different genetics, with casing


Careful with them hehe


Yeah, that’s something I would really not enjoy.

I’ve had wild Stuntzii in the past without experiencing that as far as I can remember, so I’m hopeful it won’t be a problem. It’s pretty uncommon, isn’t it?

Gonna build a Cyan bed at a buddy’s house, for him to use for his PTSD and depression, and he’s like “nah, it’s temporary, bring it on” when I mentioned that possibility to him, lol.

I just inoculated three agar plates to see if they will germinate, gonna also try some grain jars and pf-tek jars. Whatever germinates will be cleaned up as necessary and then transferred to jars of sterilized wood chips for expansion before going outside.


I spent a couple hours thinking I was blind…I was just in a dark bathroom.