My Bubble hash making tech

I’ve got a jar going trying to make diamonds at the moment haven’t checked it in a couple days now.


excellent news! Package is en-route having survived re-entry from outer space. AKA made it into the country lol! Gonna need a fork lift to get it in there hah hah just kidding a single person can move it. Also I shouldn’t have been checking on the progress of the hash in the fridge, as that sets the process back. It’s rocking up for sure. I touched it! I am doing it right, I just fucked with it by taking it out and opening it up, apparently that’s a no no. hah hah and I did it again today. I’ll leave it alone for 2 weeks…should be good.


Yikes! It’s really hard to get things out here. It’s almost like I’m living on the fucking moon! And I don’t really exist! hah hah…oh my. Anyways…with some more greasing of the wheels… I think that thing is getting really close to arriving. It’s NEVER easy getting things! The struggle is real! Once I decide to purchase something, if I can’t drive to the store and buy it there… that’s when the headaches start. You have to literally be made of money, to get those fuckers…to come all the way out here.


Something is happening to it. I don’t take it out of the fridge or open it anymore lol! I’ll remember the rules next time.


Diffently something magical happening there looks smooth


yah that’s the back side of it under glass. The rules are to never open it, so I leave it closed in the fridge then pick it up and photo the backside. I only have one other photo of the back from last month when it was still frozen. Believe me, it looks quite different now heh heh but it’s not complete yet. Then, I’ll open it up and take a photo from the top again. Great news! The press is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, then I can see what other odds and sods I need before I start a huge 50 gram smash. mmm can’t wait to smash 50 grams of 90 micron hash. That’s the glory right there, the money shot.


according to the instructions I shouldn’t have to exceed 700 psi for a good smash at 64 degrees Celsius. can’t wait.


The green button says “Full of good things” on it. Too funny!


oh yah, so I need some 25 micron rosin sacks and I’m good to go. I think the controls look pretty simple… red controls pressure, the digital display controls the temperature and green means go. If you pound the red knob it drops the pressure to 0 psi, stopping the cycle. We’ll soon see how this puppy operates.

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Fancy tool there, I’m excited to see it in action.


Nice press I can see the thick gob of goodness dripping off those plates .


well after fucking around with it, I don’t know squat about operating an automated heat press. And there are no instructions. Just what you saw there, a giant machine capable of crushing things. I’ll fuck with the controls and figure it out. At least I can set the temperature and crushing time. That’s a start.


Start playing around with lesser grade hash, save the 90 micron goodness for when you have the hang of it. :+1::seedling:


hah hah hell yah, I knew that crap would come in handy.

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While playing with the lower grade hash and waiting for your bags, try using a coffee filter, unbleached are best. Go light on the pressure to prevent blow outs. :grin:


I’ll usually make a envelope out of parchment paper and squish works pretty good .


Can you really use a coffee filter to press with


Holy shit that machine looks high end very nice


You can, but the mesh bags are better.

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hah hah yah the thing is splendific and it’s really fucking heavy. So far I set the display to Celsius and went through all the settings. Changed the temp. Not sure what all the shit is on the display config. I got my unbleached filters here, so I might be ready to give it a go. I have no idea what time to use… or what the up down settings are. I set it for 8 seconds? fuck if I know. pressure… time and temperature. I think I’ve figured out one of the settings :wink: