Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I recently harvested a bunch of buds and have a lot of leaf dried leaf matter that was around the duds I liked to know has anyone ever tried to make Green Dragon from mostly leafs and how potent could I make it?


You bet!

@ReikoX is your man!



Amen to that!

We grow for medicine and use the whole plant. Roots & stems too!


You can make Green Dragon with trim, sure. Follow the normal directions, you may need to reduce a bit more to get the potency you want is all.


I’ve never decarb’d my trim before making the edibles, but I wanted to try it this time… Holy HELL my oven STINKS every time I heat-up a slice of pizza now LOL :laughing: It’s been a week!


I got my first try and I thought it stunk bad when drying. Try heating the over to 500 degrees and catching it on fire. Windows open, whole house fan turned on and only 35 out. :wind_blowing_face:


I use a dedicated toaster oven for this very reason. :grin:


I probably ran an elbow of trim through this 1.9L
It’s thick like syrup, and not a single photon passes through the jar (after filtration).


What did you use? and lets add more chars!!!

Is that enough yet???/


190+proof White Lightnin’ and sugar trim from blueberry. :cloud_lightning: :full_moon:


Interesting. Thats a lot darker than mine have turned out. How much is an elbow anyway ? :slight_smile:

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1 lb. or 1 pound.
I soak some then strain it, soak more…strain…About 6 times.

How long do you soak it??? (note the extra ??? are not meant as anything but filler to reach 20 chars)

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This time i soaked each batch overnight.

That’s basically what I term a depletion batch. Just did something similar with a couple ounces of bubble hash scraps.

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Thats about 100 times longer than I soak :slight_smile: Most of the recommendations Ive seen suggest 3 to 5 minutes.

Can you define a depletion batch?

I would think soaking that long would absorb a lot more of the chlorophyll and other non-canabinoids. Perhaps thats why its so dark?


A depletion batch is when I want to squeeze the last medicinal benefits from my material. This is usually something that has already been extracted once like rosin chips or bubble hash.

Basically using the freezer like I normally do, I wash the material once for 5 minutes, then strain into the next container of material for 5 minutes and so on.

Ill typically use thia for topicals or capsules. I’ll put a tutorial up later.


5 minutes is enough to totally dissolve the glands? Shortest wash I’ve tried is 20 mins, but when I remove the material it looks like there is still some on there. I assumed I was leaving “meat on the bone”?

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Mind you this is a depletion batch, there isn’t much left to begin with. I normally do a two hour wash in the freezer, followed by a five minute rinse just like the recipe I posted here.

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It should be called amnesia or black out dragon. ,:sweat_smile: