Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Thanks a lot! I was wondering about complete evaporation, just considered it unfeasible for a small amount just as a test (like 1 or 2ml of tincture). I have no idea how much resin stays in the end.

I was wondering how you apply it to smarties, because I thought of these

Turns out US smarties are very different :smiley:

Edit: blank pellets (used for homeopathy) might be a good option too. With the right size it could be one drop = one pellet which would allow very precise dosing.


Yes you cought it, what we call smarties are sugar candy, not chocolate. You could also use Pez.

@Psam shared it with us in this post here:


I happen to have some Green Dragon on hand, I think I’m going to give that a try.

Love this thread, thanks for all the info!


How far is the non decarb science? I was wondering if there is a difference in effect of indica and sativa without decarb. An activating but not intoxicating tincture would be great.


In my experience, the terpenes modulate this, so yes. There would be some difference between the two.


The candies I put them on have a small concave crater on them get yourself a small 1ml oral syringe I can put up to almost a 1/4 mil in each fill up the dent let it soak in them repeat if necessary takes about 20-30 Minutes to fully soak in .


I got pretty sleepy from dextrose candies with tincture. Not at all from just the tincture. I have been sleeping too little for a while, so it’s not bad, but I wonder if it will have the same effect on my patients. Have you experienced this?


There’s another concavity on the other side of the Smartie, too. Fill one side, let it dry then turn it over and fill the other side. Of course, if you make it too thick it will taste more like RSO than candy but it works well and is still tasty.


I find that the candies carry the characteristics of the strain like the GD. But, of course, if you’re tired already then even a full Sativa can knock you out. I have a bit of experience with them and also know of several others from all over the place who now swear by them. I have one friend who fixes up hundreds of them and passes them out at parties with great results.


I finally got around to making another batch of the roots and all cream and combining it with the holy anointing oil.

Works great, feels great, smells great! Smells like Christmas! Thanks again @ReikoX for another great recipe


It does smell like Christmas! :christmas_tree:
I have a batch now that I also threw in some CBD isolate. I’ve been using it on my bruised hind quarters. Works wonders!


Any advice on infusing caramel? I’ve found d tons of recipes for making it from scratch but I currently have an abundance of non infused that I would like to try infusing but wasnt sure on best route to go.


I’ve never worked with carmel, if it can be gently re-heated I would just use rosin. Heat it up and mix like crazy? Definitely report back and let us know what did or didn’t work.


Ok sweet, will give it a shot and let you guys know😁


If you use a wax/rosin/RSO of some type, dont forget to decarb it first. :+1::seedling:


I was thinking I’d like to make a (non-decarb) tincture from fresh herb to get the maximum of terpenes. But I’m wondering if wet flower would dilute the alcohol too much?

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Never used fresh herb, I think @OniTenshu may have some experience with that.

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The freezer will be what you want to use and trust me it won’t dilute it down enough to be a problem. The freezer will help keep the volatile compounds from evaporating away.

It’s worth the effort and time involved. Next post will be more detailed

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I’ve made caramels before. I just used Cana butter and they turned out great. Cana butter is super easy to make. It’s been many years but some caramel sounds really good!

I’m been thinking about making some Tootsie rolls. I heard you can melt them down, add green dragon, let them cool down and re roll them. Anybody have experience with those?


When you make the fresh frozen tincture ideally you want a freezer for cannabis infusions only as it’s best when you can get it to 0°f before adding the fresh herbs and that’s a little easier when it’s a freezer you can crank up or down as needed for your infusion. Also you won’t disturb the infusion as you grab food from the freezer if it’s in a separate one.

Now as for the steps it’s fairly simple for no decarb freezer tech. Just get the ethanol to 0f and when it’s at temperature cut the herbs ideally right before adding to the ethanol to retain as much as possible to almost create a live tincture :grin:

If you don’t have days to wait tossing them in together now will also work. Just make sure the chlorophyll isn’t leeching too heavily if you don’t want it. It’s medically beneficial I small amounts for arthritis and other inflammation issues though. The reason for the freezer Is to make sure that the terpenes, terpenoids, flavenes, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and any other compounds I’m blanking on RN that could possibly evaporate won’t have the ability to and if they do it’s trapped in the alcohol now. After 3 days it should all be at temperature and any waxes and lipids that you don’t want in the tincture taking up the solvent capacity of the ethanol should be solidified out on the walls. If you want to go even further you can refine the mix by freezing it again after straining the bud out if needed in a separate jar that’s not full of chlorophyll stuck to it’s walls.

Overall it’s a fairly straightforward process and if you like the taste of your bud already you will love the flavor of the tincture. You can do a second wash to grab all of the compounds on the jars and what’s left in the bud for a topical with isopropyl alcohol I the freezer as well. It’ll pull out some fun colors if there’s any hidden in the bud anywhere. ISO likes to pull tannins, so this tincture will be better for a topical purpose with it’s weaker strength anyways. You don’t need high doses for topicals :grin:

As for the topicals I’ll have to link them in a bit. Phone about dead and it’s Russian roulette as I type this😬