My indoor grow in Chile

Yea I haven’t fed these plants anything at all really. About two weeks ago they got sprayed with a seaweed based extract, like 2.5ml per liter of water. I also just got something called Root Tonic, it arrived yesterday morning. I had sold a pack of Strayfox to a guy here in Chile in exchange for $$$ and a bottle of this root tonic that he makes himself and sells. I knew it was arriving and I had purposely waited an extra day before watering so I could water with it as soon as it arrived. Lights just came on so I’m gonna go check how the plants look.

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Just a pic of the grow space a couple hours ago at light on. Since then I transplanted the final 2 plants, one rhubarb (BOO X Citrus Milf) and one Gatito Especial (Triangle x Bebé) x Mother’s Milk)
Will be flipping to flower soon now that all are transplanted. Would like to wait two weeks but with Christmas coming and all the dates might be tough. I wish I could transplant to bigger pots the two sour wonder and one of the MM but they were just recently transplanted and probably haven’t filled their pots yets, also they were just given a heavy watering :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: and I don’t have any suitable larger pots on hand except for two larger fabric bags and two airpots, both I think are a little bigger than what the plants are in currently but I don’t remember their specific size… I probably haven’t used them in almost 5 years.

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I would do this, otherwise it would be a big change to deal with for the plants … beer3|nullxnull

The “older stuff” being referred to is a bag of soil I had bought several months… It was t initially used with these plants. As I ran out of the soil I did have and used I mixed a little bit in two of the plants when transplanted so I would have enough. But I was still 3 plants short to be transplanted. After 3-4 days I found someone locally with a bag of new soil, and I used that mix with the “older stuff” for these last three plants to transplant. So in 5 pots/plants there is a mix of 2 different soils, and the rest have the original soil I had started with.


Mother’s Milk

Sour Wonder natural structure

Sour Wonder topped once


These are 4 biggest and best looking plants so far, granted 3 of them (MM SW) are anywhere from 10-14 days older than all the other plants. The MelvinZ has grape :grapes: Skittles stem rub and lovely leaf serrations


Couldn’t resist… Ended up transplanting the topped Sour Wonder into a larger container
Probably the largest container I’ve ever tried/used indoors. The description for SW says , “she likes to stretch her roots” and is “like a Sour D on roids”. Hopefully she likes the soil as is different than what she has had up to this point.
I’ll be flipping to flower in a couple days. But I need to find a solution for too high humidity. Lights off today we were up to 74%. Lights have now been on for about 45 min And it’s down to 67% currently. Any ideas besides a dehumidifier… Remember I live in rural Chile. I will be adding another 150w cob module soon and that should help but probably only another 5-7% with lights on


Some rotating fans, they are cheaper and avoid stagnant air that promotes mould …


Everything looks very healthy in your recent pictures. That mothers milk looks like a good plant so far. I really like the melvinz with those sawtooth leaves as well. Whats the makeup of that one? Im guessing its an Afghan

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Your plants look great @PotCom .

Do you keep your extractor fan on during lights out?

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It has some old school afghan in the lineage but mainly Zkittlez. It’s Zkittlez (Wonderland cut) x The One x Z-Cubed. The one is 71 afghan x 76 Thai I believe.

:grimacing::grimacing::flushed::grimacing::flushed::grimacing:… I don’t have one. Just a fan that stays on and an air intake. (I can’t think of the proper way to say this in English, part of the deal living in another language as I get older). By air intake it’s like the extractor but blowing “fresh” air in.
Thing is I live by the coast and get a lot of humidity sometimes. I think my last grow it would go thru like 75% highs to 25% lows in the course of like 24-36 hours. Only the top colas on the two most broad leaf types had some bud rot. The nl2 ibl and the One Ton (the one x (Pez x Ortega) x the one bx. But Yea I probably need to install one but I’m not very handy and reluctant to cut a other hole. I’m not in a grow tent but in like a small room inside a small shed. Could I try to reverse my air intake.? It’s not up high, about 24-28 inches off the ground near the “far/back” side of the space. The space is a rectangle about 33 Inches wide and 8ft long.


My lights on and lights off temps are low too as we just finished winter here. Lights on is during the night and usually sits between 70-72f until late mor ing where it usually gets to 78-80 for a couple hours before lights off. 19 on 5 off. Temps aren’t ideal but not much I can do about it. Lights on temps will go up once I add the other 150w cob and as springtime advances forward but I would like to try and control the humidity better.
So my options are so far

  1. Air exhaust
  2. Dehumidifier
  3. .?.?.?.? Any other ideas to help lower it even if just a little.?.?.?

These might be viable options:


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I would strongly suggest some sort of exhaust, even if minimal.


Yes. I would do that. Fresh air will come in throught cracks and the gaps around your door due to the negative pressure generated inside your grow space.


Sour wonder (topped) seems to have been all good with the transplant. 1 day after transplant pic

So I’ve been selling some of my seed collection to help finance a vacation in January (our :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:). I was using the seeds I made as freebies and changing containers around. I couldn’t fit the last three One Ton x Cherry Queen male so I said why not…
My seed germ tech :joy::laughing::joy:.


Still haven’t flipped to flower yet. The gg4 auto from Tonygreens seem to be doing better than they were. Smells on all 3 are similar, with the smallest potted one having the strongest smells
They all started a bit like dry grapefruit smells but now have moved past that to something else. I trimmed up the large mm just a little bit and also the natural sour wonder. I also need to get stakes or something for support for the MM branches and tie up and spread out some the topped Sour Wonder. 2 of the three Gatito Especial appear like they are boys. The third has been kinda stunted from last transplant and probably over watering when I transplanted.

I have your solution, no fans or anything required. I have an air mover lasko brand. I have it on the lowest setting pushing air into the tent. Im sure it would work anykind of grow. No exhaust or anything like that. Simple and very effective, been doing this 5 years now, and i have excellent air circulation. Use these at the body shop i work at

How does that work :thinking::thinking::thinking:. If it’s outside the tent.? I dont have a tent but a grow closet in a shed. It’s like a little over 3ft wide and about 8ft long. Humidity has been better the last couple days as the weather has been sunny. Sitting between 50%-62% lights on and off. But it is still veg and I don’t wanna risk beiNg week 7 and have a week of rainy humid weather and lose some buds either so im definitely gonna try something. There’s 4 reg seeds in there (besides two pretty small plants in same pot of my own cross) and two look like makes and if the others are also make and I cut them/remove them that should also help a bit with the humidity too.

The 3 (One Ton x Cherry Queen :cherries:) seeds have germinated and we’re just planted.

The One Ton mother of these smelled hard of new shoes :athletic_shoe: during veg. Into flower it maintained that smell somewhat but also tennis balls, acrid hashy, skunky. The bud smoked great but I only had a little bit as I seeded most side branches. the top cola and neck which I hadn’t pollinated had some me bud rot due to high humidity throughout the grow, as I mentioned previously with the top cola of the NL2 ibl. It was heavy and dreamy and I remember it had some cinnamon and rubber type tastes.