Negative feedback on trades

Ah ha! So the truth is revealed… and probably meant to say paranoid. Yeah, the last post is how any con person sets up “they lost everything” to elicit sympathy from suckers. Far too many inconsistencies for coincidences, and yes these people attack as way to put the blame back on you to excuse themselves. He told me in PM he got 10 males, and then tried to say I’m not real person in a post. I dealt with someone 10 years ago that told everyone he’s a billionaire trust funder heir to Rolex and some people believe they’re this fantasy persona online but when called on it they attack and try to belittle. He didn’t realize I’m from an old money family and his “everyone is out to get me” for money I know all too well how it’s used. Some people think they can play the part, but it gets trickier to pull it off to people have lived that life behind closed doors :face_with_monocle: