My grow + intro

Early Week 5 in flower + some individual shots. +veg tent.

What’s in the Veg tent?
Well shit I’m glad you asked.

from seed= Blue cheese, Franco’s Lemon cheese, Crystal Candy, Old
Family Purple X T-1000
Gelato-K, Bubblegum XL, Pitanga x Rmq, Euphoria, Bubblelicious (regs)
Cindy 99

Cuts=OG kush, Lane Cove, Kyphi V2, Durban, Apple Crumble, Bubblebomb, Gorrila Bomb,
Steel violet x Afghani wonder


That looks like OMG too much to keep up, lol. 2 to 4 at a time is my max, and I start them in flower when they are short. To me, it looks really good.

Just my way, gain of salt, :slight_smile:

I run a humidifier at night when the buds start to pack to prevent white mold. Given your size I would recommend about 3-4 of them. Fanning and circulation 24/7. I have 6x AC Infinity fans that I cycle 3x of them on for 15- minutes, and the other 3x off. it flip-flops. The fans are staggered in their groups. To save power, and so the fan leaves do not dry out.

Also, that is a massive crop and if you get spider-mites it will be a pain. Always have activated charcoal scrubbers going, never go into the grow unless necessary. If you do, current close off and in washer. Shower and new cloths. I knew a guy in Colorado that showered and went into the grow naked only. He would never take bud or clones from anyone excerpt his collective of growers who I understand were all that way. Nobdoy could enter his grow. HE was the best I ever saw at it as in he was my caregiver. I strive to be that good.I am my only customer, so I am critical of my results. I have yet to achieve his results. Good, but not like his.


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OMG, I couldn’t keep up with all of that, lol I like the way yours look. I might start flowing shorter like that.


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Looks like a knock you back into last week, lol.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts brother. Yes I am liking the small plants. The smaller pots dry out a lot quicker tho. I’m thinking next one I’ll run some small ones again.

I am fairly relaxed with changing clothing, filters, ect…
I enter the grow frequently because I love being in there. For pests, I keep neem oil on hand & have not had a spider mite since running all LEDS. I’m sure they”ll pay me a visit sooner or later.
I run 1 carbon filter that does the whole room.
Also I run my dehumidifier when I see it getting above 60 percent. Recently been quite stable in the 50’s.
You are right tho,
Running multiple strains at once does have its pros & cons.
What can I say I just love it man.

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What a sight!

I’m fully caught up now, was a tad busy with life there for a bit. I’m excited to see that blue cheese, dude! Shit, I may pop my remaining 2 Super Berry Blue cheese in the morning for some personal smoke.

Cheers dude, keep on killing it.

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Yeah thanks mate. The flowers are starting to put on some size, although I lost power for 2 whole days, Shit has been hectic. Been scrambling to keep things in order!! All under control now, but the stress almost killed me! :sweat_smile:

Super berry blue cheese sounds very nice! :facepunch:t2:


You move em around to a window or just left them be?

I bet dude, you’re doing a killer job though.

Nice and potent meds, the one female I got last round tasted strong of a berry milkshake. I couldn’t resist, I popped em’. I ended up having 3, I’m hoping at least 1 is a male and 1 a female.


Had to put them outside,:scream: probs stressed em pretty hard. Not ideal, but couldn’t have them sitting any longer with no airflow.

Good luck with your beans! :drooling_face:

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The plants are tougher than you think. I had power off for 4 days mid flower and they were fine. Didn’t skip a beat.

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Yeah nice, ur probably right. they still look good.
Hopefully nothing herms. Main concern was letting bud rot in this early… My room is an almost air tight fridge panel cool room. With no air flow it’s a condensation trap.

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I hear ya. I’m in a cold New England basement and this happened mid winter during a bad storm, I was extremely surprised.

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That’s a win ! :slight_smile:
I Left my veg tent in there and they were absolutely saturated. :sweat_drops:

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Damn that sucks! Maybe the wood stove helped with the moisture even in my basement?

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It’s all good. No damage done :+1:t2:
onward & upward

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End of week 5, I am really back to loving the sea of green small plants method. In other news I had a cunt of a power outage.
Thought I’d managed to get out of it unscathed but no. An OG Kush, Durban & Goodshit started to rot. Removed 2 plants from the grow.
Heres a pic of the OG Kush bud rot.

Besides that pain in the ass. I took some happy snaps also. :smiley:


6 weeks, Heavy Dayze strain Kyphi V2 showing some nice color and early frost. :snowflake:


She’s looking MIGHTY nice.

It’s funny that you post about Heavy Dayze, I was thinking about his genetics on my cold ass walk with my pup right now. You know if he uses clones or gear he gets gifted from people he interviews? Because if so, those genetics are beyond high class.

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I reckon your on the money Mr. Christmas! That was :100: my theory when purchasing some of his seeds. Not exactly sure who what & where but you just know that’s what’s up.
Read somewhere he picked up some genetics from Mr Bob Hemphill.
I would guess some from Duke Diamond and many others also.
Gotta be some :fire: coming out of his packs.
I’ve taken a bunch of cuts so I should be sitting pretty for a while. :slight_smile:
I have a 1 more strain of his not yet in flower, Pitanga, think it’s a RMQ back cross) .