Not Just Another Tincture Thread

@ReikoX hey im getting ready to make another batch of rso. This time i am wondering do i have to follow the alcohol to bud ratio in your instructions?

I followed it last time and it worked out great i did 21 grams to 18oz.

I could continue to follow the ratio but just out of curiosity im wondering

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I have a 20:1 CBD strain with 0 other effects. Great for sleep or pain.


Is it a special @THCeed Creation or from a Certain Cultivar :smiley: :smiley:


It is not mine, I wish it was. What an amazing strain.

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If it works, why change it? Those are the ratios PSam uses (RIP) basically if you cover the buds you’re pretty much good. :wink:


I was just figuring if i used less i could reduce it faster and be more efficient with the process. Wish me luck i just got magnetic stirring hot plate to speed up the process


If its not Broken why fix it, :laughing: :laughing:

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Yea you guys have a good point i was just thinking maybe i can save on alcohol and reduction time somehow

If you really want to reduce the alcohol, start with a concentrate. Hash, rosin, BHO, etc. About a gram per ounce of alcohol will get you close to the standard recipe.

Or better yet get some kind of still, air distiller, source turbo, etc…


I just of one of those too :nerd_face::tornado:
Sounds like a cool use for it… evap can be a nervous step lol

Edit- second look, mines just a stirrer, no heat. Seems like it would still do something beneficial who knows :sunglasses:

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What do you have that stirs…

21 grams decarbed and ready for freezer


Not this but something like this. originally to mix powder/salt nute solutions better (and more lazily :wink:), but now im thinkin…

Shout out to @AppalachianBiscuits for the idea-used it once already and i am loving it :green_heart:


Nah bro. Just be safe!
If you’re gonna reduce via double boiler and heat - low temps, good ventilation, & no open flames.
Or if ya got the time just cover the jar or casserole dish with a coffee filter/cheese cloth place in a well ventilated area with a fan and walk away for a week, lol.
A heat mat through a temperature controller with a fan is also fairly safe and successful,
(If you trust your equipment).

Have you seen the write up by @ColeLennon ?
(Sill missing you buddy! :frowning: )
If not, I can try and find it. Worked great for me. :wink:

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This one?

Is a great idea- let the surface area do the work :bulb:

Note to self: Gotta get me a heating mat one of these days

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Close. But he actually did a detailed write up also.
Here it is! :slightly_smiling_face:


Greetings all,

I have imposed on our host @ReikoX on more than one occasion to ask a question that interests me, and that’s why I’m here.

That is perfectly stated,

I don’t even measure anymore; grab a handful of decarbed bud, trim it into individual buds, freeze it for 24, then pour enough frozen Everclear over it until it almost covers it.

As I agitate, the flower volume shrinks and there’s a bit of alcohol above the top of the herb.

I agitate longer and more frequently albeit more randomly, just every time I wander by. Shaken not stirred, but frequent and five minutes minimum. I’m basically shaking enough that I’m positive that every possible surface has been vigorously scoured with Everclear.

That’s not the controversial part tho… I dispense completely with the second wash and I don’t think it makes any difference.

I don’t say that casually, I’ve made the same tincture from the same decarbed batch and, after filtering and reducing the volume by half, without a second rinse I don’t believe the potency is affected.

So, you may want to give this a go and report back. Half the alcohol for the same punch is worth testing.


Hopefully today i will have time to test out the hotplate and magnetic stirrer to reduce the alcohol. Ill keep everyone updated


Stir tables are neat. They do have some with heated beds too!


Yes, I have one with Heat… I like it

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