Northern Sativa/NLD Search at 53°N - Spiritual Herb

I find the sativa " rush" after smoking to be tamed in some strains upon curing. These are always the ones that smoke good right at harvest time. If you get a resinous plant that does not smoke good at harvest time, Of course it needs to cure.


My Thai smokes great picked early and uncured. Picked late( normal) and cured I didn’t even smoke it. I gave it away. I don’t know what changes, but something does.
Of course, there are strains that smoke good right at harvest time and smoke even better after curing…


It’s no surprise the beldia isn’t that resistant to mold or such things, given it comes from a dry region. Probably more resistant to lack of water. I’ve found similar stories than @Upstate about it.


This topic really interests me. I’m not allowed to grow outdoors, but that list of traits (desirable and undesirable) caught my attention. So I’m pulling my Canadian Tire Canvas brand fake wicker rocking chair. :green_heart:


You may want to look into flash frozen live resin extraction.


It had decent mold resistance too. Our summer was really wet the first year I grew it. I did keep the rain off of it but it handled our high humidity, To my surprise. It did get powdery mildew, however.
I thought drought resistance was great. The plants are like camels. They’ll suck up water like it’s going out of style, but then they can sit in a dry pot for a week out in the baking( 80 degrees lol) heat.
If I had allowed the plants to remain in the rain, they likely would have turned to mush. Still, it’s the most moisture resistant desert landrace I’ve found to date.


Was thinking about that too, or fresh frozen hash. Too bad for the Thaï!

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Btw @bonghopper that list you make is appealing. You’ll have a great harvest it seems :smiley:

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Is your dry/cure area in a controlled environment (IE 60% RH w/ 60F’)? My understanding is that terpenes start evaporating after 62-63F’

one of the reasons i like cobbing is b.c i don’t have a dedicated controlled environment and for the amplification of effects as well as preservation of terpenes

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My house ranges from 55-65, depending on how close to the Woodstove you are. My curing area is around 55- 60 and humidity varies. I’ve been curing weed for 32 years, with great success. The weed is better before a cure phenomenon only popped up once I started growing tropical landraces. Tropical pot is great at harvest( can be). Temperate pot needs a cure. Ime.


I grew up in house with a wood stove… I miss it terribly! @upstate

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Outta likes.

Cook or heat or both? I lived with both for years as an adult, though not now.

I loved cooking on a wood cook stove! My favorite was a Lang. The firebox didn’t have an ash grate. It was lined with fire brick. Held a fire like no other!


To be honest I cant really remember the brand of stove, I do remember that it was supposed to have a chamber that reignited the gasses for a second little fire in a little secondary chamber before it went up the pipe.

My mom mostly used the electric stove but my dad would often cook breakfast, stews and soups on the wood stove…


We have this one on the go : Wood Burning Stoves with back boiler | Range Cookers | Multi-Fuel Stoves | Woodburning Stoves | Condor

Loving the glass firedoor to see the flame, oven heats up as quick as an electric one. Firebox is massive too, (for me anyway) much less wood cutting.

Got it when they were £1100 about 3-4 yrs ago!

Cheers @funkyfunk, various seeds available if anyone’s looking

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Still outta likes.

Well that’s pretty fucking awesome!

I agree, that’s a huge firebox! And the glass front is hella cool!

While my Langs (I had two) had thermometers on their oven doors, neither worked by the time I had them. I also had cookstoves that simply didn’t have a thermometer in their doors.

If you have ever read any old recipes, you may notice the instructions for baking may say bake “in a 3 second oven for x amount of time,” or something very similar. That means you can only hold your hand in that oven (door open, of course) for 3 seconds. I’ve successfully baked in ovens like that from old recipes. A real kick in the ass!


Cheers @Arnold , a big thank you for sharing your seeds and experience. Well it was a calculated gamble, I asked Vman how much later is was than Purple Sat.

From the initial vape test last night of the MG charas, and by their aromas, I’ll be growing this one out again. It was easy enough to get up this morning too!

Mid December they’ll all be very nice, but there will be plenty vaped before that…

I’m picking through a bag of the mouldy flowers from the floor of the drying room, ummm plenty good enough for me haha

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That’s class, thanks for that, super tip

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That’s certainly me, lottsa class! Of course, it’s all low… But I got me a lot of it! HA!

You are welcome.


We say that over here in this part of Ireland like awesome or wicked or cool ha


Anyone check out MadMac’s results on IC? He’s at 52N, those 4m outdoor Hazes looked awesome.

Have been eyeing that up too, heard somewhere that there were CBD phenos, and closer related to Sinai, perhaps a Sinai tropical hybrid?