Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

I have a very dear friend I’ve known for many years and she love the Dark Devil flowers. She lives now in a rent controlled apartment building in Mississippi so no more growing for her. Several of us keep her stocked up as she’s a heavy user of cannabis in all forms. Maybe I’ll break out the big bag of the small #4 perlite and see if I can remember how to do a hempy grow.


Hehe @Cbizzle it was learned thru the perpetual chase of “I can do better”.

I’m seeing comparatively speaking, I think my plants are now doing good.(hahahahah - now, oh Lord the carnage in this thread).

Sometimes the old KiSS is accurate :heart::us_outlying_islands::dove::latin_cross:


@LoveDaAutos that is so sweet of you :heart: I have friends in Hernando (outside of Memphis)


@nefrella the other day we were talking about dividing and conquering. I am getting ready to start my next auto seed which I will be reversing for seeds. Take a look at my list of Mephisto strains I have and pick the 5 you would most like to have in your collection. Chances are it’s on my list of Mephisto strains to do an increase on. Some strains might be listed more then once.

#52 Double Smile
Forum Stomper
Skywalker OG
Sour Bubbly
4 Assed Monkey
Sour Crack
24 Carat
Livers BX1
Forgotten Strawberries
Mango Smile
Bear Assed Monkey
Beary White
Heisenberg Special
#57 Blood Orange Haze
Skylar White
Stilton Special
3 Bears OG
Fantasmo Express
Forum Stomper
Forum Stomper
Pink Panama
CDLC X Forum Stomper X Forum Stomper
4 Assed Monkey X Walter White
Creme De La Chem
Samsquanch OG
Grape Crinkle
Ripley’s OG
Fugue State
Forgotten Cookies
Mephisto’s Wedding
#50 Strawba the Hutt
#61 White Creme
#53 El Chemi Kiwi
#56 Girl Scout Monkees
Walter White
Strawberry Nuggets
Sour Stomper Auto
Super Orange Haze
Fugue State X Forum Stomper Freebies
Sour Livers X Livers BX1
CDLC X Sour Stomper X CDLC
Skywalker X Creme de la Chem X Mango Smile
Strawberry Nuggets X Forum Stomper
Strawberry Nuggets X Pink Panama
Skywalker X Creme de la Chem
Toof Decay X Walter White
Kiwi X Northern Cheese Haze
Forum Stomper X Northern Cheese Haze
3 Bears OG X Mango Smile
CDLC X Sour Stomper X CDLC
Straw Nuggets X Forum Stomper X Samsquatch
Sour Stomper X Double Grape


Those are so good repro lines!

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Quick question for anyone into autos. If starting my autos outside should I still germinate the seed first then plant or just plant and water and pray. Thanks!


Whoa @LoveDaAutos I will review with glee! Ooooooh such a good plan, divide and conquer

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Both work @420noob but I’m crazy. I put my seeds in a shot glass with water and a couple drops of peroxide until they crack. Then I plant in a jiffy pellet, then once above ground into the final pot.

I’ve learned that waiting 5_7 days for a dud seed just isn’t on my calander. :green_heart:


My current catalog for your review as well @LoveDaAutos

00-3 bears og x samsquanch og
00-creme de la chem x skywalker
00-Double Grape x Grape Crinkle
00-mango sky
00-Ripleys OG x Strawberry Nuggets
00-samsquanch og x forum stomper
00-SODK x Super Orange Haze
00-Sour Livers x Livers BX1
00-strawberry mango crumble
00-Toof Decay x Walter White
00-4 asked monkey x toof decay
00-Strawberry nugget x pink panama
Aunt Ginnys Elixer (cbd - medical line)
24 carat
3 Bears OG
alien vs triangle
Aunt Ginny’s Elixer 20:1 CBD/THC
beary white
Creme de la Chem
fantasmo express
Forgotten Cookies
Forgotten Strawberries
Forum Stomper
Fugue State
Gold Glue
illuminato 61 white creme
illuminato #56- girl scout monkry
illuminato #57- blood orange haze
illuminato 54 tinto de verano
illuminato 55 strawberry crinkle
Illuminauto #41 - Bear Assed Monkey
Illuminauto #42 - Grizzly Crinkle
Illuminauto #45 - Sweet ‘n’ Smelly
Illuminauto #46 - 50 Shades of Grape
Illuminauto #50 - Strawbba the Hutt
Illuminauto #53 - El Chemi Kiwi
Illuminauto 58 funky magnifera
Jammy Dodgers #2
Livers Bx1
Mephisto’s Wedding
Pink Panama
Pinot Noir
ripley’s og
samsquanch og
Skystomper 2.0
sour bubbly
sour crack
sour stomper
Strawberry Nuggets
toof decay
toofless alien
Walter White


Sour Bubbly
Grape Crinkle
Skyler white

It looks like you have most of the strains I’ve got listed as well, so if you see overlap or if you want seeds of any particular favorite you’ve grown on the past, let me know and I’ll get a timeline put together.

Thanks again @LoveDaAutos !Truly OG


It’s probably hard to find a difference in your seed lists when it looks like you both have most of them :rofl: Skylar White is one I remember liking quite a bit as well.


Okay @nefrella from your list above these would be the 5 strains I would want to add to my collection in the quantity we discussed.

50 Shades of Grape
Grizzly Crinkle
Double Grape X Grape Crinkle

I have 1 Chemdogging seed and zero seeds of the other four strains.

I like your selections from my list. Today I will be dropping a Sour Bubbly into the shot glass to get started.

And if Mephisto ever releases definitive numbers on that Aunt Ginnie’s Elixir if it’s closer to the 1:1 they once mentioned I would like that. I did not purchase it because I got the feeling they really weren’t sure of the % of THC and CBD in the strain.


Sounds good. Bookmarked and I’ll get these going as soon as I can! @LoveDaAutos

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Love the cat grass in the tent! Where do you get your seeds?My girlfriend always has me growing cat grass out for our cat in kits that come pre mixed, but I figure I can skip that step. Also great job on the Sour Crack! What a chonker!


I was shocked with that sour crack chonker , truly @Greasy

Cat grass, True Leaf Market. Absolutely lush and wonderful. Woo Woo approved :smile_cat::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl::joy:


Thank you! We will give it a try. I’m sure Lyla will love it!


Oh what a doll :heart::heart::heart: Lyla looks like she has some spicy personality @Greasy :joy::rofl::smile_cat:


I am just going to assume the strain should be roughly 1:1 CBD/THC ratio as long as the CBD parent in the cross does routinely test at 20:1. Seems kind of odd though with all of the work they put into it that they didn’t just send out 5-10 different plants for cannabinoid testing to offer their customers some ballpark numbers instead of just listing “TBA” for cannabinoids.


Hey aren’t you fancy @nefrella all alphabetized and such. :wink: :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not lying when I say I would do it too if I knew how on my spreadsheet.


Sort by A-> Z, Excel, top right on sheet. Google sheets highlight the text and tap (r click if on desktop) @LoveDaAutos ! Hehe, not fancy, I live in spread sheets in my job…and lemme tell you, I know next to nothing on the fancy formulas.