New member first grow

Okay. Well… Wow haha. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that before.

Just a thought, but if they’re vegging as rapidly as they are, you may wanna consider flipping them relatively soon. I’m a big proponent of an eight week veg, but those plants already look like they’re two months old, if not older. They may get massive if you wait too long to flip.


Yeah I was thinking I may flip them sooner . I wanted a decent harvest is the only reason I was going to let them get bigger. (You have me thinking now) .:thinking:


The only reason you might not get a decent harvest from plants those size (at flip) is because of the genetics you’re running. Oreoz and GSC aren’t known to be great yielders; they’re also a joke, as far as good smoke is concerned, but that’s another matter altogether.

I don’t know anything about that Cap Junky x Rosetta Stone. I liked the Apollo 11 f4’s I grew, but Bodhi made those from Brothers Grimm stock. Those also weren’t great yielders, but the smoke was good enough.

Just get this run in and learn, but looks like you’re doing great so far. I mean honestly, if those plants don’t yield pretty decently, whenever you flip, something’s gone horribly, horribly wrong. Those plants are huge! haha.


Yeah realized shortly after I ordered them they were just a bunch of hype. And the brothers Grimm are just testers for cheap. My first run I didn’t want to go too expensive. After further research I think I will get something from CSI Humboldt on my next purchase. His genetics look and sound on point. I also can’t wait to be able to get some genetics from this community a lot of amazing talent on here . And honestly I’m not looking for heavy yielding plants I just want good flavor and potency. I think I will probably take your advice! Thanks I appreciate your willingness to talk to me and share your thoughts. :pray:


I missed that you were a month from seed. It looks you’re a natural!


Yeah the one Oreoz I ran was a huge disappointment. Very potent, but the high only lasted a half hour. I have more seeds but I doubt I’ll be running them anytime soon.

I run a lot of stuff that usually ends up in hash oil anyway…


Stick around and flash us some more plant pics and someone will send you something.


Any sort of GSC or GSC derivative never has and never will get a spot in my garden. It’s garbage. All of it.

Just keep an eye out for herms. He uses a lot of selfed stuff for breeding; S1’s have a proclivity to pass on intersex “traits” (read: full-blown hermie plants) to their progeny. I personally would never grow CSI stuff, but I know a lot of people dig it.


Welcome. Looks like you’ve done your homework. Great looking first grow!


Well noted. . Do you have any recommendations on someone I should look into?

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There are a few others, but that’s where I’d start. In fact, that’s where I did start haha, grew his stuff exclusively for like five years straight before I ventured out. His gear is super-easy to grow, very rarely herms and always turns out acceptably, if not amazingly haha.

I’d just avoid feminized seeds or S1’s or anything that utilized an S1 as half (or both) of the parent plants of the hybrid. I’d also avoid anything that’s all over Instagram. In fact, I wouldn’t use IG as a “resource” at all, whether it be as a research tool or as a source for seeds.

But what do I know? I never had any 32-day old plants look like yours haha…


I’ve never bought a seed. Every plant I’ve grown has been given to me by someone on OG and nearly every one was top notch.


I’ve run a lot of CSI Humbolts work regular, feminized and S1 i’ve never had any issues with any of them. He does way more testing than most breeders on the market. For feminized or S1 I’d use him. Probably stay away from S1 for a few years, S1’s are a great breeding tool but it pulls out all the freaks no herm issues just some crazy plants in the mix.


Sweet. Good for you. I prefer to take care of stuff myself as opposed to asking people for free shit.

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I find when you’re kind, free shit finds you.


I disagree about avoiding S1s. Just about everything we grow has been selfed at some point. I would avoid feminized seeds created without chemicals, perhaps.


Right on…welcome to OG @PlantTherapy …thanks for sharing your experience with us…everything looks great and happy Fourth of July :us: to you and all you other OG’RS

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Yeah, it’s just a personal preference thing for me re S1’s, like I said. It weirds me out haha, but I know a lot of people dig them.


Welcome to Overgrow @PlantTherapy whatever you’re doing keep doing it, those plants look great for their age.


They do @Igor …for real, plants look great @PlantTherapy

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