Negative feedback on trades

For the record I don’t flag any post, even if I find them offensive.

The main reason for my original post was to see if others had the same experience with Kabuddha
The feed back has been helpful.
We can now see there is a pattern.
Several members here have been taken advantage of by this member.
Many other members that were not taken advantage of, state they have reason to keep an eye on Kabuddha .

I am not calling for a ban, that is not for me to decide.
I am just saying… tell your friends to look out for this one, for the reasons of your choosing but spread the word.
If he is just here for free seeds that should be evident soon enough.

If I am wrong here, I will happily eat my hat.


I understand that better than TLTR… exclaim|nullxnull


@Kabuddha Might have given him his last chance then unknowingly…
I gift out a lot of seeds… Kabuddha wound up with some of my Gabagoo and Beast Mode seeds. Contacted me wanting to make a seed run with them, I approved and would get majority of seeds per him. I guess he could of just taken the seeds and ran, I gave them freely to a few… so why contact me to make beans right? then I learn about all this, so I contact him and confront him and even explained to him… well, prove them wrong is all I can recommend… to me right and I’ll let them all know the seeds were created by you using my seeds… so, I’ve either given him a chance to do right or hang himself.
Sure hope he chooses to do right… he had been keeping in touch, sent a few photos… asked when to stop hitting them with pollen… seemed legit?

Luckily: I also gifted a larger pack of all these seeds to my bud Argo of Argo’s Gardens and he is halfway thru making Gabagoo and Beast Mode. so Kabuddha was a backup plan… wheew.


I can’t help but wonder if he was advocating for himself to be the receiver of beans to be shipped:


innocent until proven guilty and all but damn there sure is a lot of evidence…

I don’t usually get down with smear campaigns but something is just not adding up here.




Reminds me of hellablaked.


Ok, so you outed this guy over and over and over again. This asshat has already moved onto another of his multiples screen names. All this energy over what? Burning a screen name he doesn’t even care about. This motherfucker is on here right now laughing at all the attention his dumb ass is getting.


I think its a good thing for people to know.


My favourite kabudda story is I made a thread about drinking and he said drinking good.

You know all the seminal Buddhist texts prohibit smoking and drinking, right :joy:


I caught him once. I don’t know like a year ago or so. My brain moves so fast. I catch things especially in dialogue. Its more of “I see” words and the way they are used and my brain matches it with another time and situation. He may have been fucked up. I saw him reply to his own bullshit argument in a thread using another screen name. He didn’t change his verbal delivery. I do not remember the other screen name. “who has the space for other peoples choices”

I replied. Hmmmmmmm these sound like the same person.

silence. hmmmmm


@ColeLennon : psychic powers.

Can’t say I had any special insight but I did get a vibe.


He is a fuckface. I say close the thread and don’t give him anymore attention. What you think he won’t want more with a different screen name. Fuck him.


I think it’s pretty easy to recognize writing styles, I know I certainly have one. I use the word certainly and inherently quite often. I also tend to end rants with "at the end of the day, blah, blah, blah. Many people use … in between sentences. If you scroll up, you’ll see three different people do it within the last several posts here.

I have no idea what Foreigner is talking about.

“I’m heading to Timmies to grab a box of timbits and a large Double Double, and it only cost me 5 loonies!"

What the hell does that mean?


No nothing that awesome. Severe combined type ADHD. Hyper awareness.


It’s because I consistently change my writing style so nobody knows who I am or what I’m talking about. Now give me seeds :joy:

I often tell Mrs Foreigner I have psychic powers but I’m just kidding.


She had no idea how quick you were huh?

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We’ve known each other for 25 years so she knows exactly who I am. No secrets.

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My point was she is probably is still amazed.

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I like to think so. She’s not so bad either.

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