MysteryMoogs new grow thread

No, its a perlite soil mix. I just put a top layer on the soil.
Yes, thats a control that has the float in it :+1:


@beacher this is what is in the bags. :+1:

And (shhhhhhhhā€¦donā€™t tell, my secret ingredient is the devilā€™s sauceā€¦ LMAO)


Sweet, that setup looks like a dream haha. Iā€™m so sick of watering etc, I wish I had the space for those. The orange sunshine is a killer strain and should get huge in your system.


Lol niceā€¦ miracle gro works!


Ive used it since day one. Easy to get, affordable, and works. I do use a couple other things, like Micro nutes, and big bud on occasion.


I will let you know in due time, if its a dream, or a nightmareā€¦ :rofl:


You donā€™t feed anything besides micros and the rest comes from the potting mix? Your system gets better and better haha

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No, I do feed. Just not much, and use miracle grow, Micro nutes, and big bud. Maybe a few times a grow. I have a compost pile out back, and all that dirt goes into it after the grow, and when I need to add soil I use the miracle grow. The compost pile does not hold enough dirt yet for all our gardening needs, so we keep adding to it. And these #octopots take some dirt to fillā€¦hahaha I have always grown in 1 and a half gallon containers.


Thatā€™s all I use. And that lasts me a long damn timeā€¦lol


Nice and simple, thatā€™s awesome. Is big bud the same as dr Hornsbys big bud? I used to use that stuff religiously.

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Honestly I dont really know. Thats all I have used. Thought about trying other stuff, but sometimes habits are hard to break, and these octopots are big ass change for meā€¦haha

You are talking to the guy who has
been, until very recently, been growing the same plant since the 90sā€¦LMAO
I may very well have the ONE and ONLY plant that has been on both OG1 and now OG2.0 :rofl:


@Papalag would it be possible to get you to post your ā€œtipsā€ on #octopots in here? I keep losing themā€¦lol
Thank you!


Hey if ainā€™t broke. Whatā€™s the plant you ran since the 90s? Do you still have it?


Yes, thats the plant you see in all those picsā€¦LOL
Honestly dont know what it is, it may be the original (and now I truly believe it isā€¦especially after talking to the older guy who gave it to meā€¦ā€œya, it was sour diesel, came out of new yorkā€¦damn, you still have that? I NEED a cutā€) (and I honestly thought hed be dead by nowā€¦real old head)ā€¦ ECSD. I was set up to send a cutting out to a couple people, and ended up in the hospital due to an infection in my hand. Soā€¦that got put behindā€¦again. It came out of new york in the mid to late 90s. @Blowingupjake has been patiently waiting for a cut to either verify or say no wayā€¦haha

I now find it ironic, as I am pushing 50, I just refereed to him as an old headā€¦yikes.


Oh right I remember seeing it in the sour Diesel thread. It would be amazing if it was the real deal youā€™ve just happened to have laying around all these years!

Do you ever grow other strains too? Must be killer if you donā€™t feel the need to switch it up.

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Well, now I do have pink floyd going, and just popped 2 big buds and 2 illegal smiles, along with 2 orange sunshines. So, a few months ago I would have said no. But now, I am branching outā€¦hahaha

My smoke is good, very good. I did not really think so, as its what I always smoked. BUT we keep getting medical crap (whatever that actually is supposed to mean anyways) out of the legal states, and nothing stacks up to this. The people who smoke it, say the same thing. Its shear dumb luck that I still have it, always was to scared to order seeds over the years, so come hell or high water I kept this girl going.


Sweet! You should breed it with every male you come across just to keep those genes preserved. It could be interesting to cross it to itself too!

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@MysteryMoog as I remember things Iā€™ll list them for you

In the Octopot grow thread



Oh, it will hermie in a heart beat and give you seeds :joy: Inside, its a very touchy plant. Light leak? herms on the lower branches. Too Hot? Seedsā€¦LOL Foxtails allot also. But damn, always good smokeā€¦LOL Outside its a beast, never hermies, and damn its gorgeous.

This plant just wants to live. I have reveged a stump I found outside, after several freezesā€¦no jokeā€¦lol


What a freak haha. Ever planted any of the seeds itā€™s made? They should be all females, but with herm tendencies like their mom

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