Night Owl Experience with Daz: Concerns and Disheartenment

If he’s telling people not to breed with his seeds, which were made by him breeding with other people’s seeds, imo that’s completely hypocritical. As far as villainizing him, I don’t think I did. I said he was doomed to fail, because his business model is based around illegality and he’s driving away his own fans.


It was also just not a smart way of going about it. Make the crosses, sell the feminized seeds for a while, then release the regs as breeding stock once people go wow this is good genetics. Let people know that the breeding stock drop is coming and maybe they’ll not bother reversing your fems and just buy the regs. I’m not even a breeder and that seems obvious. Releasing the regs at a higher price before your own crosses while saying work them forward and cross them was a choice, sounds like Daz has sellers regret.


I completely agree with this. Almost every auto breeder that does conversions deeply regrets releasing regs (Gnome is a great example, too). For autos, it just leads to easy acquisition of someone’s hard work over time.

This is where I agree Daz erred. Instead of learning a hard lesson, he is trying to discourage use of his conversions. I get that—but I’d just have taken the loss.


Yeah I remember hearing that about Gnome too, who is supposed to be a wizard (hahaha!) at conversions. I get why these guys want to push the genetics forward it just seems like maybe let it drip out. Night Owl put out an entire regs release at once which probably got everyone very excited and making big plans that they might not have if each of those only came as freebies or like one reg release every six months or something. I think that in this case it was also a case of hype biting back maybe more than he expected. Everyone makes mistakes, hopefully he comes around on the situation and just moves forward with his own unique skill and experience and stops holding a grudge with his own customers.


I agree. Unless someone picked landrace seeds on their own, they’re most likely standing on the shoulders of someone else.


You know Daz was/is one of the main breeders for Mephisto, right? That’s how he started out, or got big before he made Night Owl on his own.

To be fair, I traded or gave away all my Night Owl gear a year or two ago.


I didn’t, but the point still remains that he’s done plenty of breeding with other people’s seeds. :man_shrugging: Unless he also worked with Bodhi and made Chemdog…


I sure hope people don’t think you can make it as a breeder as your only job, that is not the norm. Me selling seeds doesnt even cover the lights/production costs. People who want to sell your seeds want to take 50% or more of the profits. His prices for seeds are stupid. With that said think of how many packs you need to sell a week to have decent income, oh and dont forget to pay your taxes.

Better keep your day job folks.

And I agree, breed with my shit but dont F2 and sell it.


Curious, did this come about after teaming up with darkhorse?

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In addition to this, Meph and Ada’s has told us TO NOT post anything about cosmic queen. Well guess what we r bringing to everyone for free soon ?


He also mentioned how another Reddit member asked him for permission to make a sub dedicated to crosses with his genetics, and we didn’t. Since we are just posting on his sub Willy nilly….he did have a pollen chucking tag until he removed it in the middle of last year and that’s when he started removing our seed posts and I personally started receiving warnings from Parsings a moderator in r/autoflower, r/nightowlseeds, and r/mephseeds or whatever they are called.

That guy is another conversation but he had actively been talking down about Daz and I was always trying to clear Dazs name lol like if I owed him anything. Anyways I sent that information in a generalized DM to all the moderators on night owl sub.

The hypocrisy is LOUDER than my last harvest.


This is the spirit. We are in the process of releasing cosmic queen (Meph) x cosmic queen (Daz) (;


No one stole anything, no one else profited off of his work except for people like Berserker and other random folks at strainly. Personally it sucks to get ur work taken from but that’s the game and it isn’t getting any easier. If he didn’t want people making beans …then why say “I want to remove the bottleneck by releasing regs”

I strongly believe I was on his shit list the moment I released “Spangler” which is basically “Americhem” way before he did. @Rinsewarrior13 made a now known strain on Reddit called Chemtrail Queen … and F2 as well.

While I appreciate your input I don’t agree with this as in my statement this has NOTHING to do with overgrow the world. I honestly can’t stand money hungry breeders who pollen chuck for a living. There is no respect and what hurt me reading the most was Rinse my brother telling me “ I just tossed the Night Owl beanies in merch in the trash” we looked up to that fool.

He didn’t take some risks, he wanted to be “Zen” and act like he was on our side before he realized it cost money. He isn’t a child with a lemonade stand.

If I was in his shoes I would NEVER treat others less than because we really do this for fun this is our lifestyle. Like I said he lost all of my respect completely and I am putting my WHOLE reputation on the line posting this. My name is linked to Reddit and IG. I can’t just start all over and there is no way to give him the benefit of the doubt when we (including you) has been following him this closely for years. This is not a customer dissatisfaction notice.

Sorry man, I love and respect you but I have to be straight and stand for what’s right.


I agree This is what I mean too… literally no one is making money off of his work.

Don’t get me started on people that use

others creations x others creations for

F1 my own creations. $$ lol it happens often but we never made a dime. I’ve been chucking stamps, and money on supplies to give people free seeds. (Guy makes more than 80k lol) but then again idk why anyone else would go against me the guy struggling to find a house that’s living in his mom’s guest room. :joy: I’m a joke right now.


I first started growing pot with auto seeds, first joined AFN I think it changed hands/domains because, surprise surprise, there was weird drama with weird autoflower people.

Autoflower people are WEIRD. They are really really really weird. I don’t know if it’s an inferiority complex, a special niche nerd thing, or what. But they are super weird and I’m never surprised when there’s drama.

You aren’t special, nobody cares about your “hard work”, and you’re never going to support yourself selling collectible autoflower seeds. Cry me a river about reprods, if you had a miniscule anount of business sense you’d realize that they pump your brand and are a net positive.


Where didninsay that ? Show me proof right now. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have brought you to overgrow not going to lie. For some reason you give me bad vibes. I have been giving seeds away for a while now… eventually yes I will profit off of seeds to pay for my electricity but not any time soon it will take me YEARS. I will submit information to the moderators but not to you. I’m sorry.

No one is selling anything lol you just got into the grow train not to long ago.

Again no one is selling anything idk where you guys got that from

I feel like I ought to be saying “but I’m an autoflower person, and…” but that sentence gets completed with “and I’m weird too.”
At least I’m not under any illusions about being special or ever making any money off seeds.

Thanks guys for reading my rant, I’m shutting down my notifications. Later. Yall can hash out what you want to do, who you want to buy from. I said what I needed to say and I am honest about everything I do. Moderators will contact me for proof when needed. Laters

That’s funny, you have given me the same vibes, like when you offered pollen on Reddit then to others on here and ghosted me when I asked for confirmation if you’d picked other folks. It’s fine, we all get busy and lose track of things, I was just looking for clarity before moving on with my grow. “Feeling” is so hard to convey over the internet that I try to discount my own.

Thank you for clarifying - future dreams of seed profit lines up with what I remember you saying. I’ve got no problem with that. One thing that made me think it was more immediate was your offer of seeds for my cacti if I would “keep them to myself” then you deleted your offer and didn’t respond to my reply. That’s your right, I felt hurt, but I do try not to take things personally.

I’m not sure how it’s relevant when I got onto the grow train. It’s been a few years now, I’m just new here. Honestly, I avoided online for years because of how full of drama they usually are. My mental health “apple cart” is pretty easily tipped over into a depressive spiral, so I try very hard to stay out of spaces that are full of drama. But there aren’t many plant enthusiasts locally, so it was wonderful to find a mostly drama-free community on r/growbuddy and on here.

I think it’s very appropriate to only show the mods things, but you had offered it, that’s all the reason I asked.

I hope you can understand that my skepticism on everything isn’t personal. It isn’t about you. I’ve had a lot of experiences in my life with people saying bad things about others, only to find out later there were things I didn’t know. I won’t jump on board of condemning people anymore without significant proof. On the other hand, I care a lot about this or I wouldn’t have waded in at all. If Daz is being a complete dick as you’ve asserted and two others have said minor turd behavior, then I do want to know. I love his stuff, but I’ll never buy from him again if he’s really acting like this. I waited until the thread had 30 replies to say anything, hoping to see more details, because I had inferred you don’t like me and wouldn’t want to hear questions from me.

Like I said, this isn’t personal, I’d say the same for anyone posting this kind of stuff about him. I don’t know much about you, other than our very limited interaction. We seem to share values and enthusiasms that should make us friends, I don’t know what is going on that’s making that not work. I hope we can get to a better place.