My grow + intro

Week 7
Some nice heads in the garden but one of Kyphi V2’s especially has really got my attention. :eyes:

Finally got the bud rot under control after a very sad daily routine of having to remove the tops off some of my tightest flowers. Now rolling into the final 2 weeks, back on track with plenty of buds un affected.
Oh yeah… I accidently pollinated some heads,
( foolishly dried some outdoor in my grow room)
Here’s an Orange hill special giving birth to a OHS X ? :sweat_smile:


Group photo at 53 days

Lane Cove


Getting a good list of keepers.
Letting strains & cuts go really sucks but it has to be done. Already let go of Barney’s Purple Punch & Barney’s Bubba Kush. No real loss there.
This current run will be the last I see of the Durban, Somango, Orange Hill Special,
bananabomb, Purple Kush, Purple critical, Good Shit, Girl Scout Cookies, Gelato. Dosidoh, Silver Surfer. BlackBerry Moonrocks.

Some strains so far I’m keeping from current or previous grows are as followed: OG Kush, Apple Crumble, multiple pheno’s of Lane Cove & Kyphi.
Bubble Bomb, Steel Violet X Afghani Wonder.
Gorilla Bomb. Plus more I can’t remember right now.
Here’s a pic of Gorilla Bomb, she’s not a bad looking plant and yields pretty good.


More Lane Cove pics. (Heavy Dayze Genetics) Looks to me like I got 3 different pheno’s here.
I struggle to describe terps at the best of times but I think its safe to say FUEL. :fire:


Hey all. Couple of days off 8 weeks. got the Purple Kush a little better this time around. Saw some rot so it’s time had come.

Bubble Bomb

More Lane Cove… I am in love. I could take pics of these ones all day! Super happy with these frosty rock hard buds. KEEPERS

Will hold off chopping most in my room for as long as I can. But I can’t friggen wait!


Pretty plants you have there, nice work! And the frost looks yummy too! :green_heart: :green_heart:

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Yeah cheers Jpaul. These recent discoveries are a far cry from the old Dutch hybrids I was doing in the past. :fist_right::fist_left:

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Harvested a small Orange Hill Special today.

2nd run.
She has a beautiful fruity mango smell. Really unique compared to everything else I’m running.
Although I’m saying goodbye to this strain, not gonna lie have enjoyed having her in the garden.
Ended up with a couple of seeds, i am not complaining, they might get a run someday.


Looks tasty. Since you’ve ran it a few times, how’s the smoke? :green_heart:

1st time the harvest was not very well planned out. Wasn’t flushed properly so I couldn’t give a decent taste description.
This time around I reckon I’ve nailed it. Will let you know.
As far as effect goes… absolutely everything I smoke puts my dick in the dirt so I have to rely on friends for smoke reports.

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58 days.
Decided to take this nug before the bud rot comes for it.
Since the power outage I had in week 5 it’s been a real battle. So far I’m still winning. :muscle:t2:
I have a bunch of beautiful dense buds still in jeopardy.
Every day im scanning the tops for signs. Coming to the end of our hottest time of year shortly
. Will be nice to have the garden free from Humidity problems next run.
I’ll harvest what looks ready this weekend at 61 days.


Today it dawned on me that if I feed less and flush more around week 5 or 6 of flower, More purple shows up.
Last run my purple critical remained 95 percent green.
This time she’s beautiful!

Also took a little Durban.


Love the busy garden. So much going on and all eye candy.

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🫡 cheers for stopping by mate.

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Lane Cove :heart_eyes:


Damn, this never gets old. What a beautiful girl.


Yeah thanks mate, That Lane Cove has some great pheno’s. super happy with the strains I’m currently running. I have some more varieties to harvest but they are dragging their feet & some throwing out more white pistils even at 65 days.


Might sound unheard of that I don’t already
know this,
( I’m playing catch up with a few hype strains for educational purposes.)

anyone familiar with Girl Scout Cookies?

I have done a few hybrid crosses, never by itself until now.
Does this look like GSC to you guys cause I really have no clue.
Also thought i was getting a doughie smell, but again i don’t know the strain so could be tripping balls.

Got a couple of DoSiDoh’s here…
Pulled little more Lane Cove.


I don’t care if this looks like an advertisement. No shit These things helped me up my game.


Damn, those things came out PHAT. Solid work. Looks like you didn’t lose much to mold either.

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