Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Red, Black, Gold, and Green dragons oh my! Sounds like we are playing D&D in our parents’ basement.:+1::seedling:


Yup, I’m gonna go back to this method. Overnight soak made it smell like hay and yield didn’t improve.


Depletion Batch
The basic Green Dragon recipe is about 75% efficient at stripping the cannabis of its medicinal compounds. The recipe suggest saving the left over plant material for a depletion batch. Save this material in a jar in the freezer. Depletion batches can also be made with material that has been previously extracted with dry ice, water sieve, dry sift, and pressing rosin. Once enough material has been saved, you can make a depletion batch ideal for making the topical recipes.

[li]Split your material into 2-3 jars depending on the amount of material, return the jars to the freezer.[/li]
[li]Place the alcohol bottle in the freezer for at least 24 hours.[/li]
[li]In the first jar, add just enough freezing cold alcohol to cover the plant material by about one inch, and then shake for five minutes.[/li]
[li]Strain the alcohol into the next jar, and then add additional freezing cold alcohol, just enough to cover the plant material by about one inch.[/li]
[li]Discard the strained plant material. ** [/li]
[li]Shake the next jar for five minutes, and repeat the process for the remaining nnumber of jars. Each time straining the alcohol from the previous jar into the next.[/li]
[li]Filter through coffee filters and reduce as desired.[/li]

This batch is being made from the leftover scraps from making bubble hash. The buds were washed twice for 20 minutes each time. The remaining material was dried and decarbed in the oven. I split the buds into two jars each with about 28 grams (1/2 oz.).

After freezing the alcohol and buds for 24 hours, enough alcohol was added to just cover the buds about an inch. This was shaken for five minutes.

After shaking, the alcohol was strained right into the next jar and more fresh alcohol was added to cover the buds by about an inch. This was shaken for 5 minutes. If you had more material, you would repeat this process until all of the buds were processed.

This was filtered into a clean glass jar. I will be winterizing this batch, then I will reduce it down for use in topicals.

I recall BrassNWood over at GrassCity would use his still to reclaim the alcohol from his spent buds. I wanted to see if I could do something similar with my Source Turbo. I lined the crucible with a coffee filter and filled it with the moist buds from the first extraction.

After running the extractor twice (once for each batch) I was able to reclaim about 1/2 cup of alcohol! This thing is going to pay for itself in the long run. :thumbsup: :seedling:


Roots n’ All Cream
The roots of the cannabis plant are often overlooked because they lack psychoactive compounds. The roots however do have other compounds that offer medical benefits. This all-purpose cream uses a simple oil extraction from the roots of the plant with a Green Dragon made from flowers for a whole plant extraction.

[li]1 1/2 oz. Green Dragon (using a depletion batch is recommended)[/li]
[li]4 oz. cannabis root infused oil[/li]
[li]1/2 oz. cocoa butter[/li]
[li]1/2 oz. aloe vera gen[/li]
[li]32 grams bee’s wax[/li]
[li]Essential oils (optional)[/li]

You will also need
[li]Double boiler[/li]
[li]Stick blender (optional)[/li]

[li]Reduce Green Dragon to 1/2 oz.[/li]
[li]Transfer reduced Green Dragon into 1/2 oz. cocoa butter.[/li]
[li]In the double boiler, add the oils and heat gently to about 130*F.[/li]
[li]Add bee’s wax and continue stirring until dissolved.[/li]
[li]Turn off heat and remove the inner pot.[/li]
[li]Continue stirring until it starts to cool and gel up.[/li]
[li]Optionally, add aloe and any essential oils at this time.[/li]
[li]Optionally use a stick blender and continue stirring until peaks form like beating egg whites or whipping cream. [/li]
[li]Pour into containers and allow the cream to cool fully.[/li]

The roots have been rinsed clean and dried. Once dry, they were cut up into about 1" pieces and added to the crock pot.

Enough coconut oil was added to cover the roots and it was left on low for about 12-24 hours. I also added some olive and grape seed oil because I like the way they smell. Any oil will work, but thinner oils may require more bee’s wax.

The cannabis root infused oil after being filtered.

A rice cooker with a glass jar in it makes a great double boiler. I like to put a cotton cloth on the bottom to prevent the jar from shaking while boiling. The Green Dragon has already been transferred to the cocoa butter and added with the cannabis root infused oil.

Once the bee’s wax is melted and the cream starts to turn into a gel, I add about a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and a few drops of tea tree oil. Notice the brown/amber color of this batch. This batch was made with a depletion batch of pre-run bubble hash. The water removed most of the chlorophyll and keeps the product from being very green.

Finally the cream was whipped with a stick blender and poured off into the containers to cool.


Many thanks for posting this @ReikoX . Are you psychic? I’ve been wanting to incorporate roots into the salve I make for 'da Misses for some time now. Very informative! How do you get such light amber GD? Mine is always green.


This particular batch came out quite amber. I’m pretty sure it’s because I made it from bud that I already ran through my bubble bags. It’s usually more green.


Figured try making some tincture tonight as i had a really sticky resin that was gonna have to be used in some form of liquid as it was just a mess other wise.

Worked it out that i wanted roughly what i smoke to be the same as two droppers worth of liquid just for initial testing purposes so i can play around with dosing assuming it will be somewhat linear “no idea”. I had to make two 25ml bottles worth to use up the amount of resin i had.

Tried my hand at decarboxylating it in an oil bath at 120-130c which supposedly you wait till the tiny bubbles more or less stopped which is a couple of minutes.

I then proceeded to add some alcohol back in, had some homemade 80% rum on hand, but wanted to dilute it, so was adding water back in after the alcohol and resin were mixed, but added too much and the resin and water dropped into suspension.

So just boiled the water and alcohol off, hopefully i didn’t over cook it too much and make it convert the thc to cbn and become too sedative. But added back in straight 80% after i i was back to resin.

So we ill see how it works out, im not brave enough to give it a go tonight after already having a puff and a rum, will probably try it tomorrow morning.


Well even with me figuring that two droppers full would be where i wanted, i had just one dropper full yesterday as testing and yeah… was like double the strength i wanted lol.

So they got diluted further today. Gonna try some shortly.


I almost expected that to happen. Something about the alcohol really increases the bioavailability of it. It’s a very efficient way to dose.


Yeah im gonna have to play around for a grams of resin vs ml of alcohol ratio that i like, as i want it dilute enough that you can lightly consume with 1-3 droppers full being a range of Comfortable and functional, to this is gonna be interesting… good thing its the weekend an i have nothing major i need to do lol. So we will see if i can get it in that range somewhat reliably as it just make more sense for me to go dilute and double or triple up depending on desired effect.

Plus i haven’t played with consumption through ingestion with frequency i think ever. Cookies and such were always the once in awhile thing, but from a health standpoint its the most beneficial and least harming so just need to tune ratios.


Generally I like 30 ml (one ounce) per gram to be one dropper as a dose. I would try 90-100 ml to get you where you want it.


Initial i had it worked out at 1.5g for 50ml which is damn close to your ratio. As i had 1.5g of a gooey resin i wanted to get rid of/use and my bottles were 25ml with the droppers being 0.7ml roughly or 36 doses per bottle.

But i diluted it down by half now just to play with, as its a bit easier to test whats that mid level i like.


Im making some now …but im using an ounce of bud to 6 ounces of everclear…the bud isnt very strong…does the tincture still follow the effectz like indica or sativa…i am using some calming bud because it tastes like shit and trying to make some sleep medicine without having to smoke it…its bad taste


And yet another two-bit outfit, trying to muscle in on @ReikoX’s thread.

This time its Forbes.


Who you calling twobit

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He’s saying it about Forbes and their tincture thread

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Sorry if this looked like a response to you sir, and yes, I was referring to Forbes.

Carry on with your plans, sorry for any mis-step.


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Relax guys…i was playing …feeling spry today…hope no hard feelings


Never know with internet people.

I always double back so nobody is guessing.




Its ok mass buddy…so can anyone elaborate on my post???.maybe take .25 ml an hour before bed…???more mls ???..i habe been having severe insomnia going on for weeks…i get a couple hours most every couple days…no matter how drained i am i pop back awake at 130 or 230…i want to sleep like a coma…but not green out