Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

Did you use the same product or at least the same PPMs? Not saying you did anything wrong. Just curious?


I used it once before but didnā€™t finish out the project


Same product just didnā€™t finish last run



@LilJonB I was making my own and after about 35 ppms it gets a bit sketchy with alot of tds meters or at least those I have tried I have no doubt it was my fault but I tried a few times so time to try something else for me


Thats my only fear of DIYing it. If something goes wrong I would feel like it was something I did. Iā€™m sure I will go that route eventually when I have more room for error.
Just keep at it. Eventually youā€™ll get it right.


Well hereā€™s a delightful update. They do offer to ship in the breeder packs, I must have just missed the optionā€¦

BUT, they did offer to a full refund and to resend in the breeder packs if Iā€™d like. I opted to trust them, because sending them back at this point is just, well, pointless.

So 5/5 Seed Supreme customer service.

Next time I order (which, I will be doing again from them, as the shipping and custome service is phenomenal) Iā€™ll check the delivery method and get my breeder packs.

And, @Badger youā€™re right, it was because it was a delivery from the UKā€¦standard operating procedure for stealth :wink:


Ooooo. That great. Thanks @nefrella! I guess before I order I should try contacting them just to be sure they get shipped in the pack?


They have an option to remove the stealth i think, im going to check it out later. think itā€™s part of the checkout process etcā€¦

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Cool. I went there but only proceeded to check out but only got to the point to signing up. I was going to wait until I had cash in hand to go any further. Thanks nefrella.

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Thats a pretty boy!


Pollen everywhere. Lol, I was moving it around and poofā€¦the flower tent flap was open. Fogl g,ad most of the flower tent is past getting prego :crazy_face:


Oh my! Well Iā€™m glad it worked. I may have worked to wellšŸ¤” lol. That is terrifying tho. But if its for personal it donā€™t really matter. When I do mine heā€™s going to have his own bedroom.

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Your CS project looks like it worked perfectly. Congrats. I am experimenting with CS too. Mine have not started showing balls yet. Still spraying daily after 3 weeks or better. I think I may be failing. My male plant died on me too. So if I done get some female pollen I may have to buy more seeds. My clones are doing well though. I got 2 clones of the best female. One is still in veg. The other I have been apply CS to. I also just yesterday cut 5 clones from my female clone. May have to try again with the CS. I make my own. Maybe thats my problem. Haha!


What strain did you self? You got alot going on.

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The Glue Auto (Gorilla glue) is the one i selfed. So far so good! We shall see if any seeds happen. Havenā€™t seen the pistols shrivel from pollination yet :cry:


Iā€™ve been having trouble with the selfed ones too. The 2 different strains i hit are makin seeds, the selfed one ive found 1 viable seed so far

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Do the male parts come from inside the flower buds or are they seperate and show up where the fan leaves meet the stalk? Like this.