New year new opportunities

I have a poll setup to determine new genetics to have a fun time with next year let me known if you can’t get to the poll. This my first attempt at trying to set one up.

Everyone has 1 vote per week amd will close it by December 29 08:00pm


Worked fine for me.:fire:

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Looks like purple Columbian chem haze is off to an early lead already. Keep them votes comin!


is sour chem haze the strayfox one?

Yes it is :+1:

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I threw in my vote for Colombian! This is pretty cool man thanks for the opportunity to vote!

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Sour beef and pure land hp votes here :raised_hand:

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I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen someone do something like this yet. Most people seem so overly worked as it is that they physically can’t lol.

If I did a poll I wouldn’t like what was picked and I’d run the plant I wanted to run anyways! Lmao just ask my fiance! She says everytime I ask her for advice I just do the opposite of what she says

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Yeah that’s why I only put things on the list that I will actually pop lol

That Colombian sounds pretty fire tho it’s no wonder why everyone is voting for it!

I’m actually surprised that one is the most voted for, I thought it would be between the willy, iss, sour beef, or the momentary lol

It must also be the universe saying *the fuck you waiting for bud? I see you eyein’ them seeds down" every time i look at my stash I’m like man them Columbian chems sound really fun and interesting.

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They sounds really tasty! May the odds be in her favor because I wanna see that lady grow now!

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It’s hard to not be biased but I’m secretly root for Columbian chem to win lol. But that passion fruit hp sounds incredible too.

Hence the poll lol

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The purple Columbian chem haze is fron antenna if anybody was curious

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Well it seems as though some form of chem haze is going to win.

Please get some more votes in there is still a month left but options on the poll are going to be straight :fire::fire::fire:

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Only 30 more days to get your votes in!

Well I decided to call early since the participation was so low but the winner is Antenna’s purple Columbia haze!

Thanks to all that voted!


Ten out of ten germed and so it begins!, this theard maybe combined with my other log but until I decide what I want to do this one will be less updated until the plants get going.

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