My first grow journal white crack!

Thanks you all if I don’t win I hope one of you do! I’m not sure what I’m doing with the hash yet. Its still in the freezer drying ATM.

So Skywalker x cdlc auto got new home


So tried to bend my clone and a day later the outer layer of skin split. I tied it to the base of the plant. This was 5 days ago and it has uprighted itself. Is this a spot I need to watch?

@PhilCuisine any thoughts?


Did you pinch the stems before you bent it? Sometimes I use pliers to pinch my main stems/stalks if it’s too thick/woody but if it’s starting to right itself now you should be ok…


I kinda pinched and rolled the stem at the bend spot. The split showed up next day. Thanks though it was a clone so is ablittle more woody. I will remeber that next time. I like the bend it looks like I won’t have to stake to support the main cola.


So this is one of my Afghan original #1 this leaf fading is only happening about 10inch from top of plant and only on the outter most big fan leaves. Could this be the issue

The difference in the height of those 2 lights is about where the outside fan leaves are fading. Also I turn my plants everyday so it would go all the way around.


So top pic is my idea lol @Pigeonman gets that credit. Each cup has an A in it. The pic of the plugs from left to right,C,A,A,B phenos for cripXmas bud @OriginalDankmaster96 project. I’ll share these on your thread in morning will have some more popped by then. The 2 extra As I threw in germed already.:+1:


Hey there. Nice looking plants. I see a couple minor issues but am not entirely sure of the cause. You have some leaf edges curling downward and some leaf tips rolling upward. Saggy leaves could show early MG deficiency. Curled leaf tips too though. Because of this I’m thinking salt buildup in the root zone. Have you flushed the plants yet? I see the tips of some leaves are slightly burnt, so you must be pushing them to the limits of their feeding requirements…

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I flushed before flower should do again thanks the weird colored leaves I’m pretty sure Is from my other light being 8 in closer . I hope at least. Thanks

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So this is my afghan original #1 49 days it was manifold


My white crack day 86 auto flower


My afghan original I saved from the trash can
49 days flower


Tatoonie doughnut


Buds are looking solid!
Great job! :v::green_heart:

I love that tattoo doughnut , what kinda flavors do you get from her?

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So far gassy diesel. It’s (layer cake x chocolate nightmare) x jawa pie(key lime pie x alien rift)


So I chopped down my white crack today day 88. Smells slightly citrus with a peppery punch and earthy undertones. Can’t wait to smoke some.

My tatoonie doughnut has jumped to the finish wow. So not much growth was looking to be low yielding one morning all pistils were pulled in about a week ago. Now she is putting on the weight. Trics are still clear with just a little cloudy but I’m ready for this one to be done all of a sudden. Today is week 8 and I believe is a 9-10 week flower time so :crossed_fingers: it keeps swelling for the next week or so.


So I am almost out of smoke about 3 grams left do you think I can sssstttrrrech it out? Doubt it but damn it I hate the dispensary.
@Pigeonman thank you for the beans. @AzSeaindooin420 @LoveDaAutos here is my white crack auto from mephisto harvested. Oh ya @Carty


Plants are looking nice. You can always take a bud and flatten it between two pieces of glass and put it out in the sun for a couple hours. Ready to smoke.

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Take ur trim and throw it in some bubble bags, hash makes great in between harvest, getting rid of previous seasons smoke