Negative feedback on trades

Three periods. Same person? Maybe? :joy:


If we are all the same person then we pretty much got the globe covered. :rofl:


Great now I need more international stamps.


You canā€™t look out for an avatar with a tiny dick.


Maybe to hopefully put us back on topic I havenā€™t had a single bad experience with giving away seeds. Maybe itā€™s because my demands and expectations are low but to the best of my knowledge everyone has been gracious and appreciative and thatā€™s all I can ask for. I have a few plants growing in other peopleā€™s gardens right now and it gives me great joy so even though I havenā€™t had any Iā€™m willing to absorb some bullshit for that privilege.

If one has more stringent requirements and those are not met out of deceit then thatā€™s bad and I get it.


Lol ive got my own writing style as wellā€¦ I use ā€œlolā€ and ā€œā€¦ā€ way too frequentlyā€¦ ive notice scammers being called out for tge ā€œā€¦ā€ a few times latley, just hoping I donā€™t get lumped into the scammer pool cause of it


ā€œIā€™m so screwedā€ā€¦ lol


120ā€¦postsā€¦ and the best one was a sleeping with wife jokeā€¦ lol this site is the best <3


Im guilty of using the ā€œā€¦ā€ alot. Usually because I cant find the ā€œcommaā€ or not sure its the right place for one. Carry on.


Lol Im pretty sure

ā€œIā€™m heading to Timmies to grab a box of timbits and a large Double Double, and it only cost me 5 loonies!"

Translates from Canadian to English as

ā€œIā€™m heading down to Tim Hortonā€™s for a box of doughnuts and a coffee, and it only cost me $5.ā€


giving away seeds is a big part of the community, lets keep it that way. newcomers find it welcoming and free seeds are way less stressful early on when youre still dialing in your tent.


I appreciate the translation, but I think you may have missed the context of that joke.

I happen to know for a fact @Foreigner hates Tim Hortonā€™s :slight_smile:

(And I was making fun of him for being Canadian) .


I do hate Tim Hortons

I cried about it but was concerned it was a medical condition so I used my free healthcare to check it out and it turns out Iā€™m fine, just a wuss.

And without the word eh I donā€™t understand what youā€™re saying.


Only signing up in the thread they started about giving away seeds, but it was weird, in that they started a wiki at the top of the thread (where I signed up), and then started other wikis way further down the threadā€¦ maybe I was just misunderstanding but the whole thing seemed a bit off.

At the same timeā€¦ it was seemingly someone giving away seedsā€¦ if they do it in an odd manner who am I to complain?

This is cool, I hope it works out well.
I am not confident on a positive outcome, but I wish you both the best.
I would be happy to see @Kabuddha become a productive member of this wonderful community. :star_struck:

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Itā€™s not hard to use a mailing service where mail gets sent there then they remail it to the address you actually want so no one knows even what state you are in let alone which po box to watch. @Kabuddha got me also and @DrGonzo13 actually sent half of what he said and it took 3 months. Why be a POS on this site when really all you have to do is ask nicely no lies, no b.s. and youā€™ll still be able to interact on the forum. Some peopleā€™s children right! Anyways Iā€™m a firm believer in if you are a thief and get caught you deserve to have your hands smashed or at least all fingers broken. Middle east has it get caught stealing lose your thieving hand. End of story get caught twice well you canā€™t steal with no hands easily anywayS


This is my personal opinion.

Those are fighting words :boxing_glove: :joy:


had no idea abut that mail trickā€¦ jeez and yes i agree about the stealing here makes no sense people offer seeds to others for free why go be a dickhead makes no idea to me


Thatā€™s how you can get things mailed to states if they donā€™t mail to states. Have it sent to a mailing service in Canada and they reship it to whatever addy you give.