My first grow journal white crack!

So overall you don’t do much/any defoliation correct?

Not until week before flip( except the manifold) then week 3. I’m at week 4 of flower and don’t need to pull any more. As I’m using LST I leavve as many leaves as possible. I pull a lot usually do kinda of lollipop before the flip then clean it up eek 3.


Looking great brohiem, gonna be frosty girls here shortly… are you taking any clones?

Maybe I already have a clone of a clone I’ve been wanting to run but I won’t have room next grow either. So I might just stick with the Bruce banner #3 clone since I can keep it under the blurple.


So @DrGonzo13 you asked how I got table top flat I just caught what you were asking about. My tatoonie doughnut only stretched 2" crazy right so this is why they look like this I think. They are stacking with no stretch.


What would cause these leaves to curl? Too much cool direct air from a fan maybe thanks.

@Pigeonman any thoughts?


Edit: Mostly genetic maybe, must have developed in very sunny but dry climate, the curling helps to catch dew, water which then can be absorbed by the leaves.

Just guessing though, could be aesthetic preference, nature creating just for fun! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
That’s what this plant is all about anyway. :upside_down_face:


They just want to be in my tent as bad as I want them to be in it :joy::heart_eyes:

I made something I think🔥


It’s a afghan original #1. There is a fan just above the level because only happening to a few colas about 1/3 way down


So a chance to win a viparspectra ks 5000!

I hope I’m allowed to post this @dougdawson is this ok? If so I’ll move to giveaways thread I know only couple people follow me lol


Then I guess my plant that looks similar is getting more draft from my window than I realized. :thinking:

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Its been trial and error but that is the only rhing it can be at that level for me. Only a few middle leaves that are just under fan level.

Sure man, it’s your thread. Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway :v:

Thanks I wasn’t sure if it was marketing or whatever.

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No man, you are cool. You are just pointing out a giveaway that you are nor affiliated with. Totally cool.

Day 35 quick tent shots


Anyone want to register to win a viparspectra ks5000 from use my code please it’s a $500 light
@Bobgrows @Pigeonman @Illicitmango @DrGonzo13 @OriginalDankmaster96 @duo @FeloniousMonk @US3RNAM3 @gonzo @mrtoast @Mrgreenthumb


I signed up to help you out, hope you win bud :+1:

Yum… I have always loved pressed hash over other extracts, are you planning to make a little brick?

Thanks for tagging me on the giveaway! It’s definitely my pleasure to help and hell yes I’ll try for a free $500 light! The buds look super frosty BTW nice work!