Need a new way to ingest! Any recommendations?

So a 1:1 cbda/thca tincture along with a thc tincture?

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Yeah when I couldn’t smoke because of Covid, using the two tinctures in tandem really did help it hit harder and last longer.

Have you looked into moose filters? They kind of help keep you from smoking all the bad stuff. I’ve used them personally and it really did make for a smoother and cleaner smoke, I didn’t feel like it made my bowls any less potent but some people do say that it can also trap the good stuff you’re trying to smoke.


I just didn’t want to put out the money to keep getting them :joy: but I did feel like they were saving my lungs a lot.

I like to decarb it dry and eat it with a teaspoon. Simple, cheap, easy.


I do this all the time with my vaped herb, I’ll just pop it out of the oven and eat it on it’s own or with like peanut butter.

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I’m a frequent consumer of edibles. I infuse coconut oil using my Magical Butter Machine (3oz decarbed flower, 30oz coconut oil , 3 TBSP sunflower lecithin) and usually make cookies (1/2 cup oil per batch of 3-4 dozen). When I get home from work I’ll eat one, but then smoke or vape something since it can take 90 minutes before it kicks in.

I love my (analog) Volcano. I bought it this year because my partner - who normally only consumes edibles - had tried one at a friend’s house and determined it was something her lungs would tolerate. I’m a fan!

Before the Volcano I used an Arizer Solo 2 for dry herb vaping. There is a small learning curve but I was perfectly satisfied with it. Great battery life from the base that fits in your hand, and smooth, tasty vapor from the glass stem (all glass path from the oven to your lips).

I’ve made Everclear tincture in the Magical Butter Machine. It works but is a little “hot” to hold under the tongue without diluting. I should play with that more…


I second this recommendation! Green Dragon would work perfect in this case.


Hello sorry to hear you fucked up . I too was just told I have COPD I’m a real project ! Anyways they gave me a blue puffer and this I start with blue but now I have this red round one I take a shoot first thing every morning. But when your smoking a joint do yourself a favor and take 2 hits of the blue one a minute before you smoke you have no problem to smoke the whole joint no coughing just no cigarettes.And I was a smoker 3 packs a day 35 yrs


Wow sorry to hear that brother. I don’t have copd thankfully but they did say it was asthma related and I have wheezing throughout the whole lung. I’m trying this distillate coconut oil tincture and it’s pretty cool I must say. I honestly lost count how many or how much ml I took it I only smoked one bowl throughout the entire day so far. I must admit I am definitely goin to take another tap on the bong before the night ends.


And I would say to that ! I definitely think you have the right attitude ! :clap:

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Wish you all the best in your travels and I really hope you get the upper hand on that copd. I had a great uncle who was on an oxygen tank and it was really rough to see.

Well I have a master plan don’t smoke cigarettes especially from the rez !


Thank you very much sir for your kind thoughts !

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Been there done that. Glad i quit. I knew i shouldnt be doing it when i was hiding it from all my good friends and smoking cigs with the shitty crowd. Then i made a promise i would smoke 3 cigs on a weekend, i smoked all 3 that friday night. I told myself i wont touch one until Wednesday to make up for not keeping my promise. By that wednesday i said what the hell lets go til Friday. Never smoked a cig again after that. I wish it was that easy for everyone


Sometimes the alcohol in tincture can burn under the tongue. I like to put a dropper in a shot glass of water and swish that around in my mouth as long as I can. I also like to put it in my morning coffee (with cream).

It hits oretty


I do mine in coffee in the morning as well, and Gatorade in the afternoon, you can hardly taste it but it really helps me get moving in the morning .

If your talking about cbd have you ever figured out the count like is it 1000 ml 2000 ml

Yeah, putting the tincture or RSO under your tongue will allow your body to access it faster.
Might I suggest looking into making Firecrackers aswell? Them have been known to hit me hard and fast! :wink:

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