New member first grow

Lol yeah I had mine fixed by pressing random buttons and then I dropped it and the battery fell out!! :joy: back to celcious!!!


Day 55


Looks really great! Is that a mantis?

FYI on humidifiers, part of the price you pay for dry air is heat, not too many grows are cool enough to handle a dehumidifier that isn’t at least vented out.

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It is a mantis ! It helps with my fungus nats. I have a window unit hooked up to a timer with a cheap dehumidifier. I have it from 80% before to now 65% with current setup.


Awesome, things are really coming along, glad to see it!

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Thanks !! I really appreciate it, has been a learning experience for sure . First lesson is not to flower during the hottest and humid time of year :joy:

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That’s a lesson I refuse to learn. It might be the death of me :sob:


Looking awesome! How’s the smell?

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Looking good in there. You’re a natural. Congrats.

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Thanks everyone!! The smells are amazing! One smells like banana runts with a chem smell, another with earthy sweetness. The cap junky Rosetta smells like cedar wood almost.the Oreoz smells like vanilla :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::relaxed:🫠


Is this turning herm?

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Yep, she’s herming.


Should I get rid of the plant or pic the sacs off?

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I don’t know - it depends on the number of sacks and your tolerance for seeds. Most likely she’ll seed up the whole tent and you’ll be really unhappy with the smoke.

Some people pinch off the blossoms and sometimes they don’t come back, so that’s an option too. But I’d chop, personally. Last summer I grew a lot of very seeded bud and it sucked. :sob:


Damn … thanks dude hopefully it hasn’t pollinated anything yet! I really appreciate the quick response I woke up this morning in a panic!

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It looks like you caught it in time.


Ok great thanks it’s going to be hard to cut it down :cry:. :joy:

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I just chopped her and found a few bananas , I kinda thought they were calyx’s forming but I think I can tell the difference now. That was very hard to do lol :joy:


Pretty soon they’ll start getting really obvious. Most of the time, that is. When male flowers are hidden inside buds, it’s easy to miss pollination events until it’s too late. That’s only happened to me a couple of times though, and the internal flowers didn’t create a lot of seeds.

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Definitely a herm. Trash it.

Which plant is that?