Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

This is awesome! I have some regular Blue Microverse x Skywalker autos I can send your way if you are interested.






@nefrella thanks for your time, generosity, and work on this!
I have a round of Fastbuds autos that I intend to seed this summerā€¦ definitely get some over to ya if interested later in the summer.
Blue Dreamā€™matic, Green Crack, Gelato, and the ole Pineapple Express.
Good work!


Nice! The Fast Buds gear I really do like, solid plants!


Iā€™m actually looking forward to growing some Fast Buds.
@nefrella what are some things that you had to do different with the autos. Did you feed them the same amount that you fed your photos. I know they can be a little picky sometimes.

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These poor autosā€¦I did everything I could to abuse them, kill them, and just generally neglect them :wink:

I never phā€™d the water, never fed them nutes, they just got the good ole tap water.

This grow, Iā€™m phā€™ing and will likely start a low dose of the Fox Farms nutrients line when the seedlings pop to get a jump on growth, and use the feeding chart throughout and just pray for no burn.

I figure, heck, if these plants can perform with me doing everything I can to kill them - imagine how amazing theyā€™re going to be if i actually try :crazy_face:


I burnt up my first auto. It was a GG4 freebe from Herbies. I barely gave it anything. I cut my Fox Farm with coco because I thought it was going to be too hot. It burnt up anyway. Lol. So far my Gelato is ok. Still alive. So thats good. Iā€™m more excited to see how Marks 60 day Blueberry turns out.


I have some of his gear, iā€™ll have to dig them out. Heard really good stuff.

I use the FFOF soil and cut it with perlite because its such a dense soil.


Omg, I love getting mail! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::money_mouth_face::grimacing::zipper_mouth_face: pretty tty sticker :heart:


You are an extremely kind individual sharing your hard work, and Iā€™ve seen you share alot more. Itā€™s funny to me to see someone like you come on here, learn, and still be talking about the good OG folks. You are the good OG folks, silly!

Iā€™m not big on autos, but if the tangiematic thing works out, I would be. That was pretty good stuff when I worked at the greenhouse. Those are fairly large autos also.

Iā€™ll leave you with a picture of our pia, cj. He is five and super stir crazy inside with the cold temps and deep snow. Heā€™s a Manx.


What an adorable baby :heart:

As to the TangieMatic, helllz yeah you get some of those bad boys. Hopefully itā€™ll pop, if not, got one more chance to make the boy. :upside_down_face::sweat_smile:

Iā€™m excited for the regular autos I just ordered. Thatā€™s like, a lottery. Everytime you plant seeds, they automatically grow, and you automatically get both sexes, making the seed propagation even easier. Should be cool :sunglasses::v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


Mephisto store opens on the 22nd!!!


Great looking plants and seeds @nefrella! Keep up the good work and happy growing!


Iā€™m working on some regular autos for my OG fam. I gave away a bunch a few years ago, but people preferred the feminized for growing. I know Afterthought Autos are all regular FWIW.


Might I suggest this for FoxFarm nutes. 2 grows ago I went by the chart. Burnt the sh!t out of them.
This last grow? I went more by instinct than the chart but basically went to half dose every other watering. Sometimes even every third watering. Kept the PPM at or below 1000. And ph at about 6.0 to 6.8ish. No nute-burn. Even the leaf tips had a tiny spot of brown. About the size of the tip of a pencil. Full strength would be 1500 or more. Too much.
So what have I learned. The manuf recommendation is so they can sell more product. The more you use the more you buy. If I go by HALF of what they recommend I will get beautiful plants with great results. And save half my nute bill. FoxFarms has a good product. Its just too hot for cannabis in my opinion. Maybe for tomatoes or peppers might be good at full strength??? Donā€™t know. But they work well at half strength. During flower I did use their Flower Trio. Open Sesame, Beatie Blooms and ChaChing. Again, at HALF their recommendation.


Same here for General Hydroponics. Half nutes. I keep the ratios the same for the different stages of growth.


I just finished re reading this thread from the first post. Great work @nefrella !
I have a couple of questions that I dont believe you covered yet. Ive never run a true auto. I did grow some original sweet tooth #3 that did auto when rootbound, but thats a bit different.
First, how many days from germination til harvest do these auto glue take ?
What light cycle do you run in your flowering tent with these autos ?
Thanks again for this great thread !


76 days from germination to harvest
Flowering tent is currently on 12/12. These autos were in the veg tent (24 hr light) for about 50 days, then moved into the flower tent to finish.

Glad youā€™re enjoying the read, I enjoy learning new stuff from everyone here!


Thank you so much ! Really interesting stuff. So they were only in the flower tent for 26 days. Excited to try these, your space monkey f2 and tony greens gg4 ril. I LOVE the glue terps and buzz.


They should Finnish without cutting the light back at all. I think it might speed em up a lil bit. I think she moved them mostly for space.