New grow facility

So long wait time to have the kick off meeting yesterday 2-17-23 almost 4 hours long
But it finally started
The organization that I work for is going to grow and we will be vertically integrated the only one in Washington state
I will post pics of what I can and the build and try and answer questions if I can
So for today I can post a base design that was shared with the builders and consultants this is definitely going to change it was to show flow and rough space needed my work space is the purple-ish color very small but around 1000sqft for breeding and research and development

45,000 sqft


Best of luck to you with the new space. Hope it goes smoothly for you guys.


Very impressive. I would need a much bigger basement for something like that.


Sweet, best of luck to y’all!

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Nice, hope all goes well for you

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Thank you brotha


It would be cool if it was underground


I’m jealous of that space… 1k sq ft. may be a bit small but manageable I think.


How big will each room be broken down into? I have a 550sq ft. garage I’m thinking of rooming off myself for these purposes. Obviously home scale. It’s not for work but I live for overkill.

Awesome space you’ll have to play in!


1000 sqft is plenty haha

I used to r/d in a 24x12 room, roughly 300sqft, and got much work done :yum:


That is undetermined at the moment this was a conceptual to just show the need the space will be determined by the buildings foundation and structural supports so all the space can be altered by next month we will have the 25% meeting and have a bettter idea of what it could look like but that can change the architects are cautious but will have to be flexible this design does not have extraction on it either


I’d give this a :heart: but I’m way out of them! I will be following along with this I love build outs whether at scale or at home. Stoked to see where this project goes!


Only negative factor would be that ALL fresh air must be Delivered… no open window mentality. And yes, I know phuk-all about Production growing, but thats an issue I see that might be valid

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Interesting we didn’t talk about that much but the building will be pressurized and next to no outside air in


Definitely manageable I have a buddy I get to work with so it will be 2 man room the facility will be about 40 jobs including extraction
And our extraction team is 5 body at the moment


I’m sure its a standard hurdle in todays production design phases. I’m sure oxygen exchange comes into Play.

Its gonna be nice to watch this evolve. Best Wishes !!


Beautiful looking buildout!!!
Looks like you’re going to have some fun with your own R&D space.
Wish my partner would finally give the go ahead so we could start a buildout in our building.

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Thank you
I hope it will be super fun can’t wait to play and create but I also know it’s a lot of work
blood sweat and tears go into creating something magical
But testing new things will be fun way to spend the day getting paid


Nice plans for the facility! You said your company is vertically integrated with cannabis…might I ask what type of company it is?


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We have a testing lab I built a few years ago 4 retail stores a processing facility and then this monster


So its all directly related to cannabis? I was thinking there might be a bakery or something. Good times!


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