Nefrella's Mephisto & Night šŸ¦‰

Oh, Iā€™m sure I will bwuahahahahah @Natea that teaspoon I have in the pic, is from Davidā€™s teas, as the ā€œperfect tspā€ well I measure it (for accuracy) haha, itā€™s a 2 tsp. Iā€™ve been double dosing myself with the honey - no wonder it works so well :rofl::joy::green_heart:


Yeah I donā€™t usually eat my THC because I have ā€˜over servedā€™ myself a couple times and it took forever to calm down, but watching poeple like you make these recipes makes me want to try again and take it slow.


Iā€™ve learned the hard way too ooooh many times. One thing as I get older, slow is key :green_heart:


Lol yes this isnā€™t your first rodeo then. Yeah it would be especially good for me in times like right now since I am getting over strep throat and smoke kills my throat. Would be nice for me to have something like that handy.


So howā€™s it going today and I have a beast on my hands my plants still stacking up and itā€™s just getting nice sized mini clubs and so dense itā€™s gonna be a long cure and I will be very careful with mold since itā€™s SO dense and resinous but how is it going Iā€™m the tent @nefrella and like your new purchase for budder but OMG I just looked at this weekā€™s drop and itā€™s backā€¦ 24 Carat is on this weekā€™s drop and I will be getting a 7 pack of those and I bet they sell out quickly but I hope your envelope lands itā€™s really starting to bother me but either way Iā€™ll send them until they get there TTY later Happy Holidays

and thatā€™s only the bottom ā…”rds of her and the buds are as big as my fist :fist: and itā€™s the best grow yet outta the 7 grows Iā€™ve done since starting 2Ā½-3 years ago and I just keep learning and implementing something new every grow and I just wish I could be more helpful but I sux at trying to diagnose/give advice on anything without seeing it (always been a visual learner and howā€™s your CDLC Iā€™ve got 2 of them but I still have yet to find or even see my Mephisto white whale and itā€™s there limited edition White Crack (Walter White x Sour Crack):drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: and Iā€™ve tried asking Mephisto and they responded with they currently have none in stock and have to make more AKA not for a long time Lol day 72


Oof, no way can I buy more seeds for awhile, but that 24K is mighty tempting! Your plants look amazing @DrGonzo13 !!


Iā€™m just getting a 7 pack of those and I will definitely be putting a couple aside :wink: but Iā€™m done with them for awhile too! LoL theyā€™re messing with me


Starting some ā€œThorā€™s Hammerā€ (Viking Genetics) itā€™s a cross of Mephisto Northern Cheese Haze 5 x Care Bear f2.

Figured Iā€™ve had such amazing success with the passive kratky lettuce, time to grow some autos this way. Sprouted yesterday, planted today. 5ml clonex/gallon, PhD at 6.1. These are regular autos.

Wanted to use glass jars, but went to the good Ole dollar store and just made them myself.

My new favorite way to germinate seeds, and probably will be used from here on out: soak em a couple days in the shot glass till crack, put em in a root riot pod, put into the zip lock container (on heat pad) and wait a couple days and voila!


Pretty legit setup!


Excited to see the progress, Iā€™m all about less work hahahaahaha


Nice :+1:t2: starting setup and damn that sounds like a very intriguing strain :eyes: are glued on these and if theyā€™re regs than you can do it with hopefully some males and females and open pollination but itā€™d be interesting to see how it goes if you have a really nice female to reverse and I probably said that wrong but I have an excuse I have just come back from a dab break lol several dabs got some good live resin of Blue Dream and some Oreoz but itā€™s looking like a solid start Happy Growing The Doc


Nope, just put it with 1/4" water and will pipet water for a couple days to supplement.


For week 1 just clonex, then from there out will be the 3 part ffof liquid nutes.


Additionally Iā€™m trying to figure out how to recycle the water for multiple runs. The nutrients should remain in the resevoir water (those not absorbed by the plants) and it seems like just a ph adjust would be needed when changing the reservoirs out. Save from week/week for the next time it rolls to that week.

I feel like Iā€™m starting a sog kratky system, and I think Iā€™m liking the idea.


Because we all need to buy more seeds - LOL, theyā€™ve got a ā€œChristmas Discountā€ right now. Should the Lord tarry, someone going to get a ton of seeds someday hahahahahha

Order summary

\ 60x60 Forgotten Strawberries Ɨ 1
3 seed
\ 18x18 CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT (-$4.40) $44.00

\ 60x60 Jammy Dodgers #2 Ɨ 1
3 seed
\ 18x18 CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT (-$4.40)


I was able to get a 3 pack of 24k and Sour Bubbly and I wish I knew that it was a discount on them because u donā€™t even see it until you go to pay but I will take whatever discount LoL I was going back and forth on Jammy Dodgers or Sour Bubbly and I was at the site when it started Mon and they didnā€™t even have 7 packs available for 24k just 1 & 3bpacks aka 2 and 5 packs and I saw that they actually did decide to send 2, 5, and 10 in the 1,3& 7 packs which is good and weā€™ll have to see what freebies we get and I have a new one from the Walter White last week strawberry Nuggets x Super Orange Haze! And I just chopped down my big stinky(in agood way)girl and I took the smallest bud to test and wet it weighed 5.2 grams and itā€™s just the little one LoL so I am gonna be sure that I keep a close eye cuz of how DENSE they are donā€™t want any mold but itā€™s the biggest and best plant structure Iā€™ve grown yet and itā€™s my third Auto and 7th overall plant Iā€™ve grown up since starting to grow 2Ā½ years ago and I will have been here for a year on Christmas Eve but I hope all is well with you and your enjoying your Holidays Happy Growing The Doc

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I wanted some of the 24K but they were sold out. Guess Iā€™ll have to make seeds with the (2) little beans I have left hahahahaā€¦And if I never get more, oh well. The Jammy Dodgers wasnā€™t even on my radar till I was stalking Reddit, and wow, just sounded too good to be true.

The fear of the mold is real - and Iā€™m curious about the defoliation of my fast buds Zkittles. She is so dense right now, that the buds in the middle arenā€™t getting ā€œoptimaLā€ air flow, but the tent is far from a stagnant pool of air.

I may just let her run and see what happens. I kind of like just leaving it alone and letting her finish off. Iā€™m going to just strip the plant, make edibles and topicals anyways. Zero bag appeal is needed for this adventure LOL - just gas.


Iā€™ll have enough to help you with the 24k quantity issue I have 3 already from Mephisto and I have 5 more on the way so I donā€™t have to tell you that itā€™s all good when it comes to Mephisto and us especially since we have been able to trade so Iā€™ll be in touch before then LoL but seriously I donā€™t mind throwing a couple ur way especially when you really sent me some amazing stuff and itā€™s official Iā€™m dropping some Toof Decay next or strawberry Nuggets which one is your pick ? And I have been curious about the Sour Liverā€™s and I thought it was in the drop but it was the UK store or the Liverā€™s BX1 but I was a dodo and didnā€™t grab any Liverā€™s BX1 supposed to be there ā€œskunkā€ but I just canā€™t decideā€¦

  • Toof Decay
  • Chemdogging
  • Strawberry Nuggets
    And I am gonna put up a poll on free seeds and clones thread to see but I would bet that most will pick Strawberry Nuggets LoL but I have at least 2 24k with your name Xmas spirit!

Ooooh, tough choice but I think the Toof Decay would be the next one Iā€™d run.

Thanks for the backup 24k, someday, hahahahaha, some day


I agree. Letā€™s see the toof decay. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: