My first REGULAR grow diary : BanHam Copa Genetics

Looking healthy man. That’s about the time I usually top them. Are you going to top or just let em go all natural?

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This is all great information to take in on your process. I appreciate you for sharing that. Glad we are both growing some BanHam and can bounce ideas or issues if they arise.

Thanks growmie!


I usually do fimm/top them but something is telling me to just let them do their thing since I am mostly looking to gain breeding experience for this. I may not even use my LST clips this round either.

Haven’t made a final decision though :sweat_smile:


This sounds like a great one to follow…right on brother, your doing it…and thanks for sharing your journey


I have some of Copa’s BanHam seeds in cryo. I’m sure curious to see how your plants turn out.

Sound like you are off to a good start. I’m also looking forward to your journey this grow. For me growing is as much about the plants as their finished flower.

Curious-- What kinda plants do you have that are just finishing flower? Just nosy. :laughing: :rofl:
Thanks for sharing!


I have some Apple Fritter from ILGM. When I first started my growing I came across them and thought highly. Then they started carrying Phylos seeds and they do not have my business any more once I found out the history of Phylos.

Plus, learning more from the community there are significantly better places to spend my money at that have better genetics.

This photo was from last week and my current photos are too large to upload. I am expecting end of July or early August for harvest. That will be between 10-11 weeks of flowering.


Those weeks of flowering produced some amazing buds.

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And it’s still not finished :grin: I am curious to see if BanHam will be a tall tree or a perfect bush. Only time will tell.


Updated Pic of BanHam. Moving all five to the 4x4x6.5 tent to continue the rest of vegetative stage with 400w light source. So far still no nutrients have been added to the medium. Watering has been spread out a little more due to presence of Fungus Gnats from one of my previous soil bags. No major threat as it has never been more than 2-4 seen during Watering. Trying to keep the top soil a little more dry before resulting in using diatomaceous earth for treatment.

Till next time Growmies! 🫰 :vulcan_salute: :call_me_hand:


Great start - will follow along for sure


Looking good. Sounds like you have a solid strategy.


Had a pretty wicked storm pass through my state over the weekend and these youngins had about 36+hours of darkness till the lights came back on. Interesting site I have not seen before was when I checked on them with a flash light there was condensation coming from the edge of the fan leaves. Pretty cool to see! I am hoping no negative effects come from this andnto get them back on a new light schedule in the 4x4 Tent later this evening. I will post a picture then.


Here are the five in the 4x4 adjusting very well to the extra light and fans blowing around. One thing I noticed is the middle plant had some verigated coloring going on which I have never experienced before.

Speaking with the breeder, they mentioned it could be a sign of a potency from their experience growing the last 30+yrs. Regardless, awesome to see and document.

Thanks for checking in Growmies!


Update on the BanHam’s!

It seems this cultivar has no issue running dryer than usual. I have noticed I can go about 2.5-3days before the leaves start to droop. The variegated plant is thriving well and believe I have found two males out the five so far. To my excitement of finding those males the variegated plant is one of them!

(If the pictures don’t appear to be male parts please do let me know!!!)

Once confirmed they are for sure the males I will move them to their own tent for further growth and forstvattempt at collecting pollen.

These plants are 42 days old from germination and 27 days of vegetative stage.


you can’t go wrong with copa genteics. have grown many great plants from his gear.


When is day on of veg for you. What are you looking for to determine veg is underway. I’ve always just counted from the day the seed breaks soil. Is this incorrect?


Awesome grow by the way I just got distracted when yhe question popped in my head :laughing:

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I consider vegetative stage when the plant produces its first five point leaf and switch the light spectrum. That’s what I have gone by to my grow practice.

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I have several of their crosses and a 420 special cross that had limited release. The breeder is an amazing person and chat often on IG about cannabis or whatever the topic may be that day. They have my business for life!


Okay, it is confirmed that I have two males and possibly three females. On my variegated plant is confirmed 100% male, the one plant I thought was a male is possibly a female, one of my females I thought is confirmed to be a male. (If you went crossed eyed reading that I did also :rofl:)

I would have over looked finding those second pollen clusters if I didn’t look towards the top of the plant.

I have separated the two confirmed males back to my 2x4x5 tent and is upstairs on the opposite end of my home. To be more compliant with my state laws I am gifting off one of the males along with a female to a family member who is going to let them grow outside and naturally pollinate.

The possible females have a LOT of room now in the 4x4x6.5 to keep growing before I flip the light schedule to trigger flowering.

At this time, I have four plants I harvested earlier this week drying in one tent, the males in their own tent, and the supposed females in the other. If all three had their light schedules running I would be paying for electricity like CRAZY this coming month which is not cheap during the summer.

Till next time Growmies!!! :call_me_hand: 🫶 :vulcan_salute: