Northern Sativa/NLD Search at 53°N - Spiritual Herb

Nice! I was eying those Beldia’s too, got these recommended in the past as well.

Is this the first time you grow them? If not: is the high also fully sativa?

If it was as simple as grow tin leafed plants and get fully sativa smoke, I would not have called it a quest haha :smiley:


Here’s one write up on them with more details for your reference:

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Sweet, fruity (?), soft, honey / baby powder smell
not super strong ganja - but hey that is why we dry sift !
made into hash it is a very nice smoke

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Got mine from Bama seeds a few moons ago - my plants are considerably taller than the Khalifa ones…


Didn’t know about bama seeds, nice to see a morocan seedbank. Thanks for the hint! Seems difficult to source thoug.

Not sure it would run so well at 53°

Beldia seems to have a lot of attention and releases everywhere, could be interesting to see the differences between each seedbank versions, which one are worked a lot, which one are closest to the local old population (if such a thing still exist).


For more Beldiya fun - Check out this thread -

@CocoaCoir is growing out Ace’s Beldiya


Isn’t ACE beldiya the same than khalifa’s? I thought they were selling khalifa"s beans nowadays.

I’m newbie and starting to read these “X landraces heirloom” etc threads, but they are hudge! :grinning:

My pleasure - they had some really nice gear, including Moroccan x Zamal (which will never finish outdoors @ 53N…)

I have no idea how to source their gear today…

zam x ketama


Lol guess so!

nice cross/pic!

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Some of the Beldia description from Ace’s site:

It begins with wider leaves in its first stages of life, later developing as a small/medium sized pure sativa with thin leaves.

Woody, earthy, spicy and herbal, with ‘golden’ and honeyed touches, reminiscent of classic Moroccan blond hash.

Light potency. Cerebral and physically sensual start, which increases and distorts perceptions. Its development increases introspection and inner life, finishing with a pleasant relaxation and sedation, causing the classic “wasted” face and red eyes produced by good Moroccan hashish.

Sounds like the aromas and effects of a hybrid, the 2.5 - 5% thc also put me off in the past.

Have always been reluctant to try this, especially as I grew up on Moroccan hash - that was all we could get here,

Would be interesting to see if there are lines that don’t cause the ‘classic “wasted” face and red eyes’,
I presume that is also from harvesting late/amber stage

How does your line compare to Ace’s description @royal ?

Khalifa don’t go into as much detail about the effect. Theirs the same line?



Dubi doesn’t really clarify things. “different lines” could also be ACE reworking khalifa’s beldia (and maybe hybridize it as suggested by @bonghopper).

Same, still smoking some when jars are empty. Never smoke a beldiya flower though. I’m believing that this classic effect is also the result of the way moroccan hash producers dry their weed before sifting it (out in the sun). But have no clue if that’s really the reason. Would happily stand corrected :grinning:


There’s more clarification in the same thread there on IC. All the information is out there. I looked before i started growing them. I can tell you im getting some really wild ones in ACE.


By hybrid, I meant having the effect of an indica/sativa hybrid. Up, then down.

But I think you’re right about processing - lots of amber resin as a result, and super ‘wasted face’ herb then for sure.

Nice one @royal & @CocoaCoir, will be checking out your grows and toke reports…

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Hows your Ciskei looking @funkyfunk? Any sign of flowers? That Mextiza has started flowering here,

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the wasted Face / or tiredness next day is not seldon for Marrocan i recall. Not shure of there was a marrocan without this effect. Probably it was due to the massive amount of foreign Genetics in Marroco, and a totally pure Version would be without it ?

But i rember this is not uncommon, also from smoking some blond marrocan i found it to be true. I personally am a Sativa guy and have a secound love , namely middle Eastern genetics, and even it makes you tired, its not necesarly a lethargy. Lethargy that i get from Hybrid garbage weed… its more a tpe of sedation that makes you not moove , or react to things, hence it is a bit differnt than this lethargic resignation of hybrids…
i kinda can life with it, i find the ACE Belida looks not too bad as outcrossing partner… i mean better than autoflower eventually…

what comes to my mind is Khalifa genetis - Senegalese.
Alltho it is said to have a seditative phase after the initial uphigh, it may not have much of a comedown.
Be aware that it showed skunk-relation in a Phylos testing…

also interesting is Khalifagenetics- Durban? super thin leafes, collected in 1980! has the uphigh, cant remeber floweringtime, but might be working in your climare

slight anxiety for the durban tho… 12 to 14 weeks flowering.
screw it, lol

its really hard to beat your mextica! i try similar things but no matter what i almost always end up with comparable compromises in effects… some are a bit faster, but more confusing effect, some later but few buds…

one of my best bets is australian bastard cannabis. it might have your uphigh! and is really fast., neither does it lean thowards anxiety, comedown or such… i recall

and then cross it to a thinleafed short SE Asian. i wanted to do this myselve but didnt cause i found the only compromise this would give is that it would be slightly soft/not on point, with no particullar direction like anxiety /lazyness, but just a bit soft… and my main "breeding"focus is also power…

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No idea yet, that plot is a few dozen miles away from me. I’ll get there in a few days I think. Hope she is flowering, if she’s still stretching I’m in deep shit, will break the greenhouse roof :laughing:

Hope that Mextiza will make it, seems like good smoke! Always loved CBG work.


I have found the ABC to be quite slow, actually. Interesting that you recall it being really fast.

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