Negative feedback on trades

Party pooper :sunglasses: :metal:


I sent @DougDawson 50g of Blue Kush pollen and the guy starts giving it away like it’s his own! (Just kidding we love you Doug)


Isn’t OG about spreading seeds far and wide??
Yes you get the odd asshole that doesn’t keep his/her/they/it (trying to be politically correct there and supporting the ones that’s born with the bits they don’t want) promises. If its a trade for seeds that’s been bought from a breeder that cost a lot of money then yep I’d be pissed myself but this is why we have the trust levels here on OG. If your unsure about a trade maybe ask a mod to check and see what they think. I know it’s extra work for our mods but isn’t this one of the reasons they have been giving the status?
My advice. If you’ve any doubts challenge who your trading with.
I don’t trade. I give out seeds I won’t grow. I receive seeds I want to grow. This site has changed so much these past few years.


Some folks see this place as a cash cow and look to make money on the most generous of us.

I personally can not stand by and watch while doing nothing to prevent good folks being taken advantage of.

My beef is just that, I can handle myself, I do not want others to suffer the same fate.
I don’t much like being a snitch at all but at times you have to look out for the family.

It would not be a bad idea for the mods to keep this thread clean, it does make a lot of extra reading for someone looking for info on a certain member.


I think the levels and status should be harder to achieve , might make it less attractive to smash and grabs as they would have to do more work and spend more time : )
You can get pips too easy and also member status

It’s nearly like a sport for some to scam here


Snitches get stitches :rofl:
A lot of folk only join OG because they heard down the line OG gives out seeds. When I see our sponsors do a give away I see people comment on the threads that I’ve never seen mentioned here on OG. You click on that user and all their comments are on threads giving away seeds. What can we do without making OG a site that only accepts people that knows people.
The trust level stuff hinders these type of people.
I don’t know what to say. Deal only with people you’ve talked with in the past?? :thinking:


A little research and reading will tell you everything you need to know. If you feel like it smells, it probably does.


If it smells foreign avoid it :laughing:


Yes we have our own stench but I like to think it’s kind of appetizing.


I think 3 in 5 new people are here to hussle , seeds clones equipment money
Only 1 in 5 are here to learn and grow with the site


I once lent a book to a friend, a good friend, and when I asked for it back he had written his name in it and used that writing as proof that it wasn’t mine.

Ok guy.

It takes all kinds. And I really don’t care. I’m happy to give them away and if you feel the need to scam them that’s your problem not mine. All it costs me is a stamp so it’s really no skin off my back.

Rare stuff I’ve paid money for, well, I’d be more diligent.

But it’s the internet.


So you think 60% of members are here to hustle and 20% are here to learn and grow? What do you feel the other 20% are here for? Just curious.


Haha there are 3 types of people
Those that can count and those that can’t : )


As a younger new OG user. I started on Reddit, full of idiots. Then luckily heard about OG, I think it was through reading about the ghost cut of OGKush or something, anyway I believe outside the industry this site probably holds the best knowledge and minds in the cannabis world. It’s an honour to be a part of it and learn from some amazing people. I like the pips and the trust system, also the profile created date. It’s easy to see who’s genuine via their profile / diary’s / discussion posts

Big up yourselves you’re a part of history, this isn’t just a website. Its a shame most of the old OG is lost


Friendship and for some a place to speak freely about a topic that they can’t speak of anywhere else @DougDawson
: )


Look, my professional experience has blessed me with a pretty good bullshit detector.

For example (a random example) @Esrgood4u is a bit of a cunt but also a standup dude and is welcome to anything I have.

There are people who can’t afford $49.99 and they are also welcome to whatever I have

And then there are sob story douchers who I will probably send seeds to anyway.

Anyone who’s house has burnt down and who’s mother is sick and who has holes in their socks is probably full of shit but if they ask me nicely I’ll send it to them anyway.

I’m not going to cry about being “scammed” over seeds I have 10000 of.


The last one there was the main one and what brought us all togeather years ago when it was all illegal

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Cool, as I said, I was just curious as you only labeled 4 out of 5. I enjoy hearing others opinions :v:


Some people like Gorgonzola on pizza too…


:disappointed_relieved: fuck sake. No ones ever said anything nice like that about me before.