Neo's Sad Grow Log

Bro that is a frost monster


Your making it tough not to pop a few with looks like that.


yeah i’m still struggling to see the sad part :heart_eyes:
Is it sad because you haven’t gotten to harvest yet? :joy:


Thanks :smile: I’m getting a little impatient at this point I just want to start over and have the plants supported this time. It’s a jungle trying to hand water now and probably a matter of time before the other 2 strains start sagging :stuck_out_tongue: Still considering revegging the HG I love the smell. Wonder how the high is.


Doo it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Just be careful with the height because mine stretched like crazy. I feel like if I didn’t bend the shit out of mine and supported them properly these would yield high. I didn’t have enough space left in the tent for em though.


Haha thanks. That is becoming an issue now. When I made the thread title my outlook on this grow in my mind was pretty grim. I was in veg and just switched mediums and was already running into problems that I couldn’t seem to figure out. Even after emailing the both the companies that make my nutrients and my pro mix. Glad it mostly worked out in the end ( I hope lol) because now I can use a MUCH cheaper medium and have similar results that I had in coco. I could never pinpoint exactly what the problem was but I think the fact that I wasn’t feeding them often enough might have caused the medium ec to skyrocket. The more often I water the less problems I seem to have in really aerated mediums.


Aunt Lemon. Pinesol ish smells atm. One with the brownish leaves was in a lot worse shape a week or 2 ago I’m surprised it somewhat grew out of it. Hoping it was just too much heat from a disconnected furnace vent because when I blocked it from blowing directly over in that direction it seemed to improve after awhile. Uneven canopy causing issues, some buds getting way less light and smaller Once I pull my HG I’m going to put some side lighting on the Aunt Lemon and Happy Amnesia v2.


Hard to get a close up pic of the Hallowed ground that isn’t blurry. Around day 54-55. I really want to chop these down. What do you experts think? Soon? Another week? Another month? So over this grow lol just want to start over.


Any suggestions anyone? :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve had to pull my recent grows somewhat early so have less experience pulling at a time when it is going to be the most potent. My last grow was pretty weak because I had to pull it very early due to finding botrytis. I’ve also never sent any samples to a lab but that would be cool if I had the money. Send in multiple samples of the same clone taken at varying trich development stages to see when the plant has the highest level of thc before it starts to degrade.

I have a feeling the other ones will still take a few weeks but I am not sure about the Hallowed Ground here.

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Still a couple of weeks to go yet : )

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Fuuuck :stuck_out_tongue: I was hoping these wouldn’t have too much more to go. Most of my plants now are sagging to the floor basically and watering them has become a pain in the ass. I have had to cut a few lower branches off because they were touching the soil when I was watering. Pretty flimsy stems all around. The Blue Taras are all bent in half sitting on a trellis. I tried and failed to do the same thing with the Happy Amnesia and ended up screwing them up so I just left the rest as is. The Aunt Lemon are sagging really bad almost none of the buds except one I have held up with twist ties(lol)

If I still have awhile to go I guess I am going to have to buy some sort of string somewhere and tie them to the tent poles unless theres a way I can get a trellis on without breaking and bending the shit outta my plants like I already did :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been taking mostly close up pics. I’ll try to take a quick pic or 2 of the current disaster that is my plants haha.


Here’s the disaster I’m working with :laughing:


Be nice to stop them buds lying on eachother , get some air around them , keep your humidity in check , great harvest your gonna have : )

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Is my only option getting a string for the ones along the side and trying to tie them to the ceiling for support or is there a possibility at all of getting a trellis in the without breaking things even more? I feel like I’ve been wasting light with them laying down like that the lowers are getting nothing. The problem I always have with trying to put in a trellis when it is already flowering and full of sticky buds is when I try to lower it it always gets caught in between buds and gets stuck in a lot of places makes it a pain in the ass to lower and usually end up just bending and tangling the buds. As you can see I made a weak attempt on one of the sides with fishing line but it wasn’t thick enough or tied tightly. Thinking about buying some butcher twine lol. I definitely learned my lesson and will be putting up one of 2 trellises during veg while I still can weave them around without much issue or tangling. Or maybe make a shitty trellis by stringing lines one by one across the plants until they have support. Lol ffs you might hear me cursing from my grow room tonight


Nothing you decide to do will be easy at this stage best choosing the right one that will compliment your grows now and in future than waste time and money on temporary fix I think ( maybe some yoyos or a stretchy net , might be the easiest for now )
Fishing line can stretch in heat and light degrades it , so be aware of that when using in the grow room : )

( seen people hang lights with it befor )


Hi bro I just ordered some of these

Bro those buds look killer
I agree with fish too early to pick


nice! I have never seen those :frowning: But I live a sheltered life :slight_smile:




Damn I would have gotten that had I not ordered 500ft of butcher twine from amazon just now :stuck_out_tongue: It should come by the end of the week I’m hoping. And I can use in the kitchen if it doesn’t work out. At least the upside of them taking longer is I’ll hopefully get more bud in the end. Holy crap though, if the one’s I thought early are still weeks away then I bet my Happy amnesia are still a long ways to go. Hope I get more than the measly 1lb per 4x4

Edit: just went back and checked my old grow log and I think I ended up having to pull the last grow around day 45 (because I found botrytis) which is almost 2 weeks behind what I’m growing right now that’s still not done. No wonder the potency wasn’t what it should have been.


Cut and quick dried some scraggly hair covered buds of the aunt lemon over a few days since they were basically on the ground. Has a tropical smell/taste which is weird because the plant still has a lemony/berry/pinesol type smell. High is not there yet but if I have another good while to go then I’m not too worried. So far seems like I’m on track for this to be my first grow where the quality doesn’t actually piss me off :stuck_out_tongue:


close up of HG and BT day 60


HG lights out


Aunt lemon lights out. I found some botrytis inside one of the nugs that was basically on the ground/touching other nugs for weeks. I am going to keep a close eye on it but not going to pull everything early like last time. I’m hoping I don’t lose too much of it though or have much longer to go. Those weird yellow leaves on one plant actually recovered from what it was before.