Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

Second real feed for this lady. Looks like she’s going to be a thirsty girl. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Finally remembered that the Blackberry needed trimmed. At this point, trimming was easy, she was crispy. I will say one thing about the Grove bags, same deal when I “trimmed” the Ripley OG, (crispy as a pork rind as well), then two weeks later she was nice and beautifully hydrated and ready to go. What a tool for us growers (necessary because the tool growing and curing the stuff is, well, a tool :laughing: ).

Gorgeous finish, robust fruity scent when you break the buds apart. Smoke was good, but not earth moving - definitely no Ripley OG. Will I grow again? Someday as she was a beautiful plant. 3 oz plus a few grams (7-ish) for smoke pulled out to test, so not a bad yield. Next time knowing how sensitive she was for nutrients, will be better.

Next to some Ripley OG so you can see the purple color difference


That FB ZkittleZ is a really good producing strain. I grew one a couple years ago and it got really big like a huge pom pom in shape. Yours is a gem!


That BlackBerry has some definite bag appeal!

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Next up, Orange Sherbet. I’d been looking for a Sativa leaner, as I’ve been heavy into Indies (like, always :rofl::wink:), so,this lady seemed logical.

Figured it was time for another Fast Buds seed run!

By and large, Fast Buds seems to have this strain in the epic strength category all around (hehe, we shall see, but I’ve yet to be disappointed with a FB product). I’ve seen some great looking pics online, and the health & vigor of these two plants is undeniable.

This run is a (2) plant style reversal. The sts spray was completed last Tuesday, 4/25, will spray again tomorrow and then one more time next week. Spray started at around day 22, for 1 week (that had to be extended two days since I missed a couple during the week). Seed plant is on day 22.

Hopefully it’ll go well, we’ll know in about 2 weeks if the reversal was successful!

You gotta ask yourself - Do I really need more autoflower seeds…

Well - Do ya? Bwuahahahaha

Sign up below if you have an intense need, a need for more seed!

  1. @Rhino_buddy <–needs more autos!
  2. @CocoaCoir ← want to do an orange run
  3. @Sense <–never grown an auto!
  4. @killabud
  5. @ChronicMcBudz <–needs some orange!
  6. @MotaMan <<<auto noob
    Continue and write in numbers & names etc.
  7. @420noob << love autos

Thanks for, once again, offering up some goodies you spent time and money to recreate! I have grown the last of my GG4 from your past run, and it’s still one of my favs. Thanks for all you do! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


A lot of the strains you can get on the street around my ways seem to be fastbuds just by the strain names, who knows. I think I can do better :stuck_out_tongue:


I tested some fastbuds strains back when they first started…good stuff,changed my skeptical view of auto stuff

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So @nefrella I might have missed it if so I apologize. Are you running a pair of the Orange Sherbert reversing one and pollinating the second one with the reversed one?

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Interested in seeing these grow out! Based on your other results I’m expecting good things. Did you spray the whole donor plant?

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I have a 5 pack of the crystal meth myself. I wasn’t aware it was an auto when I ordered but loved the bud I got from the dispensary. Billed as some exotic Mexican hybrid. Looks like I haven’t missed @nefrella grow of it, so I’m here to watch and learn. I suppose with autos it’s best to start in the pot it will finish in, then multiple up potting. I’m officially a noob in the auto realm, but I intend to do those seeds. One Q burning in my mind, is it even possible to have a mother plant finding a keeper you want to grow again or is it only seed that propagates that keeper :thinking:

Nice grows @nefrella :clap::yum:

For the cat fans 2 Blue point Birman brothers


They’re awfully cute but look like they are fur factories. :rofl:


From the moment an autoflower seed sprouts it has a limited lifespan. For the sake of conversation lets say 84 days. If on day 25 post sprout you harvest a cutting and it roots in 10 days both your “mother” plant and the now rooted clone are on day 35 of their life cycle. You can do nothing (that I know of) to keep an auto vegging so both the clone and the mother will flower and expire.


Nice garden @nefrella
That blackberry smoke looks lethal.


@LoveDaAutos That’s exactly what I’m doing, 2 plants. One full reversal spray & one normal for pollination & seeds.


Yes @ChronicMcBudz one whole plant reversed, second is the seed maker. Selfing is great, I think this is more efficient as I cam toss the males, move seed maker to living room to finish out, pop the next run in the tent. Bwuahahahahahahhahaha


@BigMike55 Based on my initial testing, it was on par with a fantastic ‘high-end mid’. Hopefully with a cure will be better. Fruity smell off the charts, earthy with a hint of flavor during vape.

Bag appeal - off the charts & it gets the job done!


Usually does. I actually had some White Widow one time that I thought sucked. But after the cure, it was very good smoke.


Yup they are factories of loose hair that’ sticks like glue to everything :rofl: I try to mitigate having a screen on the flowering tent.

Wasn’t aware the lifespan has an expiration to it. I assume the only way to continue growing a keeper is selfing it, but hard to know who’s the keeper until it’s done, or am I missing something and every seed is identical ?

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Nope, same as photos in that every seed is different. You kinda have to take a leap of faith when doing a reversal like neferela. You could do a bit more selection with regs, but still won’t know the end result til its done.