Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I think Manitoba is the only place in Canada that sells ever clear, it over a hundred a bottle, 170$ gets you a still on Amazon, make your own, I make 160 proof or 80% alcohol, 20$ for 4-5 liters. If you want to spend more on refining it, for drinking, you can, cut it or distill at a higher temp, which gives a lower alcohol content but more product. Then add your favorite flavour there are loads out there.

I don’t drink it, not really a hard liquor drinker. Just use it for making RSO.


Oregon has the 190 in most liquor stores - you have to ask for it, its behind the counter. Of course OR booze is twice the price of Ca booze…


@cannabissequoia I got it at my local alcohol shop. Only place in my city that even has the licenses to sell all types of alcohol too. Specifically the only one with a spirits license.

I’ve found some kosher 190 proof alcohol online for around 20 or so a gallon. I think the issue is delivering in Cali though.


:joy: So it’s an east-coast thang! :star_of_david:

:thinking: Maybe a local distillery has something behind the counter, to ask for, also. :wink:

I’d like to make RSO for eating and some smokeable hash oil, fwiw.

:evergreen_tree: :zzz:

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Please dont use ISO for eating or tincture. If you do use it, make sure it is purged well. I dont want my friends getting sick.

You can use lower proof alcohol, it just requires an extra step to make it into tincture.


Thanks. :blush: I thought that seemed rough.



I have some away to people for a gift the other day. That all loved it. It produced an extremely strong body high. A nice balanced euphoria that once it kicks in in full you get extremely high. Absolutely amazing and I’ll be making another bath some other time. For now it’s time to go easy on my edible making before I run out. As fun as they are restraint is a good thing.


Here’s to you @ReikoX🍻
Another successful recipe and some tasty watermelon pot leaf candy. Thank you


Sexy molds, you got a link for those?


And because hard candy


@OniTenshu is close. I got a 3 pack from Amazon. About 2ml each.

I need to work on my technique of filling them. I feel like I wasted a lot. No worries, what didn’t make it in the molds I put in a jar I like to call “chose your own adventure”.


I found you have to fill them partially. Leave some room for expansion and work fast once it’s at the correct temperature to pour/drop in or it won’t set right.

Do not boil the gelatin mix if making gummies. For anything with oil in it always use a little more gelatin and ideally no to little Jello mix. Don’t cold set. Let them cool naturally and don’t cover them.


I haven’t made hard candies or gummies but I have a mold similar to this for chocolate and I use a cheap pipette to fill them. If you do it on the stove, keep the chocolate a little warm, so it stays liquidy when filling and it is simple. I was using a dropper, but could never get enough into it and had to keep refilling the dropper to fill a cavity on the mold. Get a few sizes and figure outr before hand, with something the same viscosity before hand and you don’t even have to look as you fill (well at first to make sure you’re getting it in the right spot).


Figured I would poke my head around again, Hope everyone is good


Hey @STIGGY we are still kicking it around here.

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What’s up @STIGGY? Glad you came to join us on here on the sunny side. I think we may have crossed paths sometime, somewhere in forum land. You seem familiar. Welcome to OG. I am anxiously awaiting some grow shows from you. I have found OG to be a family of very talented craft growers that are interested in growing weed not egos. These people are generous and very compassionate towards their fellow OGers. I’m damn proud to be a part of it and I’m sure you will be too. Light one up, peruse a few threads and be sure and stop by the old Shitkicker Grow Shed and burn one with oleskool. Nuttn’ but love brother.



Where have you been hiding, how is the misses doing?


Hi Brother , Yep I am back Hope to be a helpful member here
Thanks For the warm welcome again


Oleschool nice to see you and meet you again, Im sure in a past life we were drinking buddies LOL


Shadey My Man, I was hiding out from that guy, You remember that guy LOL
Hope all has been well, My wife is doing very good with that last problem, she now has been told she has carpal tunnel and it’s bad. Nerve damage bad, needs surgical intervention. Both wrists .
Hope all has been well with you and yours. Has The Rat been around anywhere?