Negative feedback on trades

If I’m not mistaken, @Carty was having him reproduce the gabagoo he made or something similar. I’m not sure what came of that, but I suspect nothing good. :worried:


You really do have the worst luck in the world. Don’t buy lottery tickets.

In all seriousness though, I can see the frustration of having to deal with someone like that, but it sounds like it’s only been a couple of members. Don’t let it sour you on the rest. My gut feel says you’ve probably had exponentially more positive experiences with trades here.


I know this has been a sore spot for you. I was thinking that one way to make it a little more fair for everyone is to announce a day and a time for people to sign up for giveaways. A lot of the giveaways I see here are “spur of the moment” and it really is first come, first serve. If the giveaways were announced beforehand, there might be a better chance for other people to get in on them. People that might be at work, etc. Just a suggestion, and maybe it’s done that way sometimes. I don’t really follow them, but I have a lot of respect for the people that host them.


I sent them some seeds once.
I asked if they could let me know when they got them.
Never heard back from them.
The address was a strange one…


I’ve been looking for testers for a few creations I had made and something about the way this was worded hit me with red flags. This was before I had any convo’s about said person. IMO you don’t say you can accept beans immediately and then say you can’t make any promises… :man_facepalming:t4: If you’re going to test for someone you honor your commitment. Bummed I actually sent BBD F2’s to this account when they came asking but it is what it is. Good thing I have thousands!


About 10% of testers actually grows the seeds… it is what it is :upside_down_face:

That’s why grow racks/3 tier sog is essential to any breeder…


Will definitely be taking matters into my own hands here shortly once my new space is squared away. I’ve had set backs after set backs but I think I’m almost there. Then I’ll test my own shit. haha

Though having a tester thread will weed out people who aren’t people of their word. It’d be helpful all the way around to know who doesn’t take things serious.


I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again.
The way that this person types with the constant “…” is oddly familiar to another shyster account.
Same with the one(s) that uses slot of commas.


I use the ellipsis alot because I’m English challenged but I swear my heart is pure



That’s the word! :joy:

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I don’t play the lottery for just that reason.

Absolutely, I will not change my ways at all.
Well maybe I will be looking even closer at the folks I am dealing with.

And again I must insist we look well into the personality of these folks before we label them as Seed Vultures.

I know good folks here that look just like the Seed Vultures on the surface but if you look real hard you will find they are really just Seed Junkies.
Several of these I call close friends.
I see them scooping up almost everything that is offered.
But those same folks will give you anything you need if they have it.
So we must distinguish the users from the seed junkies.

We all know the feeling of being a Seed Junkie.
Hell most of us have spent thousands if not 10’s of thousands on these must have seeds.
Half of ya’ll just put em in the vault like comfort food or something.
I don’t mean to judge, I see some of the collections and I am nothing but jealous. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
So I get it and I can respect it.

It is kinda like women, some guys need to sample everyone.
It is fun to hunt and find a gem for braggin rights and all.

So I say take all you want, just don’t take advantage.

And then there is this…


It’s tough for the small guys yknow… most won’t grow them if you’re not known to bring the fire every damn time…

Plus testing yourself is the best way to fast track any projects.

It is the main reason I never bothered to get testers… that and the few that grow them might just knock them off. Strictly speaking original lines here the more work you put in the easier it is to knock off ha


Truth. Super glad I have some non-internet local buddies to help me out. They’re always down to grow what I give them. It’s super helpful.

This is definitely the way…

Honestly yes I wanted the testers but it was more for fun and to have an engaging little grow off but it’s been a pretty soft start honestly. Maybe I’ll refrain from this and stick more to my roots of giving seeds away without expectations. lol


As much as that doesn’t add up… giving seeds away without expectations just might have a better return :wink:

I’m getting PMs of people casually starting my untested stuff all the time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also irl friends just wanting a couple plants works wonders… start them up, offer some wisdom, they can keep the weed!


This is more than true… I’ve given away hundreds of packs and I’ll be surprised when I get tagged and see a bean or two of mine damn near completion already.

Any way… BACK to topic lol I think we’re off subject! :laughing: :man_facepalming:t4:


Them assholes ! (For no spam🤪)


My one post that was on topic gets flagged. :rofl:


I made sure to give it a like! haha


Ah man, don’t worry too much about flagged stuff, I get posts flagged all the time, most are super tame stuff. It doesn’t mean anything lol


I’m no stranger to flagged posts. :wink: