New member first grow

For some context… here’s two plants (both AK47) the first is two weeks older than those plants, planted 15th may and the second is two weeks younger than those plants, planted 15th June.

Lol, so a lot can happen in 4 weeks.


Thanks for the reference Igor! They grow rapidly after week three it seems. I guess establishing roots?

water melon auto day 10 of flower


I only dig them to lock something in or make seeds from a gnarly clone. I prefer growing regs but always have a few clones to cover my risk. :+1:

Ideally I could make perfect S1 copies of all my clones though. That would really simplify things.


Hello community I don’t know if I need to be concerned but I have this going on ! Auto day 14 of flower . IMG_1093|375x500

all the other girls look normal. Anyone know what this is?


Considering that it’s an auto, I dunno if I’d worry about it too much. Even if it wasn’t an auto, I don’t think I’d worry too much unless it starts spreading. Weird spots on leaves happen all the time (although I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like that on my plants haha). I’m not an expert on deficiencies, so I can’t help you out, but it does look like the beginning of some sort of deficiency. Calcium, maybe?

I’d just let it ride. It’s an auto, who cares? Haha!


Ok thanks! It’s on a couple of the more mature leaves. The autos are all over the place. I was thinking something like cal mag my self since it’s been flowering. :pray:minitiger


It looks a bit like septoria. I’d take the leaf, check the fans and watch humidity. Septoria is a fungus that likes humid still air.

It could also be water droplet burns? Either way, it might be a little to humid or still in your tent.


Yeah it definitely is humid right now. I will try and lower the humidity it’s average is 65% I guess I should try and lower it.

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Day 43, this thing is filling up quick!!

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this is one of my autos , is this herm? What should I do?it has female flowers everywhere else. It appears to be at the base on some buds.

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Grow is looking great! That’s not a herm, node knuckles like to throw out a calyx here and there, and they swell out quick. Cheers dude!


OMG I was freaking out lol :joy: thank you

On that note here is an update (day 49)

things are happening way faster than expected. Flipped to flower on the 4th of July and the Oreoz seemed to respond immediately!thanks again minitiger for telling me to flip! this is the watermelon kush auto staring to get me excited!!! Thanks Over Grow I’m really glad I joined the community!!


Looking really nice in there!


I didn’t “tell,” you to flip, I merely suggested it haha.

Looking good. I notice your humidity level is down to 28% in that first pic. If you can, I’d throw a humidifier in the room (in the ROOM, not inside the tent) to see if you can raise that a little bit. I understand if you can’t, though. It gets suuuuper-dry where I live this time of year, so dry that I decided I wouldn’t flower between July 1 and August 15 anymore. I’ve run five humidifiers in the summer and it didn’t make any difference, still couldn’t get it any higher than like 35%.

And yeah, that plant you were worrying about isn’t herming.

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Lol you are correct!! Thanks for suggesting me to flip. My cheap little temp/humidity meter is on Celsius lol and I can’t get it to Fahrenheit :thinking:so I’m averaging 70• to 80• Fahrenheit. And between 60% to 75% humidity. I live in a very humid environment unfortunately. I am looking into a dehumidifier . I’m also realizing I picked the worst time of year to flower (live and learn) if I get a dehumidifier should I place it outside the tent ? And what would you recommend I set the humidity to? I have 3 fans in the tent and a small fan blowing in fresh air into the bottom tent trying to keep the humidity down.


I have the same exact temp/humidity thing and mine inexplicably switched from Fahrenheit to Celsius a few months ago, can’t get it to switch back. I didn’t realize I was looking at your temps when I saw that “28” on your meter or whatever it’s called.

Probably, but I’m not sure. I’ve never used a dehumidifier before. High humidity is never an issue here; low humidity, though…

I dunno, somewhere around 50%? 55%? I’ve seen grows online where people couldn’t get it lower than 65% and they still turned out fine.

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I’d set it to “on”. If your summers are like mine in the southeast US, it’s going to be 80% humidity untill October. If you can get it down to 65% you’re doing really good.

What kind of space is your lung room? Are you growing in a closet or living room? Or garage?

Lol on is probably the best setting. I have a 5x5 tent in a 10 x16 room in a garage. Have a window unit in the 10x16. Yeah I’m in your neck of the woods. South east. I will try and get it to 65%

My temp/humidity thing was in Celsius for a couple of years. Then I accidentally changed it to fahrenheit. I’m not sure how, but I did. :joy: :crazy_face::point_left: