My grow + intro

Yep, it’s that time again where I’m taking pics of nothing but greenery and small fuzzy tops. Still chasing some old memory of a beautiful bubblegum I once grew out, so I have thrown in a few Nirvana Bubblelicious regs. ( which have all turned out to be vigorous females so far)
Going with the scrog under the main light (mars fc8000)
Have added bio diesels Rhino K into the nutrient regime this time around, they tell me it helps with bud formation yada yada yada…I like to keep things very simple but just a small bottle to kick things off can’t hurt I guess.
The 2 smaller lights we are just going a free standing Sog.

Here’s a few individual pics ranging between 2 and 4 weeks into flower.
I’ll be back with something a little more attractive real soon. 🫡


Last week I noticed something was trying to crash my party. Fortunately I spend a lot of time in there just admiring. There will be no infestation on my watch! :rofl:
Figured it was early signs of spider mites but today I worked out it’s thrips.
Been treating with an all natural Sulfur based product on and off for about 5 days & gave em some leaf polish aka neem oil :smirk: for good measure aswell.
So far just some leaves under the canopy affected.

Wojak: 1 :trophy:
Thrips: Zero.

Hoping this will be a clean sweep.
I’m not interested in a playoff series with these jerks. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Good to hear ya got a handle on them lil bastards. I did a greenhouse grow few years back. I had every big you could imagine. Somehow I brought the crop to completion. Hardest grow I’ve ever done. Never again…I’m staying indoors…lol.


:100:,haha I can back you up on that. Had a poly tunnel with corn and a few fruit trees a few years ago.
In the end we worked out an agreement… they take everything & ill come back when their gone.


Very nice plants, congrats on your sucess!

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Thanks @Sailorboy, can’t count the chickens just yet but yeah hoping for the best.

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My Steel Violet x Afghan Wonder has amazed me outside. Surviving nasty caterpillar plagues and now constant rain. She has been a superstar.


It’s so crazy that I finally am able to reply to this and I see that 24 days have passed. Shit’s bananas. I apologize for the late reply, I’ve been swamped with college and then only have enough time to post updates on the Banana OG thread when I’m on here.

I made the keeper list for the 10x10 last night and only 1 of the 3 OG kushes made it. The other 2 were males and I can’t flower em’ out right this second. Off the top of my head though, my gal’s got a bit fatter leaves. But by Golee,

She was looking mighty fine here.

Mama Mia! She’s quite the looker. What smells are ya getting from her?

Hope you’ve been well, Heisenbud.


Hey @Mr.Christmas :beers:
Hope you’ve well brother.
The 2 OG Kush i am running are heading into week 7 and are super fast flowering, looking pretty close to being ready. Another thing that separates them from the others in my garden is that the leaves are very Jagged. Do yours have this trait?

I’ll take a pic tomorrow.

To answer your question on the smells of the Steel Violet cross…. You’d think I’d have a good answer, I’ve been covered in the stench for days! But it’s tough one to describe for me. Kind of a heavy sweet, like a strong perfume syrup if that helps.
Have done this both under lights and under the sun now & the smell is unique & very strong.

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Week 7 has come around quick. I still have thrips but they can’t stop this train.

Changed up the treatment to neem oil & dishwashing liquid, should slow them down a little.

The shortys are doing well under the 300wtt led.

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In other news, Pulled the stunning Heavy Dayze Lane Cove outdoor.
They weren’t wrong when they said Blueberry Syrup holy shit. 🫐


Always a variety of strains in here. Great looking stuff.


I’m busier than a borrowed mule mi parcero, but I’m doing well. How’s things in your territory? (Wherever that may be)

Yeah, she does have a very recognizable sharpness to her leaves. I’ve just got one now, her name is Frowny Face. She ended up being the only female out of the 3 that I popped. My garden has been culled to the final 13 plants that I’ll be keeping. I’ll start transplanting to their final pots in the following days.

That sounds intense. I have a mother of Colombian ASS that stinks of old lady perfume. I have a lil sample flowering going right now, but I’ll be taking more snips tomorrow to get bigger plants of her.

I’m also setting up traps around to see what insects we start getting here now that springs on its way. Any updates on the neem and dish soap treatment?

Those orange hairs look crazy.


Hey brother! cool to hear your OG Kush might have similar leaf traits.
Cant figure out how, but seems to be pollinating everything around her. (2nd run)
Really nice early flower but I gotta let her go.


Yeah man, that Kyphi def a standout

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Any updates on the neem and dish soap treatment?

seems to keep em at bay, but certainly not a one time deal treatment.
Have been crazy busy harvesting , drying the outdoor at the same time as keeping an eye on the indoor.
Harvest next week for 1 3rd of the area so should get easier to contain from there.


1 week later… couple of days off 8 weeks.

Here’s the first CSI Old family Purp x t-1000
I have flowered from the pack. roughly 6 1/2 weeks. …crazy sticky with terps that for me set off alarm bells of high potency. But the yield really isn’t there on this girl.
I have two others I popped of this variety so hopefully I can find one of them with better bud structure. All very very slow in veg. Which I’ve heard is an Urkle trait, but i have not seen any purple yet.


That bottom pic. I see what ya mean on bud development. I have a g13/Haze from Barneys budding up the same way. It seems all components of the bud are small and in no way reflect a normal growth for bud.
I thought maybe it would bounce out of it but at 7w into flower it’s still trying but not even close to the others. I mean this main is no more thick than your middle finger probably. I’m gonna let her go. Won’t get much but it is what it is…Oh well…lol


Yeah man… I hear ya! found myself scaling the nugs on this plant with my index finger! :skull::rofl:
She was more established before flowering & given larger pot than most of the others too.
Probs should have popped the whole pack to find the keeper. Hope I can do better with the others.