New member first grow

It was the GSC, that left a bad taste in my mouth for cookie genetics .


Day 63

weird runt auto (TRIX) I think will be ready in a day or two the watermelon auto is right behind her!

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I know that taste.

Occasional a cross I grow will surprise me. Like London pound cake

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Mmmm :yum: that sounds good

There’s something carnal about that TRIX. She’s gorgeous in a weird way. So I looked it up and it sounds like a great strain. Just made my bucket list.

She was a freebie and came with two seeds one grew out and it just died oddly… planted the other and it was very stunted then about week two it started to thrive. Very weird… super slow to finishing first out of three autos . ( I love these plants) :pray:


Day 31 12/12 OCIFER brothers grim ( smells like straight lemon pine sol!)

Oreoz NASC smells smooth and stretches like a yoga instructor


Day 41 of flower is this normal or is something going wrong?


Hey man looks like phosphorus deficiency… What and how are you feeding?

Nectar of the gods 2-5-2 every two weeks in flower

A little crispiness here and there isn’t that unusual around week six. I’d just pull those leaves off (but only if they come off easily, no need to force things) and let her ride.


I give them blackstrap molasses (unsulphured ) a little cal mag as well

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Yeah I thought it would start to fade possibly but it seems to have happened in the past three days .

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Don’t go overboard. And don’t worry. It’s called “weed” for a reason.

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Lol thanks brother! I don’t want to show them too much love with nutrients , when should I stop giving them food and start just plain water ? I was thinking of giving them one more dose but I don’t want to overdo it as well.

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You’re asking the wrong person haha, I don’t really “feed” my plants at all. I mean, some grows I’ll add some stuff to my water occasionally, but other grows I don’t. In general, though, I think like two weeks before you’re planning on chopping? Somewhere around there?

What’s your soil mix again? I forgot.

Every thing is organic. 2/3 peat 1/3 perlite 1 cup of castings per gallon and dr earth home grown top dress and worm tea. Once I started to flower I noticed yellowing on one of them I started using liquid fertilizer 2-5-2 every 2 weeks . I have heard people say they don’t feed them anything the last two weeks I figured on 3 or 4 weeks till harvest from what the flowering time from the seed provider says.


Yellowing’s something that happens as the plants/flowers progress. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Those pics you see online and shit? They’re photoshopped. I wouldn’t ever want any of the plants I grow to have super-dark green leaves and shit when I chop.

Really! Ok my man thanks for your honest input. If I Wasn’t on the overgrow. I wouldn’t know what I would be doing to these plans at this point. Lol


Day 52 of flower. This Shiskaberry auto is at 80ish days (super slow )

The Oreoz is right behind it on harvest( I think I will stick with photos for this reason)
So far the Ocifer is looking the most fire of them all Uploading: IMG_1311.jpeg…