Negative feedback on trades

This sums it all up for me.


I too had sent him some beans and got the same message a couple of days back. I guess I’ll let that pass. Atleast he replied.

There’s a prominent member who gives away free beans in his ‘Beans for Everyone’ thread.
I had sent him beans in exchange for anything of his based on his very first post in that thread. Months went by and when asked if he received the package, he replied that he always posts what he receives. Fair enough.
Months go by again and this person shows off his seeds collection and I spot the packages I sent him there. So, I dropped him a message again saying I’m glad.
He hasn’t replied to my message yet but still hands out free seeds to others…:joy::call_me_hand:t3::herb:


I hope to hell you’re better at picking women… :laughing:

You’re a good man @shag …this stuff shouldn’t happen to people like you. I wonder if those two names are one and the same?


I would wager he gets dozens of PMs a day. Probably forgot. I was annoyed for a bit that he was giving away my seeds and not tagging me, but in this case I think it’s a case neglect or forgetfulness rather than malice and he does so much good for the community sending seed so at the end end of the day what does it matter. At least that’s my take.

I know I personally have been so busy with life and health issues I have forgotten obligations here, though I make sure to make things right when I can.

Edit.I mixed up Doug’s giveaway thread and Beans for everyone… Doh! That being said Hanlons Razor still applies IMO.


I’ll stand behind those guys all day everyday, as being some of the most generous people this site has seen.

I have more than a couple of seeds that I lost track of who sent them…it certainly isn’t malicious and when I grow I’ll ask if anyone knows where they came from. I’m going to guess maybe this is the case here. They literally have given out thousands of seeds on here…I highly doubt they’re trying to do anything sketchy.

You guys couldn’t have brought up 2 more least likely culprits.


Well my apologies if I was annoying you by not tagging you. Wish you would have said something. As for “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity” I will just keep that response to myself.


Haha Doug admits to being malicious! No man I agree. I forget sometimes and I don’t mean to and it’s not on purpose and I don’t mean anything by it and don’t take it personally. I’m both hyperactive and a scatterbrain so it’s gonna happen


Lol, I hear you man. I certainly never do anything like that purposefully but he has a valid point and I will try to do better in the future


Really it’s impossible. I don’t have a 1000 page ledger of all my transactions. Shit, I can’t even waggle my finger at people who haven’t thanked me for my generosity because fuck if I can remember anyway.


I’m sorry, but that’s one of the funniest things I’ve read on here Doug. You’re one of the kindest , most generous, thoughtful, helpful people on this site.


I’m with you, Doug, Persian carpet artisans always leave a knot bad done because they say perfection only belongs to God … :pray:


Nobody’s calling anyone culprits here bro!
I just shared my experience. Negative feedback so to say…
To each his own I guess…:blush::v:t3::herb:
@DougDawson is cool, he’s a legend! Theres so much to learn from him in general…:green_heart::fire::sunglasses:


Ah ha! So the truth is revealed… and probably meant to say paranoid. Yeah, the last post is how any con person sets up “they lost everything” to elicit sympathy from suckers. Far too many inconsistencies for coincidences, and yes these people attack as way to put the blame back on you to excuse themselves. He told me in PM he got 10 males, and then tried to say I’m not real person in a post. I dealt with someone 10 years ago that told everyone he’s a billionaire trust funder heir to Rolex and some people believe they’re this fantasy persona online but when called on it they attack and try to belittle. He didn’t realize I’m from an old money family and his “everyone is out to get me” for money I know all too well how it’s used. Some people think they can play the part, but it gets trickier to pull it off to people have lived that life behind closed doors :face_with_monocle:


Thanks so much for the kind words brother, I appreciate it.

I agree 100%. I am certainly quite far from perfect and always loved how they did that with their carpets. That is humility at it’s finest.

Ah, thanks bud.

I think it’s important to note I was not called out either. @TopicalWave said some kind things to boot. It’s just when I noticed what he said, and that he was bothered by me not tagging him, I felt I should apologize is all. He was kind enough to offer up some seeds he made and I should have tagged him to give credit when I passed them out. That is 100% on me and something I need to try to be more mindful of. Anyway, work is done for the week, time to go put butt to sofa and put down the phone. :v:


I began feeling like things were a little off with him a little over a year ago when he started a thread on the topic of creating a cryptocurrency network for growers which, in his words, “could be used to get everything for free.” I tried getting details on what exactly he wanted to do and why he wanted to make a new crypto when there isn’t really a need for one, and just ended up in a circular argument about it. Between that and the thread about how to generate infinite free electricity, I figured it might be a good idea to take what he said with a grain of salt. :stuck_out_tongue: The common thread was clearly that he wanted a way to get something for nothing. Sorry to hear that he got to you too.


I specifically changed it to forgetfulness/neglect not stupidity…

Like I said I didn’t mean to call anyone out. Doug does a lot for us.


This was my latest reply in his thread.


All good man, no issues at all. :v:


crazy stuff going down… drama for sure.
I try and steer clear of drama and if @shag makes a call on an internet personality… I’m one to heed that call. I think it takes quite a bit to get under shag’s skin enough that he will publicly call someone out.
I was ashamed to see the actions of the drgonzo13 scamming the auctions. In my auction it wasn’t a pile of money but still lemonadejoe took the hit on his end. I felt terrible about that so I never asked him for the $$$ for shipping the packages out. Was probably close to covering what that clown scammed my auction for.
By and large the people here are great and the bad apples are not gonna ruin my fun thats for sure. Speaking of neglecting commitments… I am terrible with messages and sometimes miss replies especially when my inbox has a lot of traffic. I have also been offered seeds and things so many times and I don’t reply in a timely manner sometimes so don’t want people to think I am brushing them off.

anyways… I’ve received my fair share of strange encounters here but can’t weed them all out. Glad there are those here watching out for the community and I know @shag is one of them.


I feel we are all guilty of that from time to time. :grimacing:
Sometimes I read a message and get distracted then forget to reply.
When I do dumb shit you can call me a dumbass, I am ok with that… :rofl:

Some folks are just fuck ups, and I am ok with fuck ups.
What I am not ok with is purposeful deception of any type.