My grow + intro

Damn dude, that late in flower too? Yeah, fuck that. What a shame.

Yeah, that old family purp looks a little thin. How long do ya typically em veg for? I’d keep her around just in case she does end up being the keeper!


It seems I was wrongfully accusing my OG’s. I just took my 2 nd run of the suspect OG Kush”s & not a single seed this time… leading me to believe the first run I did with them they might had been pollinated by some other means.

I am still finding the odd seed here & there in my garden currently, but no obvious offenders.
Bubblelicious has thrown 2 m flowers that I’ve noticed but she wasn’t around last run.

All fun & games really. Happy to score an occasional mystery seed or two to set aside for a rainy day.
The Old Fam Purp x T-1000 was in veg for a decent time. Guessing 40+ days. Def have had better yields from much younger plants in the past… she was Scrogged so probs quite a few small bud sites under there to harvest.
But all is not lost as I have some more of em in veg from seed & cuts.
Next in line for the chop… Bubblelicious, Bubblegum XL and the Kyphi V2. All looking really nice. Will have to get some pics soon.

Damn I just wrote you a book! Cheers legend.


I don’t mind a mystery seed now n then. I’ve got a few set aside.
The last seed the wife found was when she was grinding up some of the mystery auto I had pop up in this multi photo grow. I’d never had a seed pop out of a auto. I’m wondering how it got there and if it’s still an automatic. My knowledge of autos is pretty limited.


My garden is kicking my ass right now. Fun times tho. Took some crappy pics.
Euphoria around 4/ 5 weeks

Gorilla Bomb. Still a reliable,potent & pretty… keeper.
X2 Bubblelicious up the back. 8 weeks

Cindy 99 at 6 weeks

Apple Crumble. 6 weeks

Crystal Candy

KYPHI V2 8 weeks

Veg tent exploding.



Lane Cove comparison. Same cut.

Rolled up a little of the outdoor.
really tasty. Only took a few hits.
Did me just right.

Unfortunately the cuts I have now are not from the beautiful dark Purple one I grew out recently.Sadly That one got away. Must have forgot to take a cutting of her at the start. Doh!
The girl I have cuttings of is still really nice. Just has a little more spacing between bud sites.
Plus i have half a pack of Lane Cove beans to search through.
I am getting itchy, haven’t cracked any new seeds in a couple of months. On the to do list.

In the fridge I have my eyes on the sweet 16 Fallen soldiers, White Rhino & Chemscout packs.
More mini harvests in a couple of days. Cheers Legends


I thankfully haven’t experienced a plant herming on me late in flower yet. I’ve only had one plant do it actually, but it was either in the first or early second week, so it got killed real quick.

Yeah, that’s definitely a good amount of veg time. Hopefully the smoke makes up for the low yield though!

Funny enough, I just purchased a $40 of mystery beans from Always Be Flowering. Hopefully there’s some fire in them. As for the auto portion, if it was pollinated by a random donor, then there’s only a chance that the offspring will also demonstrate ruderalis traits. As for if it selfed; no idea lol.

Literally on the same boat. I haven’t updated my journal and I don’t know how long now.

That gorilla bomb looks stunning dude.

Hell yeah! I love me some White Widow, but I don’t think I’ve tried White Rhino yet.


Hey man, yep for sure every harvest I think to myself why arnt I doing more of her…Excellent yielder, gets a nice shade of purple, sweet dessert terps, frosty but main thing that sets it apart is how resinous she gets.
I have seen this plant actually drip when grown in optimum conditions.
According to the breeder (Bomb Seeds) She hits 25 percent THC.

I could leave her a little longer but humidity in the garden is not the greatest so had to harvest while gettings good. Taken at 64 days.

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Trim Jail again… here’s some pics.


I have never had a proper herm, but I do catch one or two yellow flowers out of nowhere every now and then.
This run I pulled one from a Bubblelicious,
Last run I think I grabbed one off an Orange Hill Special. Think the Gorilla Bomb will throw the occasional also.
I make a point of emptying the trimmer each different strain and search for seed. That way I can label them as “Gorilla Bomb bag seed” ect ect.
I’m not a breeder but I figure there’s a good chance they could have herm traits but I don’t think it’s a certainty & still worth a look. I have grown some amazing things with old bag seed before. :man_shrugging:t2:

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When I did my first grow in a box with a 150hps I thought I was the shit. I was so excited that I was poking my camera in there during the dark period and taking a few shots. What could it hurt aye?. Did that a few times and then all the sudden I see balls n hairs n seed everywhere…lmao. I was such a dumb ass back then…lol. That is the only true hermaphrodite I’ve experienced which was brought on by my stupidity…lol. Grow n learn.


Ahh bro! I left my clone tent half open last night ( in flower room) your gonna put the Moz on me. :grimacing: :sweat_smile:


Re-Veg’d one of the Kyphi’s I really liked last run. Two months later and we have new growth. :partying_face:


Due to growing multiple strains, my easy little grows over time have turned into never ending mini harvests… I’ve got my eye on the Cindy 99. Needs a little more time but I am very happy with how she’s going.
I believe this strain will live up to the hype. Although a lot of room for improvement my end… Humidity & temps far from stable.

Uploading: IMG_1030.jpeg… !


Bro, those colas are looking mighty fine!

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Yeah thanks Frosty.
After some recent strains not working out. I think this one’s got Keeper potential.

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Pulled some seeds out of the fridge. No soaking, no sanding, strait into wet plugs, sprayed & into the humidity box they went. 48 hrs later we have some action.
White Rhino (Nirvana)
Sweet 16 x fallen soldiers ( CSI )
Chem Scout ( Heavy Dayze )
Gelato-K ( Kannabia )
Also threw some Crystal Candy bag seed into some paper towel just for a fun comparison.

Couple of Cindy 99’s from seed. About 5 weeks

Hows the stretch on this Euphoria ( Dutch Passion)


Seeds at 72 hours.

Kept in humidity dome.

the Paper Towel method has less germination and slower overall compared to the seeds germinating in the plugs.

2 others I forgot to mention germinating are Mother/Royal Gorilla (RQS)
NL x Haze (Sensi)


Forgot to get a pic, 96hrs since seeds got wet.
Some in the cubes have shed their helmet & have spread their cotyledons.

The seeds in the paper towel have not.


Some dry old family purple x T-1000
labeled no #3 of 3.
No purple & a shameful Tiny yield, not yet sure if I stressed her too hard with the fan too close or if this one is just a runt, but those little flowers are deadly potent!
Looking forward to the other phenos #1 & #2 in flower now.



Looks tasty @Wojak. Everything looking great in here, grow on!! :green_heart:

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:pray:Thanks mate.” grow on!! :green_heart:
U know it. :fist:t2:

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