Northern Sativa/NLD Search at 53°N - Spiritual Herb

I heard the same re: sudanese / CBD phenos but I think the CBD phenos may be the case for many landrace varieties - depending ofcourse on what degree of domestication they have undergone


Little report on the Ciskey:

It’s quite consistent with the breeder description. On 3 beans had one male one female, they were looking and smelled almost exactly the same. The other was a dwarf, same than the other but just smaller and slower. Just kept the female, didn’t have the infra to pollinate in the small greenhouse. 2 beans left in the stash.

Growth was vigorous, can grow in gigantic plants. Very greasy stem after a few weeks of veg. Smells too but it changes a lot while it matures. React very well to LST/topping. Can grow in an octopus way.

Flowers into mid-size but decently dense colas. Good yield all in all if you let it veg enough. Smells very loud at the end. Quite as described by the breeder: very ripen tropical fruit. Somewhere between mango and orange. So ripen that when the jar is opened it’s almost like rotten. Translate into the smoke, with a bit more earth in there. Finishes end of October at 47°N.

Effect is energetic but relaxing. Not on the electric side. Feel warm waves in the body and muscle relaxing, while the head is very clear. Have to overly abuse it to start to feel some fuzziness. Works well to have focused activities or chill out but won’t knock you off and put you to sleep (on the contrary, you’ll chill longer). No confusion, paranoia or anxiety. A positive vibe rather. Not overly potent but decent (harvested a bit early though). All in all a very sativa effect. Tolerance builds up a bit fast.

It hermed at the end on the top colas, a few nanners here and there. Didn’t catch them as the colas were too high for me :smiley: Won’t do that mistake again. No real seeds yet though, they did not have time to mature, but it was pollinated. While doing a tincture I found a lot of small spheres floating, which I think are very immature seeds. Good thing I cut it early. Don’t know if herms have been worked out in the more recent version (mine was around 2014).

A few (note so great) pics:

Have a good week end!


I’ve grown Sudan twice. Mostly CBD dominant plants( 60% maybe) imo, but I found a few good ones.

That’s a good guess. Coud be. I tend to think it’s Sinai domesticated further South. ( its from Southern Sudan)It seems really similar structure wise, but with a longer flowering time. This Middle Eastern/ North African"Indica belt" may very well reach into Northern Uganda. Certainly some influence would be no surprise.

Cbd seems tied to higher latitudes. The tropics favor thc. Anytime cbd is found in the tropics, imo that means Indica( or Northern Sativa)genes were probably or even certainly added. ( not necessarily recently)A Cbd pheno wouldn’t arise out of the tropics. It would have to be Introduced


Great strain/ smoke report. I love the look of the buds. I briefly grew Power plant at the turn of the century, and I had a plant that had those red hair buds. Maybe ciskei was used to make it.
Disappointed to hear of quick tolerance build up. Just need to have a varied stash I guess.