Neo's Sad Grow Log

Decided to chop the Hallowed Ground and the 1 Blue Tara that was sharing a tray with them last night before the lights went on at day 65. I was getting really tired of the buds flopped over on top of each other and others basically touching the ground. I might do the same thing with the Aunt Lemon soon. I really fucked my yield by not using proper support. I took the 2 lights that were above that tray and put one beside the Happy Amnesia v2 and one beside the Blue Taras which are both somewhat on screens. Hoping to increase the size of some of the lower buds that was since my 2 floppiest trays prob wont yield well or will lose more. Does anyone think the branches on the hanging buds are too close together for drying or will more space open up a bit as they dry? I don’t have very many good big dense top buds so am worried about losing them all again. I have them in a 4x4 tent with the fabric half off and 2 fans on max on the floor blowing towards the tent wall.


Looking beautiful :heart_eyes_cat: @neogitus

Happy harvest !!


Glad to see you made it to the end! Buds are looking good!!

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Thanks @Swe-can and @Tappy Let’s hope the yield isn’t crap and the potency is alright considering they’re still prob pretty early :pray: Even with all my mistakes they look better than my last grow so at least the end result will be worthwhile. I’m just impatient.

I still have the others going but a few things I want to do different for the next grow. Use a trellis or 2 on each tray, buy pvc and learn to setup my auto irrigation system so I can stop hand watering and build an actual basic room for the plants with ventilation leading outside. My windows are foggy during the winter, not good for the house.

Surprised I haven’t had more mold issues with my plants considering I’ve always just vented them outside the tent with a dehumidifier running constantly. I want a good hygrometer also, can’t afford one atm though. My cheapo amazon one and the dehumidifier have always read very different numbers. Pulse one or Pulse pro look cool but there are also a bunch of other stuff like environmental controllers with lots of different sensors. Maybe in a few grows I’ll be able to get my hands on a soil moisture/ec sensor so I can start playing with steering (once I set up the auto irrigation)

Can’t wait to have this grow completely over and done with. I feel like I’m going to get less than last time which was 4lb from a 8x8 (1lb being really scraggly bottoms) kinda my fault this time though.

I have some seeds coming in the mail I hope to be able to start when they arrive and this grow is over, but if not I’ll dig some more of San’s stuff out of the freezer. I want to pop sanfune x holy princess, gg4 x blue lavender and possibly snow thrower (the white x sour d) all crosses from San. That might change in a few weeks though. So much to choose from and 5 packs to pop.


Decided to trim the one of the 4 plants that were hanging. It’s only been 5 days since I harvested but most seem pretty dry. I’ll probably trim the 3 hallowed ground tomorrow or the next day. I got around 5oz from the one Blue Tara which doesn’t seem bad considering how small they were and how long of their life they spent far away from the light. The other 3 that are still growing look much bigger.

Hoping I can at least get 20z per 4x4 then I’ll get more than I did last grow :stuck_out_tongue: It looks like 2 of the Hallowed ground will give me less and I’m guessing one will give me more than the Blue Tara. If Only I had used a damn trellis :unamused:

I’ve gotten super lazy with the feeding since my pump is slow and doesn’t have much pressure. Probably just going to give them water from this point since it’s faster and less effort. I should be calling this shit Blue Haira lmao covered in hairs ffs :sweat_smile:

Edit: smells like pooberry, grape soda, lavender, lemon. Kinda reminds me of what some soap smells like.


Looks pure :fire:!!!

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Been awhile. Took a few quick pics of the Aunt Lemon and Happy Amnesia V2. I cut the rest of the Blue Tara f2 on Tuesday. Hoping this one goes as well if not better than the last round. The only 2 left now are the AL and the HAV2. Day 77/11weeks since flip. Hoping one of these are at least done soon :stuck_out_tongue: The one AL that’s tied to a post is chunky I’m still smacking myself for not putting up a trellis I could have had multiple like that.

Been smoking some of the Hallowed Ground lately and I love the smell of it. It seems to get better day by day so by a few weeks I’m sure it will be better.


Looks excellent from your pictures you posted . No shortage of crystals sparkled right up.

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oh so sad :frowning:

outstanding work I need a coat :wink: brrrr!!!

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Spent a good time in trim jail with the Blue Tara. Too lazy to take bud pics I will later :stuck_out_tongue: Got around 27 oz from 3 plants. Much better than last time and I didn’t even bother with the loose scraggly shit yet which is probably going to be at least another 8 oz when I finally get around to it.

Only the Aunt Lemon and Happy Amnesia v2 still growing now. They need to hurry up @ week 11 lol.


Going to pull the rest of the plants on Monday.

Had to dig out the seed bin at the bottom of the freezer which was a pain in the ass but the exciting part is I picked out the seeds I am going to start for next run very soon.

Mostly stuff from @santero of course and 1 bodhi pack.

20 sanfune f2 (holy princess x chocolate cheese)
5 lemon cheesel (cheese/sour d x lemon thai)
5 chocolate fudge (gg4 x chocolate diesel)
10 toblerone (east coast sour d/appalachia x chocolate diesel)
12 lemon lotus (lemon g x snow lotus)

I’m leaving a bit of room for failure/runts/males.

The chunkiest nug of the Aunt Lemon collapsed on itself from the weight even though it was held up at a lower point on the plant lol. By the time I harvest these and the HAv2 they will be at day 87.


Got yourself some Santero gems to hunt through . Should be some interesting finds.


Some more pics of the Happy Amnesia V2 and Aunt Lemon. It was hard to get an accurate picture of the real colour of the plants with the super bright lights but I got a few. The ones that were closer to the lights showed up more yellowish instead of purple. They still look nicer in person though :stuck_out_tongue:

Tried both the Hallowed Ground and Blue Tara in a joint and both taste good and burn good. High is nice but holy shit that Hallowed Ground smells super good. Like candy.


Finally cut the rest of the floppy mess. Lots of random pics. Prob could have gone longer. Can’t wait to try them.


@neogitus wow amazing colors and they look solid

Congratulations on a great grow



Thanks. Was off to a rough start but I’m pretty happy how it turned out considering all the floor buds :stuck_out_tongue: Hoping everything goes smoothly I will probably be popping my seeds for the new grow this week.

Have a ton of trimming in my future.


Always a good problem to have!!


Taking a break from trimming the Aunt Lemon. Lost some buds to botrytis but nowhere near as bad as last grow. I had a few of the bigger nugs puff white as I was trimming them under an led but looks good so far. Looks like I am prob gonna get around 2lb of just this strain which is good because it looks like the HAV2 are gonna give me much less ( I have one plant that was basically half dead by the end)

I’ll prob end up with a grand total of 6 but if I’m lucky I’ll get 7 :stuck_out_tongue: Can only imagine what is possible now if the plants were actually standing tall. These could have prob gone longer but I want to start over again.


Finally done trimming. Ended up with 6lb but I left a lot of plant material behind because I had a ton of airy buds that weren’t really worth the time to trim as it would prob take an hour per oz.

I’m not really sure what I should do with it. Suck it up and take a few days to trim, somehow turn it into edibles or somehow extract it? I don’t own bubble bags and ethanol is insanely expensive here. Would be cool to make a really strong huge batch of weed butter but I’d probably need a ton of water just to get that much plant material in without it turning to a solid.

There’s gotta be at least a HP of scraggly buds there.


My advise once you’ve taken all your gonna trim just strip the leftovers in a swift swipe up the branch . Makes great editable material or hash with no added trimming required. You could do half butter and the rest with coconut oil . Makes a mean coconut ball edible .

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