New grow, seed run, first time leds

Starting new seeds. Most new and 1 archived pack I’ve been saving for years. Looking forward to see what’s in store.
Exotic genetics, mendo 2020 , fresh coast, and of course my archive pack of dairy queen from TGA. Will be running 2 scorpion diablo 650 leds in a 5x9 gorilla tent but starting off under t5’s


welcome to OG … I’ll follow you brother … a good thing would be to introduce yourself in the appropriate section


Nice selections. You looking for a keeper? :beers:

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Yes definitely a keeper or 2. Plus saving pollen/clone from a dad or 2 for a breeding project. It took a long time to decide what strains to run but I’m excited for each strain . my brother and I had dairy queen around 2010 so this will hopefully he a walk down memory lane. ( so funky). Also my buddy grew slippery susan outdoors this year and it is a great petroleum smelling strain. Thank you


I like your plant stakes. Label maker? Haven’t had one of those in a long time.

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@Foreigner. Thanks you just got it. Always have used a sharpie but trying something new. Well see how long the labels stay on


Pulling up a chair for sure!! Best of luck, I’m excited for you.

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@OGSince03 Thank you. Looking forward to see what’s to come as well. Gitty like a school girl.


I’m gonna jump aboard, for the ride. That is, if you don’t mind :v:t4:


@repins12. that would be great. Thank you for the support !


Quick update. Seeds started to emerge this week. By far the fastest and most vigorous so far are the exotic genetics regular seeds. The gorilla butter( white truffle) has a very weird slow seed not sure if she’ll make it . The girl crush are slowly growing as well. The dairy queen did not end up germinating in the soil I’m a little bummed but on Wednesday I put 3 lemongrass (f) from humboldt seed co. in paper towel and Ziploc on top of the florescent light. 36hrs later all had taproots showing and sowed them in soil. They have come put of the soil today and the cotyeledon are growing nicely.


update photos on the little ones. The little white truffle seed that I thought wouldn’t make it is showing signs that it may become a regular plant. Also the more recently started lemongrass are looking good as well. Really liking the way the strawberry lemonade the best.


Bummer the DQ’s didn’t make it. I think they were the ones I was most interested in seeing. But the rest of your seedling cohort look happy and healthy. Onward and upward!


Welcome to OG! Looks like an interesting mix! I’ll pull up a seat and watch the grass grow if you don’t mind.


@THRESH thank you for your support.


@Dirtron yeah I was most interested in those as well. I’ve been running tga seeds since 2008 with jacks cleaner 2 after that I was hooked and jave grown at least 8 strains. My favorite being the Apollo 13bx. The DQ seeds were the smallest palest yellow I’ve ever seen. I only started 4. I have 6 others ill start in the future (and make an OP seed run to preserve the cheesey dankness) ill scuff the seeds and start them in paper towel instead of directly in the soil. I have nepali queen,cosmic glue,pennywise and jacks cleaner 2 still unopened from at least 4 years ago.


Also check out @JohnnyPotseed ’s earthworm casting germination method. I have heard only good things from people who have given it a try.

Hopefully JPS can drop in a link to it :pray: as I was unable to find it in my 30 second search…


Welcome to OG Kami, glad your here; can always use more friends.

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