New tent new start humidity issues already

The ac infinity boosters are like 30$ maybe a little more check them out it’s different than a inline


They currently run in the room. I plan on running it outside. I have a dehumidifier but get scared to put it in the tent. I had plants in a 4 x 8 get heat damage from the dehumidifiers hot exhaust

I got 2 of those 8 inch they are kick ass! I was at 55 today n that’s before u trim so 🤷 we shall see. I love the controller but if the power blows a breaker u gotta toggle the button :unamused: I found that out the hard way one morning after not realizing it the prior night! Thanks for your insight :+1::pray::grinning: have a great day I’m headed to the garden now


Yeah i had non stop humidity problems until i vented my 4x4 right out of the house. After that it was manageable; but i’m running RDWC so there’s a lot of water moving around. Best of success!


Yeah i have 1000w hps in a 4x4 cooled hood and going outside. Stays at exactly 80 f during lights on. My humidity rarely hits 50. Usually high 30s. But in flower they like it.

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I have a 400 watt hps I was thinking about putting in here to help the problem. I think it would be less watts than the dehumidifier! Idk but I am a guest here so I gotta take it easy as possible on the electric.

86 I need to take a leaf reading. I left my temp gun at my house!

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At that temp, yeah a bit dry. If you reduce temp, you will see a rise in humidity as well as a more appropriate VPD. So that is an option, if you can increase ventilation and lower temp even without adding humidity you won’t dry your plants out.

That’s what I did, rather than adding a humidifier. Lower temps means potentially (likely) slower growth though. So not without it’s drawback.



Got her steady at 73 °and 50% rh it was only 53 after a big feeding!


I have a hyper fan blowing into my 4 x 8 too. I have mine on the concrete floor to help get cooler air. Blows across the lights. Keeps my temps and humidity in a good range.

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Oh the trimming!!! Make it stop :raised_hand: make it stop…but seriously thanks so much :pray:! I have 2 trash bags full of pop tarts I’m going to freeze and wash! It’s gonna be a good week!

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Hello there, hope it’s alright to comment.

Removing or easing the bends in your vent hose will dramatically improve your air transfer. That 90deg bend going in the bottom there and the 180 up over the top will seriously reduce the velocity. Try to make them at least 3 x the diameter of your hose.

I think as long as you’re around every day and you keep the air moving you can flower at that rh no problem.

Nice plants! :+1:


I’m fighting it right now. I’m hitting them with water all day. Rh is 40 or so. Have to water almost every day.

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Thanks :blush::pray: always ok to comment :+1: I wanna run the lines on a more permanent manner. We were testing the whole pulling ac from the house deal. It’s doing surprisingly well! I need to study a vapor pressure chart to learn how that all works! I’m fairly new around here but been in the field My whole life dreaming of the day I could put my skills to the test!


I’m running 87 % right now. I give up. The top picture. That is a big tent.

Oh buddy that sucks hard. Were you able to vent out of the room? Do you have a big fan you can use to move the room’s air out a door into the rest of the house?

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It’s raining to much. Yea I got fans running. I got the dry air flow going. Tomorrow it changes. I’m not a tent grower. So I’m going to have to make a move. It been around 40 to 50. Not in a house. It’s in a ruff place. Never had to grow like this. I’ll be ok.

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Put a couple dehus inside the room with the tent. You start running 90% rh you you walking a dangerous line. I have one dehu running full time and another for backup.